Saturday, May 21, 2011


Here are some real time comments. From later to earlier.

See below for the video of the show from NBC.


It started out amusing, and got funnier as it went on. It was not the funniest show ever, but it had energy throughout and it was very very good! JT is an amazing talent. (He was in nearly every sketch, and singing stuff too, with impressions...) I enjoyed it.

BARRY GIBB TALK SHOW -- They got the sound right. (w/ Jimmy Fallon)

LADY GAGA -- Music / dance moving tableauxs -- Really interesting stuff!

AD -- Bank of America -- "You can transfer funds between accounts." Wow! (Is that a joke?) (Remember the International Bank of Exchange... Now THAT's impressive banking.)

SECRET WORD -- Another ... silly, funny sketch.

LOVE TUNNEL -- LOVEly sketch.

QUIZ -- A funny sketch. JT's a good sport. Lady Gaga's good.

AD -- THE PLAYBOY CLUB -- Another movie ad! --- A few days ago I saw a TV doc about Hef. He did some terrific things.

WEEKEND UPDATE -- Great jokes. "The CAGE" not so much.

AD -- Justin Timberlake is in both BAD TEACHER and FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.

LADY GAGA -- What an outfit. Does it matter what she sings?

AD -- FRIGHT NIGHT. SNL movie commercials are better and better.

YA MAMA SAYS HI... DIGITAL MUSIC VIDEO -- Follows up on last week's Jack Sparrow with more and more visual & singing energy. ("The New Three's Company".)

TV WXPD NEWS REPORT -- Silly. Funny.

AD - FUJI FILM -- Got it the first time. Got it the first time.

LADY GAGA / CHROME -- Looks great.

GRAND OPENING -- Tea vs beer. "Exsqueeze me teabagger." + wine...

AD - FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS sounds really promising. ZOOKEEPER has possibilities.

MONOLOGUE -- NEET 3 PEECE! He's not gonna sing tonight, sings he.

COLD OPEN -- Good advice on the international financial situation... in jail. Better analysis than you get from the cable commentattering experts. And the basic jail experience too.

Here's clips from the show, from NBC:

Here's the famous skipped/deleted/avoided/censored/restricted Mozart sketch from the dress rehearsal that never made it into the show. I can think of a few reasons why it might not have been aired.

And here's Lady Gaga BORN THIS WAY:


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