Neon Neon - I Lust You

"You and I get along famously"
I'm completely indebted (yet again) to Popjustice for introducing me to Neon Neon. They posted the stunning I Told Her On Alderaan, which I instantly loved, last week. Since then, I've had the opportunity to hear some of the group's other stuff, most of which is just as great. I Lust You, in particular, rides along on an ultra catchy (and simple) synth loop with cool, somewhat detached vocals that effortlessly recall bands like the Human League. The debut album, Stainless Style, is to be released worldwide next month and I'm super excited about it.
Neon Neon - I Lust You (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here!)
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