"I grow mental"
I am super, super impressed by the second album from Sweden's The Kid. Transient Blood, along with Black Kids' Partie Traumatic, is going to completely soundtrack my summer. It is a masterpiece (a term that Hybris, their label, seems to understand well--they also signed Juvelen). The vocals are like the perfect mash-up between Madonna, Kate Bush, Pat Benatar and Cyndi Lauper. Now how's that for a recommendation? Their current single, Transient Dance, is quite amazing, but Mayhem Troopers is the ultimate showstopper. When I first heard this neo-disco-stormer I was just blown away. It's like Abba for the twenty-first century mixed with Pat Benatar's Heartbreaker. These guys are absolutely unstoppable.
The Kid - Mayehm Troopers (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)
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