Judging from the amount of middle schoolers I see reading this book every time I'm at work, I can safely say Diary of a Wimpy Kid is the next big thing (as if it's not big already). And I can't think of any better series to bask in the glory that so few published books get to enjoy.
It's a novel in cartoons, which means that it's formatted like a novel but the ratio of text to cartoons is probably about three to two. Each book chronicles the middle school life of Greg Heffley, the "wimpy kid" of the title, and it's the rare series that definitely appeals to kids but is even better for older folks with a bit of nostalgia to put behind it.
I work in middle schools on a regular basis and there is something undeniably special and entertaining about that age. They are the funniest, coolest kids I know, doing their best at an extremely awkward age. And--I'm not ashamed to admit it--their sense of humor is more often than not my sense of humor. Many authors try to capture the feeling of these years but few really succeed in grasping and putting into words the rollicking randomness that is junior high. If you've read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie (and if you haven't, you MUST--it's one of the best books of the decade), then you'll be familiar with Wimpy Kid's particular brand of dry humor enhanced by perfectly simple comic strips. This series is obviously aimed at younger audiences than Part-Time Indian, but the humor easily transcends age brackets.
This is one of those kind of books that you can pick up at a Borders or Barnes & Noble, read through the first couple of pages, and be instantly hooked by the premise. I sure was. Quickly after, I devoured the first two (they can easily be read in a couple of hours) and now I'm more than anxious to get my hands on the third book in the series.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid started as a web comic and, through sheer force of its literary x-factor, became the sensation that it is now. Well deserved, to say the least. If you like coming-of-age and humor, than these books are a can't miss.
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