Below is a list of the current QPORIT Internet videos. Currently we are getting the best results from Google Video. They have the highest quality videos, and we are getting much more traffic on Google than on YouTube, and much more on YouTube than on Revver.
Google allows you to upload videos of any size and length, while YouTube restricts both size and length. The restriction on size means that only Google will accept .AVI files, and these have better resolution than compressed files. The restriction on length means that only Google will accept the VLOG on The Queen, because it is much too long and large for the other sites.
For videos posted on both sites, Google is providing several times more traffic than YouTube.
The only problem I've had with Google Video so far, is that the statistics page is not available almost once a week for most of the day. Also the total number of views shown alongside the film does not agree with the number posted in the statistics page.
Fragile -- Sonnet 65 (Shakespeare, Drama, Poetry)
Contradiction -- My Video Log Post for 2005-11-26 (Humor)
VLOG 2006-10-07 Penelope Cruz & Volver (Post)
VLOG 2006-09-29 The Queen (Post)
VLOG 2006-11-27 The Fall 2006 Season at Lincoln Center (Post)
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