Well, now that
A Christmas Carol is out of the way, massive thanks to BBC1 for airing the first official trailer to Series 6.
A future raggedy version of the Doctor (Matt Smith) is chained up by the government from the looks of it and he's recruited his current self and gang to help out with something that hasn't been specified yet - the Silents perhaps?

Now I bet there were a lot of male fans who'll be looking forward to seeing River Song (Alex Kingston) in the nude but what exactly causes her wardrobe malfuncition here? In the opening two parter, both her and Amy are affected by some strange markings and Amy learns something about the mystery woman she can't tell the Doctor.

The Doctor's on another planet, a period setting one and the mysterious Idris (Suranne Jones) is also there too. Doesn't she look radiant? If Idris turns out to be Romana (still thinking of that Gallifreyan clue from
The Brilliant Book), there are going to be a lot of pleased people this year. Either way, Neil Gaiman's episode looks unmissable.

Plus something must be going in order to bring the Ood back. This time, they're glowing green/yellow eyes and if the creepy dolls weren't enough for the Mark Gatiss episode, the Ood being back is definitely a worrying thing. Last time one of them showed up, the Doctor regenerated.

Rory (Arthur Darvill) seems to be coming more into his own as well if the trailer clips are anything to go by. There's rumours of a pregnancy plot for Series 6 flying about as well. Also I noticed in the trailer, the return of that other TARDIS from Series 5, so it's interesting that plot point is resurfacing again.

Also apart from the massive reveal that the Doctor is placing his life into Amy's hands, we don't exactly know who or what the Silence/Silents are but either way, Series 6 cannot come fast enough for this fan.
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