Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Stresa: Mostra di Haiga alla palazzina Liberty
Sarà ospitata presso la Palazzina Liberty, dal 17 al 25 luglio con orari: lun-mar-mer-gio dalle 11.00 alle 21.00 e ven-sab-dom dalle 10.00 alle 20.00 la "Mostra di Haiga"
In Giappone ci sono splendide stagioni; le poesie brevi che ne descrivono in parole le meraviglie della natura si chiamano haiku. Haiga sono pitture ispirate agli haiku. Nell'haiga parole e
immagini, con elementi e colori diversi a seconda della stagione, si completano e si arricchiscono a vicenda per esprimere con semplicità e raffinatezza il cuore del poeta.
Ida Sumiko nasce nel 1927 a Nara, trascorre l'infanzia circondata dalla natura, con l'influenza del padre che le trasmette il suo amore per l'arte e la sua conoscenza della stessa. Dopo il matrimonio si prende cura della figlia e inizia a scrivere haiku.
Nel 1977 fonda l'associazione letteraria Kobushi, tuttora attiva, per lo studio dell'haiku. Dal 1970 si approccia allo studio dell'haiga con il maestro Yabumoto Sekiho.
Dopo il 1988 riceve diversi riconoscimenti e premi per le sue opere. Dal 1990 diventa maestra di haiga. Dal 1998 ogni due anni organizza una mostra con i suoi allievi.
Ha pubblicato tre libri di haiku e un volume di haiga. Ora vive e insegna a Osaka Sakai.
Ires Piemonte: Nel Vco i meno soddisfatti dalla vita
I residenti nel Vco promuovono i servizi, ma la maggioranza non è soddisfatta della propria vita. Il 50,3 del campione di residenti nel Vco (46 persone) intervistato dall'Ires Piemonte (istituto di ricerca socioeconomico cui aderiscono le province della regione) non è soddisfatto della propria vita. Nel sondaggio è l'unica provincia del Piemonte a non avere una maggioranza di soddisfatti (Alessandria e Vercelli con cifre sul 70 per cento sono i più "felici"). Una risposta che stride con
quelle date alle altre domande del questionario riguardo al giudizio dei servizi pubblici. Dove i residenti del Vco assegnano i voti tra i più alti. Segno che a dare la felicità è probabilmente la sfera privata.
Solo a Cuneo i servizi sanitari e quelli per il lavoro vengono giudicati meglio. Il Vco ha il minor numero di giudizi insufficienti dai cittadini in pubblica sicurezza, in servizi per gli anziani, in strutture per lo sport, in servizi ambientali, in servizi scolastici, in trasporti pubblici, in servizi per la prima infanzia e per i diversamente abili. Qualche malumore in più c'è per viabilità e parcheggi (problematici per il 52 per cento degli intervistati).
Le priorità degli intervistati sono per lavoro (35%) e sanità (32%). Il 50 per cento lo scorso anno ha avuto difficoltà economiche. Probabilmente buona parte di quel 50 per cento monoreddito o senza reddito (4,8%). Il 53% degli intervistati erano pensionati. E forse l'età è uno dei motivi del giudizio di insoddisfazione sulla propria vita? No, perché anche a Vercelli i pensionati intervistati sono stati la stessa percentuale. Infine quasi il 20 per cento degli intervistati vive in famiglie con un reddito inferiore ai mille euro al mese (il 37,5% non ha voluto rispondere alla domanda sul reddito).
Il 5,5 per cento rispetto a un anno fa ha una situazione economica familiare lievemente migliorata. Il 47,7 stabile, per il 45,6 è invece peggiorata.
Le aspettative tra dodici mesi sono di lieve miglioramento per l'11,6, di stazionarietà per il 59,5, di peggioramento lieve per il 21,1, di peggioramento netto per il 6,6.
I risultati del sondaggio sono stati forniti oggi pomeriggio nell'ambito del convegno promosso da Banca d'Italia, Ires e Comune di Verbania a Villa Giulia di Pallanza.
Il quadro degli indicatori economici designa una contrazione della produzione industriale (-15%) inferiore al dato regionale, ma il più alto crollo dell'export (-34%). Ma "sono gli indicatori occupazionali a rimarcare una grave situazione di crisi nel territorio provinciale". Anche se questi effetti non pesano sui dati 2009, dove col 5,1% il Vco ha avuto il tasso di disoccupazione più basso del Piemonte.
(di Andrea Dallapina VerbaniaNews)
Korean Actor Park Yong Ha Commits Suicide
32-years-old Korean actor and singer Park Yong Ha was found dead this morning in Seoul, South Korea.
Park Yong Ha reportedly died from hanging. He was found by his mother in his room at his Nonhyun-dong, Seoul, home with a cell phone cord around his neck at around 5:30 a.m.

Park debuted in Korea showbiz scene fifteen years ago in youth shows like KBS’s 1995 "Love Blossoms in the Classroom" and 1996's "Start". But his claim to fame is the 2002's "Winter Sonata", which made him a household name. He used that fame as a bridge to a successful singing career in Japan, where he enjoyed quite a lot of popularity. He had a successful drama hit in 2008's "One Air", and in 2009's "The Slingshot".
Track-by-Track: Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite

1. All The Lovers - The best-possible Kylie comeback single I could've hoped for. It's exactly the type of music I love from her. Shimmering and otherworldly, this is pure euphoria. Gorgeous. 10/10
2. Get Outta My Way - An obvious second single, and more uptempo and commercial than the opening track. Still, the melody is one of the strongest on the album (especially the chorus) and the production is suitably huge. 10/10
3. Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love) - Another highly commercial dance track, but not quite as strong as the last one. The chorus is catchy, for sure, but lacks the staying power of the last two tracks. Still, it sounds great played loud. 9/10
4. Closer - I didn't love this on first listen, but it's grown on me immensely. It's an odd little powder keg of a song, more a sonic vignette than a proper pop track. The hypnotic production is quite something. There's a great tension throughout. 9/10
5. Everything Is Beautiful - About as pop as pop gets, this is all about the melody -- and it's a good one. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a (very successful) single. It's got that polished sound to it. 9/10
6. Aphrodite - Completely different than anything else on the album, this hard, 90's-influenced dance track is pretty spectacular. The hook alone packs more of a punch than any of the other tracks. I can't help but think that this is the comeback single she should have released several years ago. 10/10
7. Illusion - One of the weaker tracks. The best part of it is the catchy synth hook that plays at the beginning and repeats throughout. The rest of it is pleasant, but slightly forgettable. 8/10
8. Better Than Today - A midtempo, new-wavey stomper that relies on a strong melody and a huge 80's influence. It's one of the best songs on the album and would make a terrific single choice. 10/10
9. Too Much - The last perfect song on here, it's a synth-heavy, aggressive track with shades of Calvin Harris (who worked on this) and several different melodies throughout. The chorus is slightly bonkers, but in the best way possible. Probably the most current-sounding song on here. 10/10
10. Cupid Boy - A hypnotic, high-pitched electro track. It's pretty throughout, but gets a little lost in the shuffle. I love how the chorus builds into a wall of synths, though. 8/10
11. Looking For An Angel - Opens with a string section, which carries on throughout the track. It's a very wistful, lush sound with vocals that hearken back to some of Minogue's 90's work. It's another song I didn't like so much at first, but I've really come around to. 9/10
12. Can't Beat This Feeling - Old-school, cheesy dancepop. It's certainly a reminder of where she started, though compared to the rest of the album it's slightly underwhelming as a closing track. I like the retro synths, but it's all a bit frantic. 7/10
Album Grade: 9.1/10
My Review of True Blood's 3x03: "It Hurts Me Too"

Directed by Michael Lehmann
Sookie: “They took someone I love from me. I don’t know about you but I was raised to fight back.”
Alcide: “Great. You’ll get us both killed.”
Ah, that Sookie Stackhouse. The girl really should come with a health warning but to be fair, while the girl can display some serious recklessness from time to time, I do admire the fact that she’s willing to get stuck in and try and rescue Bill and I don’t mean that from a shipping perspective.
Given that this season is clearly following the books, there’s no doubt that Sookie and Bill’s relationship is coming closer to imploding anyway and this episode certainly speeded up things. I’ve heard of twisted sex but trust this bloody show to be so literal about the damn thing.
Last week, we were treated to flashbacks with Eric and Godric and this week, it had to be with Bill and Lorena, didn’t it? I suppose seeing more into their past does help to give insight on the resentment harbours for Lorena over her obsession with him. Adding Caroline into the mix was also an interesting step.
Of course Bill would be one of those turned vampire who would go back to take a glimpse of his former life. Much as I hate Lorena, I always believed that she wasn’t kidding when she said doing such a thing would only cause pain. His visit to Caroline very nearly got her killed and Bill didn’t benefit from it either.
Caroline was shocked to see Bill but she was completely disgusted when she realised that he was a vampire. Having a demon there while she was struggling to bury their dead son certainly didn’t help Caroline’s frame of mind. Come to think of it, Lorena also catching a hold of her didn’t help matters either.
I was actually surprised that Lorena didn’t kill Caroline but settled for making Bill glamour his wife into forgetting their visit. Was that kindness on Lorena’s part or just preservation? Personally, I’d venture for the latter given that we know how desperate Lorena was to please Bill during their time together, a desperation that now is seeping through Bill.
He failed to get rid of her by setting her on fire, given that she survived the burning and when he vowed his allegiance to Russell, more trouble was to be had because Lorena did not believe that he was genuinely joining the team. Lorena’s got good reason to feel that way inclined though. Bill will just about do or say anything to keep Sookie safe and you don’t have to be a shipper to think that.
As for the sex scene between Lorena and Bill – he twisted her neck so he wouldn’t have to look at her during the act and she still got off on it? Lorena clearly has some bloody issues given how aggressively Bill was attacking her. Either that or Lorena will take satisfaction of Bill’s hatred towards her because it’s an indicator that he still feels something for her and that’s probably better than nothing.
Of course, Lorena is the least of Bill’s problems. Russell may have a charming banter and way about him but he’s someone that Bill will want to be very careful about going up against. Even Cooter seems to have a certain level of fear with Russell and I get the feeling that Bill may have to watch himself around that particular werewolf.
Speaking of werewolves, this episode was actually a rather perfect way to introduce Alcide into Sookie’s life. I’m slightly mixed about the character given his representation in the books, so I’m hoping that the series develops his story better, especially the dynamic with Sookie as well.
In the books, Alcide had a thing for Sookie and that’ll clearly make it’s way into the show but I liked for the most part that he was a little freaked out with her ability but admired her gumption in trying to get information at the were bar. It’s only too bad that Sookie’s snooping got the both of them the wrong kind of attention at the bar. Can Sookie not go five minutes without something or someone trying to kill her?
This episode started with a V crazed werewolf attacking Eric in her home and then nearly ended up with her as dinner for a few aggressive weres as well. If Sookie wants to find Bill, then she really does need to heed Eric’s advice about being careful. She doesn’t need to attract trouble when there’s plenty of it gunning for her anyways.
Russell using her life as a bargaining chip with Bill aside, I find that Franklin certainly has a direct approach with trying to get the goods on the girl. When Tara didn’t want to open up to him after their freaky sex, Franklin fond that little force with Jessica earned him some much needed information. I loved the little fang off between the pair of them and the glee Franklin took in showing Jessica the head of the guy she had killed a few nights before.
Franklin is finally an evil vampire on a smaller scale that we need and while I do love that he poses a threat, a part of me hated the fact that he was able to glamour Tara into inviting him into Sookie’s house. Tara’s barely been out of Maryann’s influence for less than a week and already she’s under the thrall of Franklin. The poor girl really can’t catch a break, can she?
Speaking of breaks, Sam really should consider cutting his family loose and sooner rather than later. Maybe Melina is a decent person underneath but Joe Lee is an alcoholic scumbag and Tommy certainly showed no remorse for trying to kill Sam. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it had been him who broke into Sam’s office and stole from him as well. Sam needs to cut this lot out of his life before they really do bleed him dry because that certainly looks like what they intend to do to him.
As for Jason, I like the fact that he wants to become a cop and do something good with his life but he really should’ve made an effort when Hoyt was trying to help memorise vital rules from the book for his exam. Jason will probably achieve the goal anyways given that he and Andy are closer now but it would be nice if he did apply himself instead of trying to wing it as well.
Also in “It Hurts Me Too”
No new names were added into the opening credits for this episode, even though Alcide did debut in this episode.
Russell (to Bill, re Talbot): “Really, it’s like Armageddon in here every time someone chips a dessert glass.”
When he wasn’t giving Sookie good advice, Eric did try to buy Lafayette with a flashy new car. Lafayette wisely expressed some reservations with Eric’s gift.
Tara: “Go ahead; bite me, fucking do it. What the hell? I said you could bite me.”
Franklin: “No.”
Tara: “Why not?”
Franklin: “Because you want me to.”
Pam: “So, the problem you have is there is no dead body in your house?”
Jessica: “Yeah.”
Pam: “Doesn’t sound like a problem to me, gotta run. Babies, they all sound the same to me.”
Yvetta’s a lucky girl, isn’t it? First, the bondage sex with Eric and now some office time with Pam. I hope she’s got health insurance.
Lorena: “This is your doing I assume.”
Bill: “Unhand her, she’s my wife.”
Caroline here was played by Shannon Lucio and halfway through the episode, Bud actually quit when Jessica’s victim’s body was found by Hoyt. And why did Arlene have to lie to Terry about him being the father of her baby?
Jason: “I know what you’re thinking but I’ve got a lot on my mind lately.”
Lafayette: “That must feel now.”
Alcide: “I hear you read minds, is that true?”
Sookie: “Yes it is.”
Alcide: “Son of a bitch.”
Alcide was hired by Eric to protect Sookie due to his father’s debts. We also learned that his ex Debbie is engaged to the pack leader as well. I’m not looking forward to Debbie’s arrival on the show to be honest.
Caroline: “If you can kill me, please I beg you, do it now.”
Lorena (to Bill): “Make her forget. You brought this upon her, you must undo it.”
Jason: “You seem okay, are you okay?”
Tara: “I’m getting there, little by little.”
It was a nice thing of Sookie to arrange Eggs’s funeral for Tara. I’m glad the both of them patched things up this week.
Sookie: “We’re not dressed properly?”
Werewolf: “You look like dinner.”
Standout music: “It Hurts Me Too” by Gaye Adegbalola.
Bill (to Lorena): “We can never love humans without bringing suffering upon them. You taught me that and I will never forgive you for it.”
Chronology: Exactly from where “Beautifully Broken” left off.
I didn’t like “It Hurts Me Too” as much as I’ve loved past episodes. Something was a little off with, even though with an average episode of this show, you’re still never bored because there’s always a lot happening so you can’t be.
Rating: 7 out of 10.
Rant #288: Monkee See, Monkee Do

Well, here is another day with not much to rant about. The previous situation with my medical records remains unresolved, and the only other thing that I can rant about is my family's washer/dryer, which appears to have died an untimely death yesterday.
No, not much to write about, so I figured I would promote another one of my blogs that you might not be familiar with.
I was an original fan of the Monkees way back in 1966, and my fascination with them exists to this day. I have all of their American-produced records, and numerous foreign releases too. I guess I just can't get enough of the Pre-Fab Four.
But there are a finite number of releases that they put out on the label that was basically custom designed for them.
Colgems Records, a subsidiary of RCA and with a name that was sort of a conjunction between Columbia and Screen Gems, was best known as the Monkees' record label, but lo and behold, there are numerous other artists that recorded for that label, such as Sally Field (as The Flying Nun), Sajid Khan, Rich Little, and Quincy Jones.
So, as I got older, since I had all the Monkees stuff already, I figured I would investigate the other artists on this label. I was able to secure many of the 45s and albums that were produced on Colgems from 1966-1971--including a lot of soundtracks, which next to the Monkees, was the label's bread and butter--and a few years back, I started The Colgems Blog, which you can access at
Sure, the Monkees were the moneymakers on this label, but there were many, many fine recordings that had the Colgems name on it. In addition to the above named performers, other lesser lights, including The Hung Jury and P.K. Limited, called Colgems home.
The label even tried to morph the Monkees, country style, with the Lewis and Clarke Expedition, which included the artist later known as Michael Martin Murphey of "Wildfire" fame.
Yes, this was an interesting label with an interesting array of artists. And that is what the blog is all about.
I have posted everything on the label, less two Monkees albums that I hope to post over the next two months.
Much of the material has never been on CD, and it is hard to figure out who owns the rights to much of the music. But over the past few years, it could be accessed via my blog.
I have also had some of the artists contact me. No one has objected to the blog, they have only applauded it, so I am happy about that.
So, please, visit it on a lazy summer day like today.
And I promise that I won't write about my blogs again any time soon, because frankly, I have run out of blogs to write about.
2010 MMFFP Official Entries
The Selection Committee of the Metro Manila Film Festival-Philippines (MMFFP) has announced the eight official entries for this year's annual filmfest.

The list, which was revealed yesterday, June 29, at Club Filipino in Greenhills, consists of the following:
Ang Agimat ni Enteng, comedy, action, fantasy by M-Zet/GMA Films/Octo Arts Films/Imus Productions/APT Productions. Starring Vic Sotto and Sen. Bong Revilla, Jr.
Ang Tanging Ina Mo Rin (Last na To!), comedy by ABS-CBN Film Productions/Star Cinema. Starring Ai-Ai delas Alas.
Dalaw, suspense thriller, Cine Media
Rosario, drama-filmbio by Cinema Buhay. Starring Dennis Trillo, Jennylyn Mercado, and Mark Anthony Fernandez.
Father Jejemon, drama comedy by RVQ Productions. Starring Dolphy.
RPG, an animation film, by ABS-CBN Film Productions/Ambient Media
Shake, Rattle and Roll XII, horror suspense by Regal Entertainment. All star-cast.
Super Inday and the Magic Bibe, comedy/fantasy by Regal Entertainment. Starring Marian Rivera.
A ninth entry was also named, Ana Salamangka from Reality Entertainment. According to the MMFFP officials, the said film will automatically qualify as the eighth official entry should any of the official entries encounter a problem in terms of meeting the deadline and others.
The 2010 Metro Manila Film Festival-Philippines will run from December 25, 2010 to January 7, 2011.
On Air: Le vostre lettere inviate a Stresa 2.0
0 : 0 (zero a zero) di Piervalle
Così è finito l’incontro, un poco atteso, tra i banchi del Consiglio , in palio la convenzione Principe Pallavicino. Iniziato con la sofferenza ( per la maggioranza) di dover ascoltare tutte le dodici pagine di proposta, lette una per una dal Capo gruppo Vecchi, sembrava la lettura di una sentenza di condanna. L’incontro è andato poi in crescendo con scambi ravvicinati tra il relatore (Piervalle) ed il
Sindaco, in carica, vittima un poco il regolamento del Consiglio, ma forse ne valeva anche la pena. Mai sopra le righe, sempre sul tema, mai sgarri alle persone , ma botte e risposte non sono mancate. Verso la fine un mezzo colpo di scena, autori Bottini e il Professor Galli: chiedono il non voto ed il ritiro sino a quando non si conosceranno i costi di progetto. Consultazioni in aula, la minoranza dice no al ritiro, ma chiede la sospensione dell’esame e la ripresa ad altra data quando si conoscerà il progetto. Si vota e tutti sono unanimi: pareggio senza gol. Comunque la prima non sconfitta del governo ombra.
Così è finito l’incontro, un poco atteso, tra i banchi del Consiglio , in palio la convenzione Principe Pallavicino. Iniziato con la sofferenza ( per la maggioranza) di dover ascoltare tutte le dodici pagine di proposta, lette una per una dal Capo gruppo Vecchi, sembrava la lettura di una sentenza di condanna. L’incontro è andato poi in crescendo con scambi ravvicinati tra il relatore (Piervalle) ed il
Sindaco, in carica, vittima un poco il regolamento del Consiglio, ma forse ne valeva anche la pena. Mai sopra le righe, sempre sul tema, mai sgarri alle persone , ma botte e risposte non sono mancate. Verso la fine un mezzo colpo di scena, autori Bottini e il Professor Galli: chiedono il non voto ed il ritiro sino a quando non si conosceranno i costi di progetto. Consultazioni in aula, la minoranza dice no al ritiro, ma chiede la sospensione dell’esame e la ripresa ad altra data quando si conoscerà il progetto. Si vota e tutti sono unanimi: pareggio senza gol. Comunque la prima non sconfitta del governo ombra.
Videos to Watch: President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III Inauguration Performances
Lupang Hinirang - Charice
Bagong Pilipinas - All Star
Si Noynoy, Hindi Ka Nag-iisa - Ogie Alcasid, Regine Velasquez and Kundirana
You Raised Me Up - Christian Bautista
Minamahal Kong Bayan - APO Hiking Society
Bayan Ko - Philippine Madrigal Singers
Bagong Pilipinas - All Star
Si Noynoy, Hindi Ka Nag-iisa - Ogie Alcasid, Regine Velasquez and Kundirana
You Raised Me Up - Christian Bautista
Minamahal Kong Bayan - APO Hiking Society
Bayan Ko - Philippine Madrigal Singers
Celebrity Scene Stealers at the Noynoy Aquino Inauguration
As expected, with Kris Aquino as his sister, President Noynoy's Aquino's inauguration as the country's 15ht President, become another venue for a glamorous event of Philippine showbiz' who's who.

Very visible on the main stage were Kristina Bernadette Aquino-Yap (Kris) who was wearing a yellow Filipiniana gown designed by Randy Ortiz. Seated near Kris were Batangas Governor Vilma Santos and Senator Ralph Recto with son Ryan Christian; Sharon Cuneta in a black terno with husband Sen. Kiko Pangilinan and daughters Frankie, Miel and KC Concepcion in a white gown. Bing Loyzaga was spotted beside Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski.
Most celebrity supporters of P-Noy who occupied the upper seats of the stands were Richard Gomez and wife, Leyte's 4th District Represenative Lucy Torres-Gomez, Cesar Montano and wife Sunshine Cruz, Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera.
Former President and action star Joseph Estrada who placed 2nd to Noynoy in the Presidential election was also there. He was seated beside former President Fidel V. Ramos, who was seated on P-Noy's left side.
At 10:46 A.M., international pop singer Charice Pempengco sang the National Anthem, which was followed by the Ecumenical Invocation.
Singer-composer Jim Paredes and popular fictional character Juana Change served as hosts. The Philippine Madrigal Singers rendered "Bayan Ko," then maestro Ryan Cayabyab conducted his piece "Sasabihin Mo Ikaw ay Pilipino" with PhilHarmonic Orchestra.
APO Hiking Society also had a one-time stage reunion to sing "Minamahal Kong Bayan." Next was Christian Bautista, who did the a capella version of Josh Groban's "You Raised Me Up." The latter performed due to the impromptu request of the Presidential Committee, which made sure that the huge crowd would be entertained before noon, the time set for the oath-taking of the President.
Ogie Alcasid performed "Si Noynoy," followed by the heartfelt rendition of "Hindi Ka Nag-iisa" by Regine Velasquez. Afterwards, an ensemble of singers—including Ogie, Regine, Christian, Gary Valenciano, Nina, Jed Madela, Jim paredes, Gail Blanco, Noel Cabangon, and many more, together with Kundirana—sang "Bagong Pilipinas." The three songs were all composed by Ogie.
It was Noel Cabangon who had the people standing, cheering, and humming with his nationalistic pieces—"Tungo sa Pagbabago, Para sa Pagbabago," "Ako'y Isang Mabuting Pilipino," and "Kanlungan."
ABS-CBN bigwigs were there also present in the event. Those sighted were ABS-CBN President Charo Santos-Concio, SVP Cory Vidanes, TV executive Deo Endrinal and Freddie M. Garcia.
Kris' "Tayong Dalawa" co-stars Kim Chiu and Coco Martin also witnessed the event. Agot Isidro, Mylene Dizon and Cherry Pie Picache were also among the attendees.
Other star attendees were actor-turned-Senator Tito Sotto and actress turned Congresswoman Lani Mercado.
StarStudio 1st Celebrity Style Awards 2010 Nominees
In its aim to pay tribute to the dedication and creativity of celebrities in the fields of television, music, and fashion who never fail to stand out with their sense of fashion both on and off cam, Star Studio Magazine, in partnership with the Velvet channel and Metro Magazine, launches the 1st Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards, in a gathering held at the Dusit Thani Hotel in Makati last June 29.

Here's the complete list of nominees for Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards 2010:
Celebrity Awards Categories
Celebrity Style Icon - Female
Gretchen Barretto
Agot Isidro
Angel Aquino
Lucy Torres-Gomez
Judy Ann Santos
Cherie Gil
Celebrity Style Icon – Male
Richard Gomez
Piolo Pascual
Edu Manzano
Ely Buendia
Aga Muhlach
Albert Martinez
Cesar Montano
Red Carpet Style – Female
Gretchen Barretto
Anne Curtis
Kim Chiu
Lucy Torres-Gomez
Marian Rivera
Ruffa Gutierrez
Red Carpet Style – Male
Derek Ramsay
Diether Ocampo
Dingdong Dantes
Gerald Anderson
Luis Manzano
Piolo Pascual
Special Award Category
Belo Body Award
Piolo Pascual
Sarah Geronimo
Bea Alonzo
Anne Curtis
Sam Milby
People's Choice Categories
Most Stylish Kontrabida
Agot Isidro (Tayong Dalawa)
Angelica Panganiban (Rubi)
Isabel Oli (Full House)
Jean Garcia (Stairway to Heaven)
Mylene Dizon (Tanging Yaman)
Most Stylish Leading Man
Derek Ramsay
Diether Ocampo
Jericho Rosales
John Lloyd Cruz
Piolo Pascual
Most Stylish Leading Lady
Anne Curtis
Heart Evangelista
Judy Ann Santos
Kim Chiu
Rhian Ramos
Most Stylish Comedian
Ariel & Maverick
John Lapuz
Sam YG
Vhong Navarro
Vice Ganda
Most Stylish Comedienne
Ai Ai delas Alas
Rufa Mae Quinto
Toni Gonzaga
Tuesday Vargas
Most Stylish TV Host – Female
Angel Aquino
Daphne Osena-Paez
Lucy Torres-Gomez
Ruffa Gutierrez
Teresa Herrera
Most Stylish TV Host – Male
Edu Manzano
Luis Manzano
Marc Nelson
Raymond Gutierrez
Tim Yap
Most Stylish Live Performer – Female
Kuh Ledesma
Regine Velasquez
Sarah Geronimo
Toni Gonzaga
Zsa Zsa Padilla
Most Stylish Live Performer – Male
Richard Poon
Rico Blanco
Gary Valenciano
Billy Crawford
Jericho Rosales
Winners for People's Choice will be based on public voting via texting. The voting period for the People’s Choice Awards will be from 12nn of July 7 to 12nn of September 3.
The 1st Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards is set to culminate in a glittering and glamorous awards night and fashion show come October 5.
Cercasi attori, comparse ed auto pre 1995 per il film "Quando la notte" della Comencini
In relazione al film "Quando la notte" di Cristina Comencini, prodotto dalla Cattleya, si stanno cercando comparse ed attori adulti di ogni eta', in particolar modo bambini maschi tra 2 e i 4 anni e bambini maschi e femmine tra i 6 e i 9 anni residenti nella zona del Verbano. Il casting si terrà venerdi' 2 luglio 2010 presso il Palazzo di Citta' in Piazza Garibaldi 2 a Pallanza -Verbania. I candidati dovranno presentarsi con la fotocopia di carta d'identita' e codice fiscale all'interno della fascia oraria 10.00-13.00 e 14.30-18.00. Giovedi' 1 luglio il casting verra' invece
effettuato presso la Kongresshaus di Macugnaga con orario dalle 10.00 alle 18.00 con le stesse modalita'.
L'impegno lavorativo di ogni comparsa sul set puo' essere anche di un solo giorno ed e' prevista una retribuzione.
Le riprese inzieranno verso fine agosto a Macugnaga, protagonisti saranno Claudia Pandolfi e Filippo Timi.
Chi non potesse presentarsi alle selezioni puo' inviare foto recenti e ben visibili, curriculum con dati anagrafici, recapito telefonico, residenza, altezza e taglia, note biografiche (attivita' svolta, sport..) e se possibile scansione di carta d'identita' e codice fiscale all'indirizzo:
Parte del film e' ambientato nel 1995, chi avesse automobili immatricolate negli anni precedenti puo' segnalarlo inviando una mail allo stesso indirizzo indicando un recapito telefonico, il modello e l'anno.
effettuato presso la Kongresshaus di Macugnaga con orario dalle 10.00 alle 18.00 con le stesse modalita'.
L'impegno lavorativo di ogni comparsa sul set puo' essere anche di un solo giorno ed e' prevista una retribuzione.
Le riprese inzieranno verso fine agosto a Macugnaga, protagonisti saranno Claudia Pandolfi e Filippo Timi.
Chi non potesse presentarsi alle selezioni puo' inviare foto recenti e ben visibili, curriculum con dati anagrafici, recapito telefonico, residenza, altezza e taglia, note biografiche (attivita' svolta, sport..) e se possibile scansione di carta d'identita' e codice fiscale all'indirizzo:
Parte del film e' ambientato nel 1995, chi avesse automobili immatricolate negli anni precedenti puo' segnalarlo inviando una mail allo stesso indirizzo indicando un recapito telefonico, il modello e l'anno.
Star Studio Magazine Launches the 1st Celebrity Style Awards 2010
Star Studio Magazine, the best in entertainment style and lifestyle magazine, highlights its 10th year milestone by mounting the first ever Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards.
In partnership with the Velvet channel and Metro Magazine, the Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards pays tribute to the dedication and creativity of Filipino "style ambassadors" in the field of music, film, television, and fashion – celebrities who never fail to stand out by making the most out of life and look good doing it.

Hosted by singer and TV host Marc Abaya, the launch event of the Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards held on June 29 at Dusit Thani Manila, Makati City announced the list of nominees for the different award categories.
Being the very first awards show mounted by the magazine, the Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards selected its nominees via a thorough selection process. The Star Studio editorial team collated entries for each category based on a specific style criteria. To complete the process, a formidable "Style Council" comprised of an exclusive group of experts from different style and fashion related industries, deliberated and decided on the final five nominees per category.
The Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards categories are divided into three types: People’s Choice Awards, Technical Awards and Celebrity Awards. A second style council will be convened to decide on the winners for both Technical and Celebrity Awards categories, while the winners for People’s Choice will be based on public voting via texting. The voting period for the People’s Choice Awards will be from 12nn of July 7 to 12nn of September 3.
Criteria for each category are:
Celebrity Awards Categories
Celebrity Style Icon – Male and Female
• The celebrity has consistently showcased an impeccable sense of style in the period of January 2009 and April 2010.
• The celebrity’s personal sense of style is classic, tasteful and well-defined.
• The celebrity possesses the ability to carry any outfit, regardless of brand, with confidence.
• The celebrity’s style has the potential to be iconic and emulated by others.
Red Carpet Style – Male and Female
• The celebrity has consistently appeared wearing stylish and stunning outfits at red carpet events between January 2009 and April 2010.
• The celebrity’s red carpet outfit should have been high-impact and reflects their personal sense of style.
• The celebrity consistently appears in outfits that are appropriate for the event that they are attending.
• The celebrity should consistently be able to carry the look with confidence and style.
People’s Choice Categories
Most Stylish Kontrabida
• She should have played the role between January 2009 and April 2010.
• She looks good even when they’re bad.
• Possesses an admirable sense of style.
• Ability to attract and inspire admiration, even if their characters aren’t liked.
• Has the potential to be iconic and unforgettable.
Most Stylish Leading Man and Leading Lady
• They are based on their top 10 looks from January 2009 - April 2010.
• Must have played a lead role in TV and movie during the time period.
• Looks stylish, both on and off camera.
• Reflects a personal sense of style.
• Carries herself well, whether styled by others or self-styled.
Most Stylish Comedian and Comedienne
• These are based on their top 3 looks from January 2009 - April 2010.
• Looks stylish, both on and off camera.
• Reflects a personal sense of style.
• Carries herself well, whether styled by others or self-styled.
• Stylish in and out of character, with or without costume.
Most Stylish TV Host – Male and Female
• These are based on their best looks from shows from January 2009 – April 2010.
• Looks stylish, both on and off camera.
• Reflects a personal sense of style.
• Carries herself well, whether styled by others or self-styled.
Most Stylish Live Performer – Male and Female
• These are based on their top 3 looks from January 2009 - April 2010.
• Consistently stylish during live performances.
• Exudes personal flair and presents a look that is unique to them.
The style council is composed of:
Jose Javier Reyes - Multi-awarded director and movie writer.
Rajo Laurel – respected and highly celebrated fashion designer in the Philippines.
Robby Carmona – renowned fashion and event director.
Sarah Meier - Swiss supermodel turned VJ.
Raymund Isaac – bad boy of Philippine photography.
Raul Manzano – Editor-in-Chief of Metro Magazine.
Tinna Bonifacio – Associate Editor of Star Studio Magazine.
Celebrity presenters during the event were TV host/actress Carmen Soo and her Wowowee co-host model Kelly Misa. They were joined by designers John Herrera and Avel Bacudio in announcing this year’s nominees. Goodlooking balladeer Richard Poon also prepared a couple of songs to serenade the crowd.
Aside from the presentation of nominees, the launch party of the Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards also featured the "Wall of Stars" exhibit, where photos of celebrities from various fields come together to show that "sharing, caring and giving back to the community is always in style." Photographed by Niccolo Cosme, the Wall of Stars exhibit is in support of Sagip Kapamilya and Kapit Bisig Para sa Ilog Pasig Foundation.
The Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards is set to culminate in a glittering and glamorous awards night and fashion show come October 5.
Stresa: Il gotha bancario riunito in un summit al Des Iles Borromees
Ospiti d’eccellenza fino al 2 luglio al Grand Hotel Des Iles Borromees, dove per un incontro privato organizzato dalla Ditchley Foundation americana sono attesi tra gli altri il governatore della Banca d'Italia Mario Draghi, il presidente della repubblica Ceca Vaclav Klaus, il governatore della Banca del Messico Agustin Carstens, esponenti del governo turco e americano. Annunciata la presenza del consigliere delegato di Intesa San Paolo Corrado Passera.
Stresa: Tutto è pronto per la serata finale di "Miss Stresa 2010"
E' tutto pronto per l'edizione 2010 di Miss Stresa si svolgerà in Piazza Cadorna giovedì 8 luglio alle ore 21.30. La sfilata è organizzata dall'Associazione Turistica Pro Loco di Stresa con il patrocinio dell'Amministrazione Comunale ed il sostegno di molte attività commerciali. Oltre all'incoronazione della reginetta Miss Stresa 2010 verranno anche assegnate le seguenti fasce: Miss Mottarone, Miss Acqua di Stresa, Miss Sorriso Isola Bella, Miss Giemme e Miss Fiat Astra Arona.
Le partecipanti sono le seguenti:
- Logo MissStresa2010™ - PieroCrespi® -
Le partecipanti sono le seguenti:
In bocca al lupo a tutte le aspiranti miss.
- Logo MissStresa2010™ - PieroCrespi® -
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Star Studio 10th Year Anniversary and 1st Celebrity Style Awards Launch - Photos
Showbiznest joined the Star Studio Magazine 10th year anniversary celebration and witnessed the unveiling of nominees for the first ever Star Studio Celebrity Style Awards held at Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati on June 29. See pictures of the event here:
1st MTRCB Movie Awards – 2010 Winners

Best Drama Film:
Best Comedy Film:
Last Supper No. 3
Best Action-Fantasy Film:
Ang Panday
Best Actress:
Vilma Santos (In My Life)
Best Actor (tie):
Alfred Vargas and Lou Veloso (Colorum)
Best Supporting Actress:
Maria Isabel Lopez (Kinatay)
Best Supporting Actor:
John Lloyd Cruz (In My Life)
Best Director:
Raymond Red (Himpapawid)
Best Screenplay:
Raymond Red (Himpapawid)
Just This Last Two Weeks, I Learned
For months, no bills were paid,
And cash from payments was mislaid.
I fixed or followed up these flaws
That threaten to undo us all.
The electricity almost went out.
The gas, the water, and what about
The sewage and the garbage? Late,
And the repairmen have had to wait.
Tomorrow, I see you at two.
To show you what you need to do.
You get paid, and we do precision
Because you cannot make decisions.
Okay, I vented. And, Dear Readers, how are you?
And cash from payments was mislaid.
I fixed or followed up these flaws
That threaten to undo us all.
The electricity almost went out.
The gas, the water, and what about
The sewage and the garbage? Late,
And the repairmen have had to wait.
Piled paper covers my dining table.
Because each owner is unable
To discover what they owe.
And you stop me when I try to know.
Tomorrow, I see you at two.
To show you what you need to do.
You get paid, and we do precision
Because you cannot make decisions.
I'm tired of coaxing, training, reminding
And fixing the mistakes I'm finding.
It overflows my coffee cup
And I'm not yelling. I wrote you up.--
Okay, I vented. And, Dear Readers, how are you?
Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite

"Can you feel me in stereo?"
As a prelude to my track-by-track review of Kylie's new album tomorrow, I'm going to highlight one of my favorite songs from Aphrodite. It just so happens to be the title track, a self-power anthem with one hell of a chest-beating chorus. It was my instant favorite when I first heard the album megamix, and really sounds like nothing else on Aphrodite. I wanna be able to say I know exactly what works here, but it's really everything combined that makes this a standout. The production is flawless -- a true Stuart Price masterpiece. From the staccato, Rhythm Nation-esque drums to the layers of synth that bubble up unexpectedly throughout, the instrumental would be impressive on its own. Add to that a melody to die for and an aggressive, playful vocal from Minogue, and you've got one of 2010's best pop songs. It's always a letdown when it ends.
Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
España VS Portugal en vivo - 29 junio

No te pierdas el partidazo entre España VS Portugal en vivo a la 1:30 pm por ATV. El equipo ganador jugará con paraguay que ya está en cuartos de Final tras vencer a su par Japón.
Paraguay vence Japon y pasa a Cuartos de Final

Grata sorpresa para los paraguayos y latinos, que por primera vez en la historia, Paraguay llega a cuartos de final, tras finalizar el partido igualado en cero, y vencer en la ronda de penales a Japón por 5-3.
Stresa: Tornano alla Verbanella le magiche atmosfere di New Orleans
A grande richiesta tornano le magiche atmosfere di New Orleans con la serata dixie e il repertorio jazz anni '20,'30 e '40. La formazione sarà ancora una volta composta da Luca Siriani (banjo), Claudio Nisi (tuba), Danilo Moccia (trombone), Carlo Bagnoli (soprano & baritone sax) e dall’immancabile Lalo Conversano (tromba) che dopo aver accumulato un’eperinza più che ventennale in America , dove ha collaborato con i migliori maestri e appreso conoscenze di tutti i tipi di musica, è tornato in Italia mettendo a frutto la sua estrema versatilità e diventando il punto fisso dei
Giovedì alla Verbanella.
Per info: Caffè Bar La Verbanella 0323/30212.
Giovedì alla Verbanella.
Per info: Caffè Bar La Verbanella 0323/30212.
Concerti Ciani Stresa: Mercoledì recital del pianista Giulio Biddau
Mercoledì 30 giugno alle 21.30 con ingresso gratuito, per il XXI anno dei Festival Internazionali dell'Associazione Musicale Dino Ciani al Grand Hotel Regina Palace di Stresa si esibisce il pianista Giulio Biddau.
J. Haydn
Andante con variazioni in
Fa minore Hob XVII:6
R. Schumann
3 Romanze op. 28
J. Brahms
Sonata op. 5
Allegro maestoso
Andante espressivo
Allegro energico
Andante molto
Allegro moderato ma rubato
Giulio BIDDAU, pianista, nato a Cagliari nel 1985, ha intrapreso a dodici anni lo studio del pianoforte con Arlette Giangrandi Eggmann, diplomandosi col massimo dei voti, la lode e la menzione speciale al Conservatorio di Cagliari. Parallelamente ha frequentato l'Accademia Ducale a Genova con B. Petrushansky. Conseguito col massimo dei voti il diploma di maturità classica, ha proseguito i suoi studi pianistici a Parigi sotto la guida di Jean Marc Luisada all'École Normale de Musique "A. Cortot", dove ha conseguito il Diplome supérieur de Concertiste. In seguito si è perfezionato con Sergio Perticaroli all'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, dove si è recentemente diplomato con la lode. Numerosi masterclass, fra cui A. Ciccolini, P. Badura-Skoda, J. Rouvier, M. Moretti, P.L Aimard.
Giovanissimo si è messo in luce in numerosi concorsi nazionali, vincendo i primi premi al "Bach" di Sestri Levante, a Cesenatico, a Castiglion Fiorentino.
Nel 2001 ha esordito con l'orchestra, vincendo il secondo premio al Young Pianist International Competition di Stoccolma. Nel 2008 il Terzo Premio al Concorso Internazionale E. Porrino. Nel settembre 2009 ha vinto il primo premio al Concorso Les Nuits Pianistiques - Lauréats SPEDIDAM a Aix-en-Provence.
Ha tenuto numerosi concerti, suonando fra l'altro per l'Accademia di Santa Cecilia, al Festival Internazionale di Stresa dell'Associazione Musicale Dino Ciani, al Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, al festival "Dino Ciani" a Cortina, alla Fondazione "W. Walton" di Ischia, alla Salle Cortot e al Consolato Italiano di Parigi, a Pontoise, a Nancy (Nancyphonies), e poi in Slovenia, Austria , Svezia (Berwardhallen a Stoccolma e Istituto Italiano di cultura), etc.
Recentemente si è esibito al Grand Theatre de Provence a Aix-en-Provence con l'Orchestre Nationale de Montpellier sotto la direzione di Lawrence Foster.
Suona in duo con la violinista Anna Tifu.
Emissioni per la televisione giapponese NHK con il primo concerto di Chopin nel quadro delle Super Piano Lesson e per France Musique dove ha registrato la Sonata di Dutilleux.
Il prossimo appuntamento con la rassegna Dino Ciani, organizzata in collaborazione con la Pro loco di Stresa e l'Associazione degli Albergatori, sarà lunedì 5 luglio alle 21.30, ingresso libero, al Grand Hotel Regina Palace con Giovanni GNOCCHI violoncello - Chiara OPALIO pianoforte.
Direzione artistica Prof. Lilia Bertola Lani
Per info Associazione Musicale Dino Ciani: 0324243046 - 3356083581 -
Concerti Ciani di Stresa 2010:
Concerti Ciani 2010:
J. Haydn
Andante con variazioni in
Fa minore Hob XVII:6
R. Schumann
3 Romanze op. 28
J. Brahms
Sonata op. 5
Allegro maestoso
Andante espressivo
Allegro energico
Andante molto
Allegro moderato ma rubato
Giulio BIDDAU, pianista, nato a Cagliari nel 1985, ha intrapreso a dodici anni lo studio del pianoforte con Arlette Giangrandi Eggmann, diplomandosi col massimo dei voti, la lode e la menzione speciale al Conservatorio di Cagliari. Parallelamente ha frequentato l'Accademia Ducale a Genova con B. Petrushansky. Conseguito col massimo dei voti il diploma di maturità classica, ha proseguito i suoi studi pianistici a Parigi sotto la guida di Jean Marc Luisada all'École Normale de Musique "A. Cortot", dove ha conseguito il Diplome supérieur de Concertiste. In seguito si è perfezionato con Sergio Perticaroli all'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, dove si è recentemente diplomato con la lode. Numerosi masterclass, fra cui A. Ciccolini, P. Badura-Skoda, J. Rouvier, M. Moretti, P.L Aimard.
Giovanissimo si è messo in luce in numerosi concorsi nazionali, vincendo i primi premi al "Bach" di Sestri Levante, a Cesenatico, a Castiglion Fiorentino.
Nel 2001 ha esordito con l'orchestra, vincendo il secondo premio al Young Pianist International Competition di Stoccolma. Nel 2008 il Terzo Premio al Concorso Internazionale E. Porrino. Nel settembre 2009 ha vinto il primo premio al Concorso Les Nuits Pianistiques - Lauréats SPEDIDAM a Aix-en-Provence.
Ha tenuto numerosi concerti, suonando fra l'altro per l'Accademia di Santa Cecilia, al Festival Internazionale di Stresa dell'Associazione Musicale Dino Ciani, al Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, al festival "Dino Ciani" a Cortina, alla Fondazione "W. Walton" di Ischia, alla Salle Cortot e al Consolato Italiano di Parigi, a Pontoise, a Nancy (Nancyphonies), e poi in Slovenia, Austria , Svezia (Berwardhallen a Stoccolma e Istituto Italiano di cultura), etc.
Recentemente si è esibito al Grand Theatre de Provence a Aix-en-Provence con l'Orchestre Nationale de Montpellier sotto la direzione di Lawrence Foster.
Suona in duo con la violinista Anna Tifu.
Emissioni per la televisione giapponese NHK con il primo concerto di Chopin nel quadro delle Super Piano Lesson e per France Musique dove ha registrato la Sonata di Dutilleux.
Il prossimo appuntamento con la rassegna Dino Ciani, organizzata in collaborazione con la Pro loco di Stresa e l'Associazione degli Albergatori, sarà lunedì 5 luglio alle 21.30, ingresso libero, al Grand Hotel Regina Palace con Giovanni GNOCCHI violoncello - Chiara OPALIO pianoforte.
Direzione artistica Prof. Lilia Bertola Lani
Per info Associazione Musicale Dino Ciani: 0324243046 - 3356083581 -
Concerti Ciani di Stresa 2010:
Concerti Ciani 2010:
Rant #287: Picture Sleeves

Today is one of those days that I really don't have anything to rant about.
That situation from yesterday, about my medical records, has not yet been resolved. After a few calls yesterday, the lawyer for my former doctor said he didn't have the files, the district attorney did. I called the DA, and they said the lawyer had the files.
Both said they would get back to me.
Anyway, I thought I would take my ranting on a little vacation, and give a rave instead (no matter what it says in the title of this entry).
I have a few other blogs, but the one I want to concentrate on here is my Picture Sleeves A-Go Go Blog at
I have been collecting records for more than 40 years. Sure, I took some breaks here and there, but I have always been fascinated with records.
And when I say records, I mean vinyl. Those 45s and 33 1/3 LPs are much more fascinating than CDs and those infernal digital files that everyone downloads today.
For one thing, vinyl has character.
Anyway, I have always loved 45s. Those 7-inch pieces of plastic, usually with two songs--an A side and a B side--always fascinated me, how such a little piece of plastic could generate so much excitement for such a small price.
I have especially loved those 45s that came with picture sleeves, and that is the essence of this site.
I plan on posting all of the picture sleeves in my collection--they have to number several hundred from the 1960s through the 1990s and even some in the 2000s--plus some of the sounds contained on the records in these sleeves.
I have thus far uploaded sleeves and music from AC/DC through Chicago, and some good stuff is coming up, including the Dave Clark Five and Elvis Costello as I finish out the "Cs" and move onto the other letters of the alphabet.
So please visit the site, register your opinions, and tell me what you think.
I have put a lot of work into this site, and I hope you like it as much as I have liked doing it all.
Stresa: Tricolore alle finestre per la "Festa Alpina"
Torna puntuale anche quest'anno nel mese di luglio la Festa Alpina che si svolgerà nella tendostruttura installata in Piazza Sirtori nelle vicinanze della Sede. Da venerdì 9 luglio a domenica 11 luglio grande cucina con specialità gastronomiche, esibizioni di cori e di bande musicali con sfilata per le vie cittadine. Per l'occasione gli Alpini chiedono alla popolazione di Stresa a rendersi partecipe all'evento esponendo alle finestre o sui balconi il tricolore per i giorni di svolgimento della festa, in particolare Domenica 11 luglio, giorno della sfilata. Ecco il Programma:
Venerdì 9 luglio
19.00 Apertura festa con distribuzione di specialità gastronomiche fino alle 23
21.00 Esibizione del Coro "Motta Rossa"
Sabato 10 luglio
12.00 Distribuzione del rancio alpino con ospiti gli anziani della casa di riposo "Tadini" e i nostri "veci" Alpini. Cucina aperta a tutti
19.00 Continuazione festa con distribuzione di specialità gastronomiche fino alle ore 23.00
21.00 Concerto della Banda Alpina
Domenica 11 luglio
09.30 Ricevimento Autorità ed Alpini
10.00 Santa Messa al campo, presso la tendostruttura posizionata in piazza Sirtori
10.45 Formazione corteo presso la sede e sfilata di Autorità ed Alpini per le vie cittadine con la partecipazione della banda Alpina
11.30 Alzabandiera al monumento all'Alpino e deposizione corona al monumento ai Caduti (Corso Umberto 1°). Al termine aperitivo presso la sede della festa.
12.30 Pranzo alpino nella struttura in Piazza Sirtori. Agli alfieri verrà offerto il pranzo.
19.00 Continuazione festa con distribuzione di specialità gastronomiche fino alle ore 23.00
Venerdì 9 luglio
19.00 Apertura festa con distribuzione di specialità gastronomiche fino alle 23
21.00 Esibizione del Coro "Motta Rossa"
Sabato 10 luglio
12.00 Distribuzione del rancio alpino con ospiti gli anziani della casa di riposo "Tadini" e i nostri "veci" Alpini. Cucina aperta a tutti
19.00 Continuazione festa con distribuzione di specialità gastronomiche fino alle ore 23.00
21.00 Concerto della Banda Alpina
Domenica 11 luglio
09.30 Ricevimento Autorità ed Alpini
10.00 Santa Messa al campo, presso la tendostruttura posizionata in piazza Sirtori
10.45 Formazione corteo presso la sede e sfilata di Autorità ed Alpini per le vie cittadine con la partecipazione della banda Alpina
11.30 Alzabandiera al monumento all'Alpino e deposizione corona al monumento ai Caduti (Corso Umberto 1°). Al termine aperitivo presso la sede della festa.
12.30 Pranzo alpino nella struttura in Piazza Sirtori. Agli alfieri verrà offerto il pranzo.
19.00 Continuazione festa con distribuzione di specialità gastronomiche fino alle ore 23.00
Stresa: Inaugurato il nuovo parco giochi sul lungolago
Taglio del nastro, domenica scorsa, al rinnovato parco giochi sul lungolago di corso Umberto I. Il parco è stato riqualificato, messo a norma con la dotazione di tappetini antitrauma e dotato di nuovi giochi. La spesa complessiva è stata di 90mila euro , in parte messi a disposizione dal Comune, in parte raccolti nelle iniziative benefiche organizzate dal Rotary Club Pallanza Stresa o donati da sponsor privati.
L’inaugurazione è slittata
rispetto al previsto a causa delle forti piogge che hanno rallentato i lavori. Prima del taglio del nastro, il sindaco Canio Di Milia ha sottolineato l’importanza della collaborazione tra pubblico e privato. La riapertura del parco offre un servizio in più alle famiglie stresiane (e non) oltre a integrare e completare in fatto di svago l’area del Lido Blu: la tintarella per i genitori, il gioco per i figli. Anche il Lido Blu, infatti, è stato completamente riqualificato e sulla spiaggia sono state collocate cabine, bar e nuovi servizi igienici.
(M.R. su La Prealpina)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Hagakure: Moving Inward and Outward
A certain person said the following.
There are two kinds of dispositions, inward and outward, and a person lacking in one or the other is worthless. It is, for example, like the blade of a sword, which one should sharpen well and then put in its scabbard . . .
If a person has his sword out all the time, he is habitually swinging a naked blade, people will not approach him and he will have no allies.
If a sword is always sheathed, it will become rusty, the blade will dull, and people will think as much of its owner.
When you are listening to the stories of accomplished men and the like, you should listen with deep sincerity, even if it's something about which you already know. If in listening to the same thing ten or twenty times it happens that you come to an unexpected understanding, that moment will be very special. Within the tedious talk of old folks are their meritorious deeds.
Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai, by Yamamoto Tsunetome. Trans. William Scott Wilson. Kodansha Press, pp. 91-92 and 94.
The first quote seems to have so many applications. The second one is a good reminder that classics can be interpreted over and over again to yield a new solution. At least, that's how this Scholar reads it. Any takers on new or alternate readings?
There are two kinds of dispositions, inward and outward, and a person lacking in one or the other is worthless. It is, for example, like the blade of a sword, which one should sharpen well and then put in its scabbard . . .
If a person has his sword out all the time, he is habitually swinging a naked blade, people will not approach him and he will have no allies.
If a sword is always sheathed, it will become rusty, the blade will dull, and people will think as much of its owner.
When you are listening to the stories of accomplished men and the like, you should listen with deep sincerity, even if it's something about which you already know. If in listening to the same thing ten or twenty times it happens that you come to an unexpected understanding, that moment will be very special. Within the tedious talk of old folks are their meritorious deeds.
Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai, by Yamamoto Tsunetome. Trans. William Scott Wilson. Kodansha Press, pp. 91-92 and 94.
The first quote seems to have so many applications. The second one is a good reminder that classics can be interpreted over and over again to yield a new solution. At least, that's how this Scholar reads it. Any takers on new or alternate readings?
Angel Locsin is FHM's 2010 Sexiest Woman in the World
After two and a half months of text and online voting, Angel Locsin redeemed, after 5 years, her title as the Sexiest Woman in the World in the poll conducted by FHM (For Him Magazine) Philippines.

Nearly four million votes were cast during the April 1 to June 15 voting period. And Angel received a total of 284,156 text and online votes which brought her to the top spot. Last year's leader, Cristine Reyes, came in second with 227,390 votes, while Marian Rivera, 2008's sexiest, placed in third with 218,742 votes.
Victoria's Secret model Marissa Miller is adjudged the FHM global winner by the FHM International Network.
These year's top ten (based on official results) are:
1. Angel Locsin
2. Cristine Reyes
3. Marian Rivera
4. Iwa Moto
5. Angelica Panganiban
6. Katrina Halili
7. Regine Velasquez
8. Valerie "Bangs" Garcia
9. Ehra Madrigal
10. Jackie Rice
Katy Perry posa en toples para revista Esquire

Para causar polémica y dar que hablar la bella cantante Katy Perry posa para la portada de la revista revista Esquire, y de hecho beneficia para la promoción de su nuevo disco “Teenage Dream”.
La estrella pop de 25 años, considerada la más sexy por la revista Maxim, muestra su espectacular cuerpo vestida tan solo con un pequeño short y zapatos negros, cubriendo sus senos desnudos con sus manos.
Perry, quien está comprometida con el comediante británico Russell Brand, también se ha despojado de sus ropas para su último video “California Gurls”, donde aparece semidesnuda, con una peluca púrpura, y cubriéndose con algodón de azúcar.
Ollie Wride - HeadRush

"I need you forever and ever"
A huge thanks to PPG for introducing me to Ollie Wride. Like her, I found it very difficult to select a song to feature today, as all of his are quite good (go to his soundcloud page to listen to all seven songs). I settled on HeadRush because it's the most polished-sounding of the demos. Not only that, but it's a staggering piece of 80's dance pop. Ollie Wride has one of those octave shattering voices like Mika and Eric Nally of Foxy Shazam. It's an instrument perfect for the genre (a mix of glam, pop and dance) that he sings. This is, quite simply, my favorite kind of music. And to be able to perform it competently, you need personality. From what I've gathered so far, it seems that Wilde's got the energy, style and ideas to craft very interesting pop music. His influences (Queen, the Buggles, Scissor Sisters) are among my all-time favorite artists and I am beyond excited to hear what he comes up with when he's ready to produce an album. There is a ridiculous amount of potential here. To be this good when you're just starting out is kind of mind-blowing.
HeadRush by Ollie Wride
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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