Friday, November 19, 2010

Doctor Who - Children In Need/A Christmas Carol Trailer

Children In Need only comes once a year and since 2005, Doctor Who's had something of a presence. We've had exclusive scenes, previews for Christmas specials and the odd concert here and there in the past but this year's edition with Matt and Karen giving a tea party to two lucky kids certainly took the biscuit - in a very good way of course.

Along with the scene, we also got a rather sumptious trailer for A Christmas Carol, the sixth Christmas special we've had since the show's return. Highlights include watching the Doctor descend from the chimney as Michael Gambom's character warned him that he wasn't the charitable sort. This is also a character who we see at three different points of his life whilst Katherine Jenkins plays one of his version lost love as well.

The most interesting thing about this trailer apart from Amy talking about time being rewritten was seeing her in her kissogram outfit along with Roman Rory (Arthur Darvill) once again. Amy and Rory are mostly seperated from the Doctor in this story as they have their own mission to keep everyone alive on a spaceship whilst enjoying their honeymoon.

Another noteworthy aspect of the special is that while it might look like another Victorian piece, it's not even set on Earth this year but it's certainly taking liberties with the novel that it's inspired from though. And with another 36 days to go, I for one are sure as hell anticipating this beauty all the freaking more. Oh and look out for those sharks in the trailer as well. I'm not sure what to make of them just yet.
A Christmas Carol Trailer:

A Christmas Carol airs on Christmas Day on BBC1.

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