"I got out and now I'm back here again"
2005 was one of those musical turning point years for me. I discovered Melody Club, The Mo, Bodies Without Organs, The Sounds, Surferosa, Don Juan Dracula, The Callahan, Moneybrother, the new and improved Robyn.... basically every amazing Scandinavian band other than The Ark (I knew about them earlier). It was an unparalleled year, though 2007 seems to be giving it a run for its money. The best thing about the past 12 months is that it's given us new albums from almost all of these musical saviors. We had Melody Club, The Ark and a Robyn rerelease, and I'm looking forward to the new BWO, solo stuff from the Mo guys, and, just this past week, a new one from Moneybrother. Moneybrother's disco-fied They're Building Walls Around Us was one of my favorite singles from 2005 and I'm happy to say he's back with some brilliant tunes this year. Guess Who's Gonna Get Some Tonight opens up his new album Mount Pleasure (sexual enough for you yet?) with an undeniable "bang." It's every bit as catchy as one of those High School Musical songs, yet given the Moneybrother treatment, both vocally and lyrically. A full review will likely be coming soon.
Moneybrother - Guess Who's Gonna Get Some Tonight (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)
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