Vanity Blvd - Share My Pain

"You're so dead wrong"
In addition to having a great name, this group of Swedish women really rock out. Think a less poppy version of Sahara Hotnights, but still with really catchy songs. The influence is definitely 80's hair metal and groups like Heart at their heaviest. Share My Pain is a great track, regardless of the genre. It's got one of those great shout along choruses that should find its way into your head almost effortlessly. I'm always impressed when a band on an indie label can make music that sounds so big and polished.
Vanity Blvd - Share My Pain (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more for free here)

"You're so dead wrong"
In addition to having a great name, this group of Swedish women really rock out. Think a less poppy version of Sahara Hotnights, but still with really catchy songs. The influence is definitely 80's hair metal and groups like Heart at their heaviest. Share My Pain is a great track, regardless of the genre. It's got one of those great shout along choruses that should find its way into your head almost effortlessly. I'm always impressed when a band on an indie label can make music that sounds so big and polished.
Vanity Blvd - Share My Pain (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more for free here)
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