The Doctor (David Tennant) finds himself tied up and gagged in the same way that his old friend endured in the previous episode. Interesting exchange in a scene that was shown on Alan Carr's Chatty Man last night.
Master: Tell me. Where's your TARDIS?
Doctor: You could be so wonderful
Master: Where is it?
Doctor: You're a genius, you're stone-cold brilliant, you are. I swear you really are, but you could be so much more, you could be beautiful, with a mind like that, we could travel the stars. It would be my honour, because you don't need to own the universe, just see it. You have the privilege to see the whole and time and space. That's ownership enough.
Master: Would it stop then? The noise in my head?
Doctor: I can help
Master: I don't know what I would be without that noise.
Doctor: Wonder what I'd be without you.
Master: Yeah
Doctor: You could be so wonderful
Master: Where is it?
Doctor: You're a genius, you're stone-cold brilliant, you are. I swear you really are, but you could be so much more, you could be beautiful, with a mind like that, we could travel the stars. It would be my honour, because you don't need to own the universe, just see it. You have the privilege to see the whole and time and space. That's ownership enough.
Master: Would it stop then? The noise in my head?
Doctor: I can help
Master: I don't know what I would be without that noise.
Doctor: Wonder what I'd be without you.
Master: Yeah
Doctor in bondage, the slashiest piece of dialogue ever. Why isn't it Friday? Also officially my favourite quote from RTD's era.

I've also just realised that if you count all the specials as Series 4, then David Tennant's last season has a good few things in common with Colin Baker's first.
- Daleks/Davros (Revelation Of The Daleks, The Stolen Earth/Journey's End/The Waters Of Mars/The End Of Time)
- Cybermen (Attack Of The Cybermen/The Next Doctor)
- The Master/Other Time Lords (The Mark Of The Rani/The Doctor's Daughter/The End Of Time)
- Multi-Doctor Stories (The Two Doctors/Journey's End/The End Of Time)
- Multi-Companions (The Two Doctors/The Stolen Earth/Journey's End/The End Of Time)
- Sontarans (The Two Doctors/The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky).
Give Or Take
Doctor/Master Scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHzPg6XiwPI
David Tennant Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lve6NXMjGg
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