5. Pleasure - Out Of Love
This is one of those rare songs where everything comes together completely perfectly and there’s nothing you can do but listen with awe. My god, the chorus is spectacular.
4. Laakso - Italy vs. Helsinki
A total left turn for Laakso, and the song that made me fall in love with them. There aren’t enough songs this day and age that are as overblown as this one. And the funny thing is, even in its unabashed cheesiness, it’s deeply beautiful.
3. Lil’ Chris - Gettin’ Enough?!?
I know, I know… technically this was late 2006, but I’ve got to include it anyway. It’s everything a teen rock song should be, and I never would have predicted that it would have made it this high on my countdown, but it’s just that good.
2. Superfamily - The Radio Expressed Concerns About What You Did Last Night
The longest title on here, and the most epic of dance rock tracks as well. If a song had the power to literally blow you into the air, this one would do it.
1. The Ark - Absolutely No Decorum
The Ark bottled everything amazing about all of their past songs and crammed it into their first single of 2007. It is stadium rock the way stadium rock was meant to sound. Absolutely, utterly flawless.
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