8. Whyte Seeds - Bold As Love
The best classically influenced rock album of the year, Bold As Love steals elements from the 60's, 70's and 80's and melds them into a surprisingly potent mix. The songs don't hit you over the head the very first listen, but their melodies quickly become inescapable. The verve of the band's performance guarantees that every track reaches its full potential, whether it's a dance rock hybrid or a gentle Beatles-esque ballad.
Album Track: Hungry - Opening the album with an undeniable riff, this was the song that sold me on the album. More than anything, it's the energy of the track that makes it so irresistible.
7. Linda Sundblad - Oh My God!
The female pop album of the year, hands down, belongs to this young Swede. Like all the best pop stars, Sundblad proves herself adept at a variety of styles, from Madonna-esque dance to more current spare, electronica-tinged tracks. Those waiting patiently for a new Robyn release could do worse than picking this up.
Album Track: Keeper - Note to Gwen and Fergie: This is how to do a hip-hop/dance/electronic/pop hybrid. Keeper is a strange little song that takes a few listens to appreciate fully, but unlike most disposable pop, it pulls you back in every time you hear it.
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