Urbi et Orbi di Piervalle
La comunicazione andata in onda dal canale di Palazzo ha annunciato la notizia che tutti già sapevamo e ci consente una riflessione ed un commento. La comunicazione , per vero, ci è parsa sobria, nello stile caminetto che sempre più sembra caratterizzare le apparizioni sullo schermo, a frequenza regolare, del capo della nostra cittadina. E’ ormai quasi un appuntamento fisso che impronta il rapporto tra il Palazzo e la piazza. Anche il tono è
rassicurante, familiare, una comunicazione da ascoltare all’ora di cena, l’unica della giornata che unisce le famiglie, privilegiate destinatarie inconsce del messaggio.
Tutto è andato bene nel quinquennio che è passato, è stato un buon lavoro, fatto da una buona squadra, una squadra che merita una riconferma perché deve finire il lavoro iniziato. La Città è rifiorita, rimessa a nuovo in tante cose, è tornata ad essere la regina del lago, tutto lo riconoscono, il futuro sarà radioso e prospero. Questa è la sintesi della trasmissione di oggi, ridotta anche rispetto le abituali durate, quindi breve ed efficace. Essa non ci impegna a grandi immediate riflessioni, il Palazzo lancia il suo rassicurante messaggio dietro il volto, pure lui rassicurante, di un bravo ragazzo, cresciuto insieme ai figli di tanti elettori, elettori ormai anche loro, compagni di gioco del pallone quando l’oratorio funzionava. Che altro vogliamo quando c’è chi pensa per noi e così tanto bene ci dice di aver fatto e promette di farne ancora. Ha segnato ancora, manco ne avesse bisogno, un qualche punto a proprio favore, accattivandosi le madri e le fidanzate della cittadina. Gli altri, i cattivi, sono avvertiti, per loro sarà difficile mostrare un volto così rassicurante.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ciaspolata AVIS: Niente luna ma tanta allegria
Sabato 27 febbraio si è svolta, al Mottarone, la seconda ciaspolata organizzata dai giovani dell’Avis. Numerosi, come nelle precedenti edizioni, i partecipanti (85 persone) che hanno, in allegria passeggiato con le racchette da neve attorno alla vetta, ammirando un panorama che ha lasciato tutti a bocca aperta. Solo la mancanza della luna piena, oscurata da nubi che hanno portato qualche fiocco di neve verso la fine della passeggiata, non ha permesso di rendere la serata fiabesca. Un ricca cena ha concluso la serata.
February Muster
Once a month, the muster honors police officers who have died in the line of duty: thirteen this February in the United States. That's thirty-three too many this year.
--Andrew Baldridge--Ellane Aimiuwu--William Schuck III--
--Jeremy McLaren--Timothy Bergeron--Don McCutcheon--
--David Zolendziewski--Davy Crawford--Bob Heinle--Michael Vogt--
--Kevin Wilkins--Alan Haymaker--Joel Wahlenmeier--
Our good life is upheld by these and other sacrifices to it.
You can learn more about these officers at the Officers Down Memorial page.
You can learn more about these officers at the Officers Down Memorial page.
Dogged Persistence
I used to train dogs, not for police work, but for family life and one for obedience competition. My beloved dog Rosie showed me that we teach them, but they teach us in return--only better. In Rosie's case, that included the cat, too. BoyCat and GirlCat would be the better for a little Rosie time, for sure.
Perhaps the most intense dog training is in police work, or its military equivalent. These dogs have discipline and courage, focus and drive. They coordinate with their partners, obey a higher order. Here is a demonstration of their effectiveness:
Perhaps the most intense dog training is in police work, or its military equivalent. These dogs have discipline and courage, focus and drive. They coordinate with their partners, obey a higher order. Here is a demonstration of their effectiveness:
For those who want to read about a great police dog/handler team, go to Constable Glendinning's blog for the Vancouver Police Department. Under the tag cloud, hit 'Dog Squad' for a number of adventures. The Constable writes so well about both the amusing and the terrible on Vancouver streets.
Here are two adventures:
Stopping a car thief--PS Hondo gets the last word.
Saving the bacon--Everybody needs somebody, sometime . . .
Right now, PS Hondo is under the weather. Get well soon, lovey! Ah, sir, I mean . . .
Stresa: L'Avis chiude un 2009 eccezionale
Giovedì 25 febbraio 2010 si è svolta la 52^ Assemblea Comunale dell’Avis di Stresa alla “Villa Francesca” dell’ Hotel La Palma. Alla presenza del Presidente dell’Avis Provinciale VCO Maurizio Ceravolo, del sindaco di Stresa Canio Di Milia è stato presentato il Bilancio Sociale da parte del Presidente Gianni Pessina e le attivita’ svolte nel corso del 2009. La Vice Presidente e referente dell’Avis Giovani, D.ssa Elisabetta Bianchi ha elencato e descritto le molte attività svolte dal gruppo Giovani e presentato il calendario del 2010. E’ stata letta la relazione del Direttore Sanitario, D.ssa Anna Campi che ha illustrato l’operato del Centro
Trasfusionale di Verbania e comunicato la conclusione del progetto Probe proposto nel 2008 dall’Istituto superiore della Sanità e attuato dalle Avis del VCO.
Grandi cambiamenti in corso verso la raccolta del sangue che verrà fatta in forma autonoma da parte dell’Avis. L’ASL VCO, mantenendone la responsabilità, affiderà alle Avis (terziarizzazione) le fasi esecutive della raccolta che, con personale medico, infermieristico e tecnico retribuito a gettone provvederà in proprio, ottenendo per questo servizio, un rimborso maggiorato come da tariffario regionale vigente, che permetterà di coprire le prestazioni del personale.
Negli ultimi sette anni l’Avis di Stresa è notevolmente cresciuta, ma il 2009 è stato un anno eccezionale. L’incremento delle domande di idoneità è stato del 44% (n.149), il 16% l’incremento dei donatori (da n.337 a n.392) e del 22% l’incremento delle donazioni (da n. 603 a n.735).
L’autosufficienza ottimale del 2% è stata ampiamente superata raggiungendo il 2,23%.
Successivamente si è passati alla lettura del bilancio consuntivo e della relazione dei Revisori dei Conti e del bilancio consuntivo che l’Assemblea ha approvato all’unanimità.
Nel corso della serata sono state presentate ufficialmente come testimonial dell’Avis di Stresa le gemelle Chiara e Marta Pastore , azzurre juniores italiane di mountain bike.
La partecipazione all’assemblea di Augusto Quaretta, Presidente di Arcademia, ci ha permesso di presentare il nuovo musical “Angeli con la pistola” che sabato 8 maggio verrà presentatore in anteprima al Palazzo dei Congressi di Stresa.
Come gli anni passati, anche quest’anno l’Avis di Stresa ha deciso di devolvere in beneficienza il ricavato dello spettacolo. Quest’anno verrà destinato alla Casa di Riposo di Baveno.
Trasfusionale di Verbania e comunicato la conclusione del progetto Probe proposto nel 2008 dall’Istituto superiore della Sanità e attuato dalle Avis del VCO.
Grandi cambiamenti in corso verso la raccolta del sangue che verrà fatta in forma autonoma da parte dell’Avis. L’ASL VCO, mantenendone la responsabilità, affiderà alle Avis (terziarizzazione) le fasi esecutive della raccolta che, con personale medico, infermieristico e tecnico retribuito a gettone provvederà in proprio, ottenendo per questo servizio, un rimborso maggiorato come da tariffario regionale vigente, che permetterà di coprire le prestazioni del personale.
Negli ultimi sette anni l’Avis di Stresa è notevolmente cresciuta, ma il 2009 è stato un anno eccezionale. L’incremento delle domande di idoneità è stato del 44% (n.149), il 16% l’incremento dei donatori (da n.337 a n.392) e del 22% l’incremento delle donazioni (da n. 603 a n.735).
L’autosufficienza ottimale del 2% è stata ampiamente superata raggiungendo il 2,23%.
Successivamente si è passati alla lettura del bilancio consuntivo e della relazione dei Revisori dei Conti e del bilancio consuntivo che l’Assemblea ha approvato all’unanimità.
Nel corso della serata sono state presentate ufficialmente come testimonial dell’Avis di Stresa le gemelle Chiara e Marta Pastore , azzurre juniores italiane di mountain bike.
La partecipazione all’assemblea di Augusto Quaretta, Presidente di Arcademia, ci ha permesso di presentare il nuovo musical “Angeli con la pistola” che sabato 8 maggio verrà presentatore in anteprima al Palazzo dei Congressi di Stresa.
Come gli anni passati, anche quest’anno l’Avis di Stresa ha deciso di devolvere in beneficienza il ricavato dello spettacolo. Quest’anno verrà destinato alla Casa di Riposo di Baveno.
My Top 50 Doctor Who Stories Part 1
Okay, there are 34 days until the new series of Doctor Who and I'm gonna do a Top 50 list with my favourite stories from the first ten Doctors in anticipation for the arrival of Matt Smith's 11th Doctor. It's not definitive (only stories I've seen) but hopefully it's original and it'll be twice weekly as well.
46: An Unearthly Child (1st Doctor)
Of course the first ever story was going to make this list. Who thought that a story so simple would span the longest and best sci-fi series running? The First Doctor was cantankerous but interesting as was Susan, Ian and Barbara were our eyes into this crazy world and there was cavemen.
47: Blink (10th Doctor)
Is it sacrilege that I have this one so low in my list? Of course not! Steven Moffat is an amazing writer and at least one other story of his is much higher on this list. As for this one - Sally Sparrow, Weeping Angels and the use of Easter Eggs. Only a true geek could've scribed this one.
48: Partners In Crime (10th Doctor)
Opening episodes can be slightly ropey with the new version of the series but this one had a lot to love about it. Okay, the Adipose seemed more designed for The Sarah Jane Adventures but those scenes with Donna and Wilfred in his loft, the reunion between the Doctor and Donna and Rose's WTF style cameo. How could this not be on my list?
49: Planet Of The Spiders (3rd Doctor)
As a regeneration story goes, I found this one a little underrated. It might not be as epic as The War Games, The Caves Of Androzani or recently, The End Of Time (and yes, they're higher on the list) but it's a satisfying enough way to end Jon Pertwee's tenure and it's a bit of a redemption story for Mike Yates as well.
50: The Daleks Master Plan (1st Doctor)
Companions might not have died properly during the RTD era of the series but in others, some were not so lucky. This one served two deaths with two shortlived companions in Katerina and Sara Kingdom and also had the Meddling Monk in cahoot with the Daleks. It's a really long story but only three of the twelve episodes exist on the Lost In Time DVD set. Worth it though.
46: An Unearthly Child (1st Doctor)

47: Blink (10th Doctor)

48: Partners In Crime (10th Doctor)

49: Planet Of The Spiders (3rd Doctor)

50: The Daleks Master Plan (1st Doctor)

My Top 50 Buffy Episodes Part 8
Okay so, we're nearing the Top 10 now. Only two more blogs to go for this one.
11: The Wish (Season 3, Episode 9)
Alernative reality episodes are never going to go out of style and I always enjoy them immensely, especially this one. A Sunnydale without Buffy certainly became a rather bleaker place to live and of course, there's Xander and Willow as vampires. Gotta love that.
12: This Year's Girl (Season 4, Episode 15)
Another cliche episode is to do body swapping and when Faith realised that the cops weren't far behind, she had no problem with snatching Buffy's body. One of the wittiest episodes of the series and the Buffy/Faith scenes are bloody brilliant as always.
13: Becoming Part 1 (Season 2, Episode 21)
You probably would expect this episode to be higher (don't worry, Part 2 is) but at least it's inmy Top 20. Kendra's death was well executed but this episode is better when viewed with it's second part but it does make for an incredible penultimate episode.
14: Graduation Day Part 1 (Season 3, Episode 21)
I loved this part marginally more than the second. Build up is always important and this one set things up nicely. Again, a certain fight scene with Buffy and Faith was a highlight in this episode as was Angel and Buffy beginning to seperate.
15: Graduation Day Part 2 (Season 3, Episode 22)
Blowing up your high school - childhood dream or act of sociopathic behaviour. Let's not ask the blonde girl who goaded a snake like Mayor to his final resting place. This was a sensational way of ending the high school era of the series. And a last appearance for Cordy on this show. Good job she turned out to be amazing on Angel then.
11: The Wish (Season 3, Episode 9)

12: This Year's Girl (Season 4, Episode 15)

13: Becoming Part 1 (Season 2, Episode 21)

14: Graduation Day Part 1 (Season 3, Episode 21)

15: Graduation Day Part 2 (Season 3, Episode 22)

ABS-CBN Wins Big in the UPLB Gandingan Awards 2010
17 out of 24 citations in the recently concluded 2010 University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna (UPLB) Gandingan Isko't Iska's Broadcast Choice Awards were given to ABS-CBN Broadcasting Network including Best TV Station and Most Development Oriented Station.
Here are the complete list of citations garnered by ABS-CBN Broadcasting Network:
Best AM Station: DZMM Teleradyo
Best FM Station: Tambayan 101.9 San Ka Pa
Best Youth Oriented Program: Y Speak
Best Women Oriented Program: Wondermom
Best Morning Show: Umagang Kay Ganda
Best News Program: TV Patrol World
Best Livelihood Program: Kabuhayang Swak na Swak
Best Environment Oriented Program: Matanglawin
Best Educational Program: Matanglawin
Best AM Announcer: Ted Failon
Best News Anchor: Ted Failon
Gandingan ng Kababaihan: Karen Davila
Gandingan ng Kalikasan: Kuya Kim Atienza
Gandingan ng Kabataan: Kuya Kim Atienza
Gandingan ng Edukasyon: Kuya Kim Atienza
The annual UPLB Gandingan Awards is given by the UP Community Broadcasters’ Society at the UP Los Baños as a tribute to socially-oriented television and radio programs and broadcasters and are meant to inspire the youth.
Here are the complete list of citations garnered by ABS-CBN Broadcasting Network:
Best AM Station: DZMM Teleradyo
Best FM Station: Tambayan 101.9 San Ka Pa
Best Youth Oriented Program: Y Speak
Best Women Oriented Program: Wondermom
Best Morning Show: Umagang Kay Ganda
Best News Program: TV Patrol World
Best Livelihood Program: Kabuhayang Swak na Swak
Best Environment Oriented Program: Matanglawin
Best Educational Program: Matanglawin
Best AM Announcer: Ted Failon
Best News Anchor: Ted Failon
Gandingan ng Kababaihan: Karen Davila
Gandingan ng Kalikasan: Kuya Kim Atienza
Gandingan ng Kabataan: Kuya Kim Atienza
Gandingan ng Edukasyon: Kuya Kim Atienza
The annual UPLB Gandingan Awards is given by the UP Community Broadcasters’ Society at the UP Los Baños as a tribute to socially-oriented television and radio programs and broadcasters and are meant to inspire the youth.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
On Air: Le vostre lettere inviate a Stresa 2.0
"La Proposta" di Assolo
Fra poche ore i due schieramenti proporranno i loro programmi per il governo della città: parleranno ai cittadini. Penso che sia altrettanto importante che i cittadini possano parlare con i loro aspiranti rappresentanti e questi debbano ascoltare e rispondere. Vorrei perciò chiedere ai candidati sindaco di accordarsi perché organizzino, tramite i blog esistenti, creandone uno nuovo, utilizzando facebook
, i mezzi non mancano, una tribuna dove i cittadini possano domandare, proporre e ricevere dai due candidati risposte chiare e confrontabili. Non rispondetemi per favore che tanto è inutile, solo i soliti pochi porranno domande, ci saranno solo polemiche: il vostro compito è di fornire la possibilità, le attrezzature perché la democrazia del confronto possa svilupparsi, i risultati saranno oggetto di commento, ma dopo.
E la prima domanda mi permetto di porla io: metterete in campo un sistema di dialogo con i cittadini nella fase pre elettorale?
Fra poche ore i due schieramenti proporranno i loro programmi per il governo della città: parleranno ai cittadini. Penso che sia altrettanto importante che i cittadini possano parlare con i loro aspiranti rappresentanti e questi debbano ascoltare e rispondere. Vorrei perciò chiedere ai candidati sindaco di accordarsi perché organizzino, tramite i blog esistenti, creandone uno nuovo, utilizzando facebook
, i mezzi non mancano, una tribuna dove i cittadini possano domandare, proporre e ricevere dai due candidati risposte chiare e confrontabili. Non rispondetemi per favore che tanto è inutile, solo i soliti pochi porranno domande, ci saranno solo polemiche: il vostro compito è di fornire la possibilità, le attrezzature perché la democrazia del confronto possa svilupparsi, i risultati saranno oggetto di commento, ma dopo.
E la prima domanda mi permetto di porla io: metterete in campo un sistema di dialogo con i cittadini nella fase pre elettorale?
Stresa: Vini Ghemme e Gattinara sfilano al Borromées
E' stata organizzata per oggi Domenica 28 febbraio al Grand Hotel Des Iles Borromées dal Consorzio Tutela Nebbioli una grande degustazione dei due vini a docg. Si inizia alle ore 15.00, alla presenza di una trentina di aziende produttrici: Antichi Vigneti di Cantalupo, Antoniolo, Bianchi, Ca’ Nova, Caligaris, Cascina Zoina, Franchino, Imazio, Mazzoni, Mirù, Patriarca, Petterino, Platinetti, Rovellotti, Sebastiani Alberto e Katia, Travaglino, Anzivino, Iaretti, Ioppa, Nervi, Zanetta, Il Rubino, Torraccia del Piantavigna, Cantina Sociale di
Gattinara, Cantina Sociale dei Colli Novaresi. Una piccola delegazione di produttori del VerbanoCusioOssola metterà a disposizione una selezione di salumi, formaggi e prodotti tipici di alta qualità, da abbinare ai vini. Nel corso del pomeriggio sarà consentito partecipare al dibattito sui Nebbioli dell’Alto Piemonte, incentrato sul tema dell’unicità del territorio di produzione. È inoltre prevista una interessante degustazione sul millesimo 1999 di Ghemme e Gattinara, guidata da Franco Ziliani. Al termine della manifestazione sarà possibile votare il vino preferito tra quelli assaggiati. Biglietto di ingresso a 12 euro.
Gattinara, Cantina Sociale dei Colli Novaresi. Una piccola delegazione di produttori del VerbanoCusioOssola metterà a disposizione una selezione di salumi, formaggi e prodotti tipici di alta qualità, da abbinare ai vini. Nel corso del pomeriggio sarà consentito partecipare al dibattito sui Nebbioli dell’Alto Piemonte, incentrato sul tema dell’unicità del territorio di produzione. È inoltre prevista una interessante degustazione sul millesimo 1999 di Ghemme e Gattinara, guidata da Franco Ziliani. Al termine della manifestazione sarà possibile votare il vino preferito tra quelli assaggiati. Biglietto di ingresso a 12 euro.
Peter Jöback - Hollow - Kempe Magic returns to Melodifestivalen
Here it is, Peter certainly has the song to beat in Melodifestivalen
Globen 2010 Final- What a performance, we always knew Peter would do
us proud. And he has...
Anna's Glory moment as she found out her song 'This is my Life'
was on it's way being the first to qualify and go on to Globen Final
Globen 2010 Final- What a performance, we always knew Peter would do
us proud. And he has...
Anna's Glory moment as she found out her song 'This is my Life'
was on it's way being the first to qualify and go on to Globen Final

Peter Jöback & Pernilla Wahlgren sang together back in 2007 / 1995

Two of the best entry's in Malmo Peter 's 'Hollow' & the wonderful schlager tune
'Jag vill om du vagar' during the night we could see the chemistry between
these two Stars- If we do a flasback... the two sung together before in Fotbollsgalan 2007
the funny duet 'He is with me now!' (clip above)
PLUS A bit more serious a jzzy ballad called 'Late at Night' from Pernilla & Peter
Peter Jöback & Anna Bergandahl- Go direct to Globen in Malmo Semi-Final
tack Aftonbladet Tv for showing Peter's Reaction after the Semi Final
last night after one amazing performance.
Darin 'You're Out Of My Life' a winning performance

see this..Just one of our Hot Globen finalists. It will be a Globen-battle of the Ballads
between Darin & Peter's 'Hollow'
My Review of Brothers And Sisters 4x07: "The Wig Party"

Directed by Ken Olin
Nora: “We’re here for you.”
Kitty: “I know. You’re sitting on my hand.”
Families sticking together, that’s what this show is all about, eh? Here, that always amplifies because you’ve got Kitty battling one of the hardest things in the world and her family trying the best they can to be there for her.
Chemotherapy does take a lot out of people suffering from cancer and there are times when it’s not always successful, so I can understand to a degree why Kitty considered the option of abandoning chemotherapy but I did find myself siding with Sarah and Nora more though.
Both Nora and Sarah probably could’ve handled Kitty’s reveal a little better but I don’t blame them for worrying. As options go, chemotherapy is Kitty’s best one and I’m not all that big into herbal alternatives. A lot of the times, they’re pretty much ineffectual but the episode did seem to greatly emphasise that Kitty wanted to be in control of her illness.
If this were me, I’d want to feel that way too – it’s a gut instinct not exclusive to a certain type of person (I think I tuned out when Kitty was having that type argument with Sarah) and Kitty found that out in one of the worst ways ever at that charity dinner for Nora’s research centre.
The losing her hair scene was particularly a poignant moment for Kitty and Calista Flockhart continued to sell it brilliantly, especially when Nora and Sarah both made it clear that she wasn’t alone. A lot of people have commented on certain boards that this storyline has not only seen Calista bring her A game but also Sally Field and Rachel Griffiths and it’s hard not to agree with them.
All three actresses have been brilliant this season and there was the moment where Kitty took control by shaving her hair. I don’t know if Calista did it for real or was wearing an impressive bald cap on her head but it looked convincing either way. As much as I know that Kitty will survive this, it still hasn’t affected the impact of the storyline either way.
The only quibble I could have with the plot was that it didn’t include Robert as much as it should’ve. I could easily predict the kind of reaction he would’ve had if he had known that Kitty was going to give up chemo (she didn’t in the end) but that doesn’t mean that a scene where the two of them discussed the issue at hand shouldn’t have been included nonetheless.
At least Robert has been a good support system for Kitty when they’ve had scenes together. Her illness has certainly put a lot of his political storylines into perspective and I’m fairly certain that Kitty’s illness sparked his justified castigation of conservative new rival, Barry Henderson in broad daylight.
I know there’s supposed to be a degree of severity of Robert’s rant given that it streamed on YouTube and will inevitably spark criticism from Henderson’s but it’s not like Robert said anything really damaging. In fact, Robert was surprisingly restrained, even when he was letting rip on Henderson. How much damage control is Kevin really going to have to do with this one?
Speaking of Kevin, while there was no Michelle to worry about this week, we did get another reminder of how expensive surrogacy happens to be. This plot is reminding a lot of David and Keith’s in the final season of Six Feet Under and I’m beginning to wonder why it’s so important for Kevin and Scotty to focus on surrogacy. Why aren’t other options, such as adoption or fostering being considered as well?
This plot did get something of a jolt when Scotty’s father, Wally was added into the mix as well. It was nice that he was supportive of the pair wanting to have a child and even better that he made a financial contribution as well. Don’t stick up your noses – there are plenty of people who’d sell their grandmother for a Captain America comic. Not me of course but they do exist.
The other part of Wally’s return that struck a chord was Scotty’s reaction to his parents breaking up and his father being a cheat. Bertha’s not the nicest woman in the world and while I’m not advocating adultery, I can see why Wally might have done the dirty. The episode also went to painful lengths to differentiate between Wally and William, not that it needed to.
I like Wally a lot more than I like William and I also liked that while Scotty was understandable upset, he didn’t act like a baby over it either. He felt sorry for his mother but sort of seemed to understand why his father strayed. Plus it did help that Kevin seemed to be there with some helpful nuggets as well. Plus, I appreciated the fact that baby issues aside, Kevin and Scotty weren’t arguing over anything major in this one.
As for Justin and Rebecca – look, there’s needs to be a rule for TV in general, one baby plot per season please. Kevin and Scotty got their first, so surely Rebecca being with child was something they could’ve left for Season Five. I know the writers need to come up with new ways to create tension between her and Justin but why this?
The funny thing was that Justin actually deduced that Rebecca was pregnant and she denied it, which made no sense. Why not just tell him? Why does it need to be something else to create a rift between them? I’m not becoming a shipper of this pairing but I do often get a little tired of seeing them constantly arguing as well. Unless it’s a hysterical pregnancy or Rebecca’s going to lose the baby.
Moving away from babies and onto the big ones, it’s nice to have one little scene that showed Paige and Cooper taking to Luc. That being said, Luc, do not play football in the house, especially when Sarah and Saul are discussing an Ojai business plot that other episodes have blathered on about. On second thoughts, maybe you should play football in the house, Luc.
With Luc’s only contribution for the episode being a big kid to Sarah’s, Nora at least seemed to be getting another love interest with oncologist, Simon. He’s cool with his motorcycle, flirty ways and a little young for Nora but not in the sense that a certainly wretched C word can be doled about. I’m not gonna get attached because love interests for Nora don’t last and I can’t see Simon bucking the trend either.
Also in “The Wig Party”
How long has it been since Nora opened her centre? There was talk here about it being an anniversary but surely a year cannot have passed?
Kevin: “What am I supposed to do? Steal campaign contributes?”
Scotty: “It’d be money better spent.”
I laughed when Kevin had the stuffing scared out of him by Wally in his superhero costume. Wally endeared himself by being a comic book geek.
Saul (re Luc): “The kids love him.”
Sarah: “That’s because he acts like a kid.”
Saul: “That’s okay.”
Nora (re Kitty): “My daughter has lymphoma.”
Simon: “I’m sorry.”
Nora: “Yeah. I come here and I talk about cancer, I go home and I talk about cancer. Why didn’t I try to save the whales instead?”
I don’t know, Nora – maybe you were scared of getting crushed by Free Willy? That line had me in hysterics, funny stuff.
Kevin (re Wally/mystery woman): “Oh my God, he’s sleeping with her.”
Scotty: “You’re cut off.”
Kevin: “I haven’t started drinking yet.”
Simon: “Nora, when are we gonna have that second date?”
Nora: “Second? That was a date?”
Because of Nora getting a new love interest, I’m wondering when we’re actually going to see Saul’s boyfriend on this show again.
Justin: “Are you pregnant?”
Rebecca: “Are you serious? Why would you ask me that? That’s crazy!”
Robert (to Kevin): “It’s your job. You gotta pick your battles, this one’s mine.”
Standout music: “Never Say Never” by The Fray and I’m not really a fan of them.
Sarah (to Nora): “How can you tell Kitty to risk and do scary things when you’re not prepared to do them yourself?”
Chronology: A few days since “Zen And The Art Of Making Mole”.
“The Wig Party” is a satisfying episode, not the best we’ve had in the season so far but it’s keeping with the really high standard of this season and that’s a good thing of course. Now all we have to do is wait for Rebecca to reveal her pregnancy.
Rating: 8 out of 10.
Melodifestivalen 2010: Heat Four
My thoughts on the songs/performances/etc:
First off, I'm gonna begin yet again by stating my annoyance with svt's crap streaming of the video. This week was the worst yet, buffering throughout almost the entire show. So, my thoughts on performances could change when I have the chance to watch them without a million stops in the middle.
Sibel: Kind of Veronicas-esque? Weird dress. The song's catchy, but I wish it was better. So far this year this type of uptempo, frantic pop song hasn't fared that well. I liked the weird background dancers, though, and the very strange ending. The audience didn't know when to clap.
Py Bäckman: My god, she looks like Ozzy Osbourne and Elton John mixed together! This is horrible, quite possibly the worst this year. The older voters better not put her through.
Neo: Of course the feed goes crazy when the one artist I care about this week comes on. Even with all the skipping (I really only got to hear about half the song), I can tell that this is going to be my favorite of the week. Now he needs to go direct to the final so I can see the performance in full.
Lovestoned: I love the sound of this, too, even though the feed was jerking around again. Why did it have to be perfect for that hideous Py song and horrible for the good ones? Anyway, this has a real jaunty feel to it that makes it a definite standout for me.
Anna Bergendahl: Hard to comment on this because I could barely hear it through all the buffering. From what I could hear, it sounded better than most ballads this year. I liked the lighting and Anna sounded good (I think). Could be a darkhorse.
Pernilla Wahlgren: I bet she goes through. The competition has been devoid of a good schlager entry so far, and this fits the bill, even though it's nothing spectacular. Catchy chorus, though. And better than Sibel's entry.
Noll Disciplin: If the song was better, I'd say they were a sure thing going through, just because they're different (and have pyrotechnics), but I don't think it's gonna work. I wouldn't be so angry if they found their way into andra chansen, just for some diversity in song style.
Peter Jöback: He gets the pimp spot, for sure, and it was a good finale. VERY dramatic, theatrical performance that suits his background and spectacular voice. Not my favorite entry, but very, very good.
My hopes to make it through: Neo, Lovestoned, Pernilla, Peter
Who will make it through: Neo, Lovestoned, Pernilla, Peter (yep, I'm thinking my hopes and the actuals will match up for once)
UPDATE: What I could see of that Malena Ernman skit was VERY funny. Pity the feed is cutting out literally each second...
UPDATE: Top 5 - Noll Discipline, Neo, Anna, Peter and Pernilla. And Anna direct to the final! And boy is she happy. Another shocker. Not entirely disappointing, though. Having followed her on Idol, I'm happy for her.
UPDATE: Now the question is, who's gonna get that dreaded 5th place spot? Better not be Neo, though with this group it could really be anyone. I'm surprised that Peter didn't get the highest votes, though.
UPDATE: Christine and Måns and some other famous Swedish folks are singing, though I can't see or hear half of it :(
UPDATE: Neo to andra chansen (he should have been through), which means of course that Peter is in the final and Pernilla is also in andra chansen (next week's show is gonna be strong, yeah? Lots of great second-chancers). And, crap! Neo has to go against that Underbart song. He better get through.
First off, I'm gonna begin yet again by stating my annoyance with svt's crap streaming of the video. This week was the worst yet, buffering throughout almost the entire show. So, my thoughts on performances could change when I have the chance to watch them without a million stops in the middle.
Sibel: Kind of Veronicas-esque? Weird dress. The song's catchy, but I wish it was better. So far this year this type of uptempo, frantic pop song hasn't fared that well. I liked the weird background dancers, though, and the very strange ending. The audience didn't know when to clap.
Py Bäckman: My god, she looks like Ozzy Osbourne and Elton John mixed together! This is horrible, quite possibly the worst this year. The older voters better not put her through.
Neo: Of course the feed goes crazy when the one artist I care about this week comes on. Even with all the skipping (I really only got to hear about half the song), I can tell that this is going to be my favorite of the week. Now he needs to go direct to the final so I can see the performance in full.
Lovestoned: I love the sound of this, too, even though the feed was jerking around again. Why did it have to be perfect for that hideous Py song and horrible for the good ones? Anyway, this has a real jaunty feel to it that makes it a definite standout for me.
Anna Bergendahl: Hard to comment on this because I could barely hear it through all the buffering. From what I could hear, it sounded better than most ballads this year. I liked the lighting and Anna sounded good (I think). Could be a darkhorse.
Pernilla Wahlgren: I bet she goes through. The competition has been devoid of a good schlager entry so far, and this fits the bill, even though it's nothing spectacular. Catchy chorus, though. And better than Sibel's entry.
Noll Disciplin: If the song was better, I'd say they were a sure thing going through, just because they're different (and have pyrotechnics), but I don't think it's gonna work. I wouldn't be so angry if they found their way into andra chansen, just for some diversity in song style.
Peter Jöback: He gets the pimp spot, for sure, and it was a good finale. VERY dramatic, theatrical performance that suits his background and spectacular voice. Not my favorite entry, but very, very good.
My hopes to make it through: Neo, Lovestoned, Pernilla, Peter
Who will make it through: Neo, Lovestoned, Pernilla, Peter (yep, I'm thinking my hopes and the actuals will match up for once)
UPDATE: What I could see of that Malena Ernman skit was VERY funny. Pity the feed is cutting out literally each second...
UPDATE: Top 5 - Noll Discipline, Neo, Anna, Peter and Pernilla. And Anna direct to the final! And boy is she happy. Another shocker. Not entirely disappointing, though. Having followed her on Idol, I'm happy for her.
UPDATE: Now the question is, who's gonna get that dreaded 5th place spot? Better not be Neo, though with this group it could really be anyone. I'm surprised that Peter didn't get the highest votes, though.
UPDATE: Christine and Måns and some other famous Swedish folks are singing, though I can't see or hear half of it :(
UPDATE: Neo to andra chansen (he should have been through), which means of course that Peter is in the final and Pernilla is also in andra chansen (next week's show is gonna be strong, yeah? Lots of great second-chancers). And, crap! Neo has to go against that Underbart song. He better get through.
Lista "Insieme": Ecco la squadra ed il programma
Ecco il Programma (CLICCA per leggere/scaricare) ed i componenti della lista "Insieme"
Candidato alla carica di Sindaco:
Giovan Battista Vecchi
1. Luini Roberta
2. Severino Marcella
3. Giuriola Giorgio
4. Ottolini Fabio
5. Palaoro Ugo
6. Diverio Giorgio
7. Diverio Matteo
8. Pegoraro Roberto
9. Violini Gaudenzio
10. Bazzi Gianmarco
11. Vallenzasca Piero
12. Casaroli Lucio
13. Marforio Alberto
14. Bravi Paolo
15. Bertolino Alessandro
16. D'Alelio Antonio
Stresa: Tutto esaurito per i Kataklò che sfidano la gravità
E’ un inno allo sport raccontato con l’armonia del movimento, «Play», lo spettacolo che la compagnia acrobatica dei Kataklò porterà in scena questa sera alle 21,15 al Palazzo dei congressi di Stresa. L’evento, in programma per i cartelloni di «Lampi sul loggione» e di «Teatri di Provincia», è tutto esaurito da settimane. Lo show si sviluppa attraverso vari quadri: una corsa che diventa puro ritmo, una bicicletta d’altri tempi, un fioretto pronto a scoccare. «Cartoline» che provengono da diverse epoche,
costruite dai corpi dei danzatori che sfidano le leggi fisiche per sperimentare un nuovo linguaggio, alla ricerca costante della libertà che permette di narrare, anche attraverso lo sport, la propria storia. A coronare lo spettacolo, ideato e diretto dall’ex campionessa olimpica di ginnastica ritmica Giulia Staccioli (che ha anche curato le coreografie con Jessica Gandini), si aggiungono poi la colonna sonora originale scritta dal compositore Ajad, i costumi creati da Sara Costantini in modo da valorizzare i movimenti, e le luci di Andrea Mostachetti.
La compagnia dei Kataklò, fondata a Milano nel 1995 da Staccioli, è infatti conosciuta anche al di là dei confini nazionali per gli spettacoli in cui l’abilità fisica si mescola all’originalità. Non per nulla il nome deriva dal greco, «ballo piegandomi e contorcendomi», e ben riassume lo stile del gruppo che miscela movimenti corporei, passi di danza, atletica, acrobatico e mimica senza dimenticare un pizzico di humor. Il processo creativo che porta ad un nuovo spettacolo, inoltre, vede coinvolti tutti i danzatori: l’idea viene sviluppata attraverso sessioni di improvvisazione, avvalendosi dal 2006 anche dell’aiuto di Gandini, danzatrice e coreografa. Della compagnia fanno parte Maria Agatiello, Elisa Bazzocchi, Paolo Benedetti, Eleonora Di Vita, Leonardo Fumarola, Marco Ticli e Marco Zanotti.
(Di Maria Elisa Gualandris su La Stampa)
costruite dai corpi dei danzatori che sfidano le leggi fisiche per sperimentare un nuovo linguaggio, alla ricerca costante della libertà che permette di narrare, anche attraverso lo sport, la propria storia. A coronare lo spettacolo, ideato e diretto dall’ex campionessa olimpica di ginnastica ritmica Giulia Staccioli (che ha anche curato le coreografie con Jessica Gandini), si aggiungono poi la colonna sonora originale scritta dal compositore Ajad, i costumi creati da Sara Costantini in modo da valorizzare i movimenti, e le luci di Andrea Mostachetti.
La compagnia dei Kataklò, fondata a Milano nel 1995 da Staccioli, è infatti conosciuta anche al di là dei confini nazionali per gli spettacoli in cui l’abilità fisica si mescola all’originalità. Non per nulla il nome deriva dal greco, «ballo piegandomi e contorcendomi», e ben riassume lo stile del gruppo che miscela movimenti corporei, passi di danza, atletica, acrobatico e mimica senza dimenticare un pizzico di humor. Il processo creativo che porta ad un nuovo spettacolo, inoltre, vede coinvolti tutti i danzatori: l’idea viene sviluppata attraverso sessioni di improvvisazione, avvalendosi dal 2006 anche dell’aiuto di Gandini, danzatrice e coreografa. Della compagnia fanno parte Maria Agatiello, Elisa Bazzocchi, Paolo Benedetti, Eleonora Di Vita, Leonardo Fumarola, Marco Ticli e Marco Zanotti.
(Di Maria Elisa Gualandris su La Stampa)
Gerald Anderson Clear Shampoo Blacklight Challenge TVC
Check out the newest Clear Anti-Dandruff Shampoo "Blacklight Challenge" TV advertisement featuring young Kapamilya actor Gerald Anderson with Alex Castro, Joan Villablanca, and Enzo Tumlos.
Check Gerald in the TV ad below:
Check Gerald in the TV ad below:
Gerald now joins the ranks of other Clear Anti-Dandruff shampoo endorsers such as Piolo Pascual, Jericho Rosales, Dingdong Dantes, and John Lloyd Cruz.
Braudel: Fate, and a Break, on Jammed Streets
This is from the Prologue to Bounty Hunters: Crowded, unraveling Manhattan, March of 2109. Braudel's homicide squad is slammed; he has two red-ball cases running at once. He's solved one, made the 'vid and the street papers, but can't get caught up on the other. At the new homicide in this series, he gets a tip handed to him from one of the first officers on the scene. He has no idea that his tipster is another investigator doing tactical. Or that he will be on her investigation team later in the year.
Eventually the wagon came for the vic. Fricke and Verdero were waiting for someone to lock up. Braudel walked two blocks to Paddy Brickell’s Irish Pub and ‘Dub Station. This made the sixth knife murder in an all-night grocery store in three weeks, and he was the investigator for all of them. The Boiler Case had taken his full attention for one of those weeks. He needed momentum. So maybe this ‘dub.
The back stairway was plain. He pushed on the door, hand on his Lapis. She sat on the plastene-covered mattress, applying mascara. Great ankles. Two sleeves of gaudy tattoos: this trickster was never leaving the curb.
“I’m recording this conversation, Miss. We’re here for my job and not yours.”
“Right, Spike.” She batted her eyelashes at him. “Your jerk is five-seven or so, very light brown, with brown hair. He’s called Barrata, and he’s mean as shit. He lives somewhere around the Crimson Club. Or so Cat Charlie says. That’s on East 23rd.” She held out her ‘dub registration card. “I wasn’t there. I only caught the Cat. You want a wit to that, there isn’t one.”
He checked his Police Pad. Her name was Lily Smile, born Las Vegas, Nevada as Lily Miles. Her ‘dub stats were in order: no priors. He didn’t believe her anyway.
“Where’s this Charlie Cat? I want to talk to him.”
She shrugged. “Cat Charlie’s a street kid. Won’t talk to a cop, Braudel.”
So she knew him from the ‘vids, too. Because he’d never run into her before.
She stood, slinging her bag onto her shoulder. “That’s one big you owe me, if this Barrata checks out.” She plucked her ‘dub card out of his hand. “Good work on the Boiler Case.”
Okay, fine: it was a tip, anyway. “Don’t call me Spike the next time we meet. You know my name.”
She started on his shirt.
“No.” He put his hands around her wrists. She looked up: dark brown eyes like his, only larger, painted. He smelled perfume, a little sweat. He never did ‘dubs. He liked amateurs, the babes who wanted to dance, play, get busy for laughs.
But just this once: make the spot and get some sleep.
She finally spoke. “I’m buttoning, not unbuttoning.”
He looked down. Yeah, he’d dressed in a hurry all right. She disengaged her wrists.
“I like kids, you know. So I mean it, about the Boiler thing. Take care of yourself.”
“Is Cat Charlie a boy or a girl, Miss Smile?”
“Didn’t drift that past you, huh?” She grinned at him. “I’ve never been sure. The Cat’s too young to tell.”
She slid her skinny lacy ass out. Braudel used his PolPad and started looking up Barrata in the cop’Base. It didn’t work. He tried some variations: finally Barry Resata, 616 East 23rd, previous convictions for StreetKing possession, right description.
Braudel got on his TeleSat. A sweet nice face showed on the ‘screen.
“Officer Verdero, you’re detailed to me and my heap until I say otherwise. Call it in and then wait for me.”
He sat down on the rent-a-bed just for a minute. He put his elbows on his knees and rested his head on his hands. Two dead girls appeared inside his eyelids: the ones that kept him from sleeping, the ones in the boiler.
Time to get moving. He walked into the bar, still wondering if Lily’s tip was a set-up.
“You know Lily Smile?” He had to shout over the prismatic banshee band.
Brickell’s face lit up. “Fine bartender, sweet girl,” he yelled back. “She treat you right?” He pointed. “You don’t look happy.” He laughed, but Braudel couldn’t hear it.
Braudel lifted two fingers. “Tell me about her.”
Brickell poured two coffees, yelling, “Stops in sometimes. That’s all I know.”
Eventually the wagon came for the vic. Fricke and Verdero were waiting for someone to lock up. Braudel walked two blocks to Paddy Brickell’s Irish Pub and ‘Dub Station. This made the sixth knife murder in an all-night grocery store in three weeks, and he was the investigator for all of them. The Boiler Case had taken his full attention for one of those weeks. He needed momentum. So maybe this ‘dub.
The back stairway was plain. He pushed on the door, hand on his Lapis. She sat on the plastene-covered mattress, applying mascara. Great ankles. Two sleeves of gaudy tattoos: this trickster was never leaving the curb.
“I’m recording this conversation, Miss. We’re here for my job and not yours.”
“Right, Spike.” She batted her eyelashes at him. “Your jerk is five-seven or so, very light brown, with brown hair. He’s called Barrata, and he’s mean as shit. He lives somewhere around the Crimson Club. Or so Cat Charlie says. That’s on East 23rd.” She held out her ‘dub registration card. “I wasn’t there. I only caught the Cat. You want a wit to that, there isn’t one.”
He checked his Police Pad. Her name was Lily Smile, born Las Vegas, Nevada as Lily Miles. Her ‘dub stats were in order: no priors. He didn’t believe her anyway.
“Where’s this Charlie Cat? I want to talk to him.”
She shrugged. “Cat Charlie’s a street kid. Won’t talk to a cop, Braudel.”
So she knew him from the ‘vids, too. Because he’d never run into her before.
She stood, slinging her bag onto her shoulder. “That’s one big you owe me, if this Barrata checks out.” She plucked her ‘dub card out of his hand. “Good work on the Boiler Case.”
Okay, fine: it was a tip, anyway. “Don’t call me Spike the next time we meet. You know my name.”
She started on his shirt.
“No.” He put his hands around her wrists. She looked up: dark brown eyes like his, only larger, painted. He smelled perfume, a little sweat. He never did ‘dubs. He liked amateurs, the babes who wanted to dance, play, get busy for laughs.
But just this once: make the spot and get some sleep.
She finally spoke. “I’m buttoning, not unbuttoning.”
He looked down. Yeah, he’d dressed in a hurry all right. She disengaged her wrists.
“I like kids, you know. So I mean it, about the Boiler thing. Take care of yourself.”
“Is Cat Charlie a boy or a girl, Miss Smile?”
“Didn’t drift that past you, huh?” She grinned at him. “I’ve never been sure. The Cat’s too young to tell.”
She slid her skinny lacy ass out. Braudel used his PolPad and started looking up Barrata in the cop’Base. It didn’t work. He tried some variations: finally Barry Resata, 616 East 23rd, previous convictions for StreetKing possession, right description.
Braudel got on his TeleSat. A sweet nice face showed on the ‘screen.
“Officer Verdero, you’re detailed to me and my heap until I say otherwise. Call it in and then wait for me.”
He sat down on the rent-a-bed just for a minute. He put his elbows on his knees and rested his head on his hands. Two dead girls appeared inside his eyelids: the ones that kept him from sleeping, the ones in the boiler.
Time to get moving. He walked into the bar, still wondering if Lily’s tip was a set-up.
“You know Lily Smile?” He had to shout over the prismatic banshee band.
Brickell’s face lit up. “Fine bartender, sweet girl,” he yelled back. “She treat you right?” He pointed. “You don’t look happy.” He laughed, but Braudel couldn’t hear it.
Braudel lifted two fingers. “Tell me about her.”
Brickell poured two coffees, yelling, “Stops in sometimes. That’s all I know.”
PBB Teen Edition 3 "Teen Clash of 2010" - Audition Schedules
Pinoy teens ages 15 - 18 all over the nation who are willing to join and experience how to become a Kuya's house mate will now have the chance to be make their dreams come true.
PBB's Business Unit Head Laurenti Dyogi announces the upcoming auditions dates which will be held in some key cities outside Metro Manila this March.
They have already announced the schedule of auditions and their first stop is SM Davao on Thursday, March 4, 2010. Then on March 6, Saturday, the audition will be held at the Rizal Memorial Stadium.
Auditions will also be held in Dipolog City, Tacloban City and Cebu but no dates have been announced yet.
Pinoy Big Brother (PBB) Teen Edition 3 "Teen Clash of 2010" is the third teen edition of Pinoy Big Brother, which will began airing this summer of 2010 only on ABS-CBN Primetime Bida.
Just Who is Lovestoned ?

This is a new four piece band made up of Par Stenhammar, Emelie Fjallstrom,
Robert Kragh ( from Colombia) Elena Boyadjyevda (from Bulgaria) Although a new band
they have one German Hit single to their name already with 'Rising Girl' In Malmo
they will sing a great pop number "Thursdays" its a great pop tune a little
different yet this could be a recipe for success in Melodifestivalen 2010.
Check out 'Invincible'- Lovestoned style!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Mottarone: Niente funivia per Pasqua, si spera nel 1° Maggio
La funivia del Mottarone non riprenderà le corse in tempo utile per Pasqua. Gli operatori della vetta, che da tempo protestano per il prolungato stop dell’impianto, dovranno attendere con tutta probabilità il 1° maggio (senza "ponte", poiché quest’anno la festa del lavoro cade di sabato). Alla Provincia, che tramite il presidente Massimo Nobili aveva inviato una lettera di sollecito alla Società Ferrovie del Mottarone, è stato risposto che l’ordinativo è partito troppo tardi
per consentire il rispetto dei tempi indicati nell’incontro di gennaio in Prefettura. Una volta montate, le funi di sicurezza dovranno poi passare l’esame dell’ente di vigilanza preposto, l’Ustif. Considerando che le funi non sono ancora arrivate a Stresa, l’ultima settimana d’aprile appare un termine ragionevolmente rispettabile. Ma a luglio incombe la vera incognita: la gara europea per la concessione ventennale dell’impianto, il cui vincitore dovrà assumersi, almeno in parte, l’onere del rinnovamento tecnologico dell’impianto di risalita, obbligatorio per legge dopo 40 anni. Da maggio a luglio, come annunciato dalla Provincia, si procederà a proroghe temporanee, mese per mese, all’attuale gestore.
(Ma.Ra. su La Prealpina)
per consentire il rispetto dei tempi indicati nell’incontro di gennaio in Prefettura. Una volta montate, le funi di sicurezza dovranno poi passare l’esame dell’ente di vigilanza preposto, l’Ustif. Considerando che le funi non sono ancora arrivate a Stresa, l’ultima settimana d’aprile appare un termine ragionevolmente rispettabile. Ma a luglio incombe la vera incognita: la gara europea per la concessione ventennale dell’impianto, il cui vincitore dovrà assumersi, almeno in parte, l’onere del rinnovamento tecnologico dell’impianto di risalita, obbligatorio per legge dopo 40 anni. Da maggio a luglio, come annunciato dalla Provincia, si procederà a proroghe temporanee, mese per mese, all’attuale gestore.
(Ma.Ra. su La Prealpina)
1.700 gli iscritti alla Lago Maggiore Half Marathon
Sono già 1.700 gli iscritti alla Lago Maggiore Half Marathon, la mezza maratona che si disputerà sulle rive del lago (da Verbania a Stresa) il 7 marzo. E tra i concorrenti ci sono anche due voci note della radio italiana: Linus di Radio Deejay e Paoletta di Rtl.Una duplice presenza che garantirà sicuramente un ritorno mediatico all’evento (i fedelissimi di Radio Deejay sanno che Linus ama raccontare le sue avventure podistiche durante il seguitissimo programma "Deejay chiama Italia") al quale parteciperanno atleti di 25
nazioni. Un evento, quello organizzato da Sport Pro-Motion, che quest’anno ha una novità non di poco conto: il percorso sarà infatti invertito (nelle due precedenti edizioni la partenza era a Stresa, l’arrivo a Verbania), ma la distanza da coprire non cambierà: 21.097 metri. Quest’anno gli iscritti alla manifestazione, presentata ieri allo Sportway, riceveranno anche una "maglia tecnica".
nazioni. Un evento, quello organizzato da Sport Pro-Motion, che quest’anno ha una novità non di poco conto: il percorso sarà infatti invertito (nelle due precedenti edizioni la partenza era a Stresa, l’arrivo a Verbania), ma la distanza da coprire non cambierà: 21.097 metri. Quest’anno gli iscritti alla manifestazione, presentata ieri allo Sportway, riceveranno anche una "maglia tecnica".
33rd Gawad Urian – 2010 Nominees
The Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino (MPP) released their list of nominees in the running for the 33rd Gawad Urian which is happening on April 29, 2010 at the UP Cine Adarna.
Here is the complete list of nominees for 2010 Gawad Urian:
Best Film
The Arrival
Bakal Boys
Hospital Boat
Last Supper No. 3
Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe.
Best Director
John Steffan Ballesteros (Colorum)
Pepe Diokno (Engkwentro)
Ralston Jover (Bakal Boys)
Erik Matti (The Arrival)
Arnel Mardoquio (Hospital Boat)
Brillante Mendoza (Kinatay)
Brillante Mendoza (Lola)
Raymond Red (Himpapawid)
GB Sampedro (Astig)
Veronica Velasco (Last Supper No. 3)
Alvin Yapan (Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe)
Best Actor
Raul Arellano (Himpapawid)
Allen Dizon (Dukot)
Dwight Gaston (The Arrival)
John Lloyd Cruz (In My Life)
Coco Martin (Kinatay)
Joey Paras (Last Supper)
Felix Roco (Engkwentro)
Alfred Vargas (Colorum)
Lou Veloso (Colorum)
Jacky Woo (Walang Hanggang Paalam)
Best Actress
Irma Adlawan (Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe)
Janice de Belen (Last Viewing)
Iza Calzado (Dukot)
Rustica Carpio (Lola)
Eugene Domingo (Kimmy/Dora)
Anita Linda (Lola)
Che Ramos (Mangatyanan)
Rosanna Roces (Wanted Border)
Vilma Santos (In My Life)
Tessie Tomas (Sanglaan)
Best Supporting Actor
John Arcilla (Himpapawid)
Dennis Ascalon (The Arrival)
Soliman Cruz (Himpapawid)
Milton Dionson (The Arrival)
Jose Ma. Javellana (Colorum)
John Regala (Kinatay)
Jake Roxas (Walang Hanggang Paalam)
Ariel Ureta (Kimmy/Dora)
Best Supporting Actress
Gina Alajar (Dukot)
Glaiza de Castro (Astig)
Jea Lyka Cinco (Hospital Boat)
Maria Isabel Lopez (Kinatay)
Gina Pareño (Baseco Bakal Boys)
Marissa Sue Prado (Himpapawid)
Miriam Quiambao (Kimmy/Dora)
Dimples Romana (In My Life)
Best Screenplay
Linda Casimiro (Lola)
Pepe Diokno (Engkwentro)
Christopher Gozum (Anacbanua)
Armando Lao (Biyaheng Lupa)
Armando Lao (Kinatay)
Erik Matti (The Arrival)
Raymond Red (Himpapawid)
Veronica Velasco and Jinky Laurel (Last Supper No. 3)
Alvin Yapan (Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe)
Best Sound
Ditoy Aguila (Himpapawid)
Mark Locsin (Bakal Boys)
Albert Michael Idioma (Kinatay)
Albert Michael Idioma and Addiss Tabong (Lola)
Mark Laccay (Engkwentro)
Andrew Millalos and Mike Idioma, (Last Supper No. 3)
Best Music
Teresa Barrazo (Kinatay)
Dan Gil (Last Supper No. 3)
Lutgardo Labad (Independencia)
Gauss Obenza (Hospital Boat)
Francisbrew Reyes (Dinig Sana Kita)
Francis de Veyra (The Arrival)
Best Editing
John Steffan Ballesteros (Colorum)
Jay Halili (Biyaheng Lupa)
Raymond Red, Dave Hukom and Jay Halili (Himpapawid)
Kats Serraon (Kinatay)
Kats Serraon (Lola)
Orlean Tan, Ralph Crisostomo and Miko Araneta (Engkwentro)
Borgy Torre and Ronald Banawa (The Arrival)
Veronica Velasco and Pablo Biglang-awa Jr. (Last Supper No. 3).
Best Production Design
Bryan Bajado (Hospital Boat)
Deans Habal (Bakal Boys)
Brillante Mendoza (Kinatay)
Brillante Mendoza (Lola)
Danny Red (Himpapawid)
Digo Ricio (Independencia)
Mic Tatad and Giselle Andres (Last Supper No. 3)
Best Cinematography
Dax Canedo (Hospital Boat)
Ruben Dela Cruz (Bakal Boys)
Neil Daza (Engkwentro)
Odyssey Flores (Kinatay)
Odyssey Flores (Lola)
Sol Garcia (Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe)
Joni Guttierez (Anacbanua)
Jeanne Lapoirie (Independencia)
Raymond Red (Himpapawid)
Natatanging Gawad Urian
Armida Siguion-Reyna
Here is the complete list of nominees for 2010 Gawad Urian:
Best Film
The Arrival
Bakal Boys
Hospital Boat
Last Supper No. 3
Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe.
Best Director
John Steffan Ballesteros (Colorum)
Pepe Diokno (Engkwentro)
Ralston Jover (Bakal Boys)
Erik Matti (The Arrival)
Arnel Mardoquio (Hospital Boat)
Brillante Mendoza (Kinatay)
Brillante Mendoza (Lola)
Raymond Red (Himpapawid)
GB Sampedro (Astig)
Veronica Velasco (Last Supper No. 3)
Alvin Yapan (Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe)
Best Actor
Raul Arellano (Himpapawid)
Allen Dizon (Dukot)
Dwight Gaston (The Arrival)
John Lloyd Cruz (In My Life)
Coco Martin (Kinatay)
Joey Paras (Last Supper)
Felix Roco (Engkwentro)
Alfred Vargas (Colorum)
Lou Veloso (Colorum)
Jacky Woo (Walang Hanggang Paalam)
Best Actress
Irma Adlawan (Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe)
Janice de Belen (Last Viewing)
Iza Calzado (Dukot)
Rustica Carpio (Lola)
Eugene Domingo (Kimmy/Dora)
Anita Linda (Lola)
Che Ramos (Mangatyanan)
Rosanna Roces (Wanted Border)
Vilma Santos (In My Life)
Tessie Tomas (Sanglaan)
Best Supporting Actor
John Arcilla (Himpapawid)
Dennis Ascalon (The Arrival)
Soliman Cruz (Himpapawid)
Milton Dionson (The Arrival)
Jose Ma. Javellana (Colorum)
John Regala (Kinatay)
Jake Roxas (Walang Hanggang Paalam)
Ariel Ureta (Kimmy/Dora)
Best Supporting Actress
Gina Alajar (Dukot)
Glaiza de Castro (Astig)
Jea Lyka Cinco (Hospital Boat)
Maria Isabel Lopez (Kinatay)
Gina Pareño (Baseco Bakal Boys)
Marissa Sue Prado (Himpapawid)
Miriam Quiambao (Kimmy/Dora)
Dimples Romana (In My Life)
Best Screenplay
Linda Casimiro (Lola)
Pepe Diokno (Engkwentro)
Christopher Gozum (Anacbanua)
Armando Lao (Biyaheng Lupa)
Armando Lao (Kinatay)
Erik Matti (The Arrival)
Raymond Red (Himpapawid)
Veronica Velasco and Jinky Laurel (Last Supper No. 3)
Alvin Yapan (Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe)
Best Sound
Ditoy Aguila (Himpapawid)
Mark Locsin (Bakal Boys)
Albert Michael Idioma (Kinatay)
Albert Michael Idioma and Addiss Tabong (Lola)
Mark Laccay (Engkwentro)
Andrew Millalos and Mike Idioma, (Last Supper No. 3)
Best Music
Teresa Barrazo (Kinatay)
Dan Gil (Last Supper No. 3)
Lutgardo Labad (Independencia)
Gauss Obenza (Hospital Boat)
Francisbrew Reyes (Dinig Sana Kita)
Francis de Veyra (The Arrival)
Best Editing
John Steffan Ballesteros (Colorum)
Jay Halili (Biyaheng Lupa)
Raymond Red, Dave Hukom and Jay Halili (Himpapawid)
Kats Serraon (Kinatay)
Kats Serraon (Lola)
Orlean Tan, Ralph Crisostomo and Miko Araneta (Engkwentro)
Borgy Torre and Ronald Banawa (The Arrival)
Veronica Velasco and Pablo Biglang-awa Jr. (Last Supper No. 3).
Best Production Design
Bryan Bajado (Hospital Boat)
Deans Habal (Bakal Boys)
Brillante Mendoza (Kinatay)
Brillante Mendoza (Lola)
Danny Red (Himpapawid)
Digo Ricio (Independencia)
Mic Tatad and Giselle Andres (Last Supper No. 3)
Best Cinematography
Dax Canedo (Hospital Boat)
Ruben Dela Cruz (Bakal Boys)
Neil Daza (Engkwentro)
Odyssey Flores (Kinatay)
Odyssey Flores (Lola)
Sol Garcia (Ang Panggagahasa kay Fe)
Joni Guttierez (Anacbanua)
Jeanne Lapoirie (Independencia)
Raymond Red (Himpapawid)
Natatanging Gawad Urian
Armida Siguion-Reyna
Tutto pronto per la II° Ciaspolata AVIS Stresa
Ecco il programma della II° Ciaspolata organizzata da i Giovani dell'Avis di Stresa in collaborazione con l'Amico Avisino Adriano Piretti per Sabato 27 febbraio 2010. E' stato anticipato l'orario di ritrovo per poter ammirare anche un pò di tramonto!!
Ore 17.00 Ritrovo al Mottarone presso noleggios sci
Ore 17.30 Ritrovo al Mottarone presso parcheggio
Ore 17.45 Inizio della camnminata guidati dalla luna piena (noleggio ciaspole Euro 5.00)
Dopo la camminata ci ritroveremo al ristorante "San
Giuda" per una ricchissima cena
Ore 17.00 Ritrovo al Mottarone presso noleggios sci
Ore 17.30 Ritrovo al Mottarone presso parcheggio
Ore 17.45 Inizio della camnminata guidati dalla luna piena (noleggio ciaspole Euro 5.00)
Dopo la camminata ci ritroveremo al ristorante "San
Giuda" per una ricchissima cena
Reader's Digest "Philippines' Most Trusted Individuals of 2010"
Reader's Digest Asia reveals the result of its exclusive survey which looks at the most trusted people and professions in the Philippines for 2010.
For the first time ever, Reader's Digest have conducted a nationwide survey asking people to rate 80 influential Filipino personalities on their trustworthiness. The list was presented in random order and ratings were given as a score out of ten where one equated to "Don’t trust at all" and ten being "Trust completely".
Here’s the complete list of Philippines' Most Trusted 2010:
1. Rosa Rosal (actress and philanthropist)
2. Lea Salonga (Singer and Actress)
3. Jessica Soho (Journalist and Vice President of GMA News)
4. Tony Meloto (Philanthropist, Founder of Gawad Kalinga)
5. Beningo “Noynoy” Aquino III (senator)
6. Rafael “Paeng” Nepumuceno (bowling champion)
7. Howie G. Severino (documentary filmmaker)
8. Randy David (Newspaper columnist)
9. Mel Tiangco (TV host and Newscaster)
10. Efren "Bata" Reyes (Pool and Billiard champion)
11. Jaime August Zobel de Ayala (Businessman and CEO of the Ayala Corporation)
12. Cristeta Comerford (White House Executive Chef)
13. Miguel Castro "Mike" Enriquez (TV and Radio newscaster, Senior Vice-President of GMA news)
14. Boots Anson-Roa (Former actress, Director of Mowelfound)
15. Angel Alcala (Marine scientist)
16. Julius Babao (News anchor)
17. Vilma Santos-Recto (ctress and Governor of Batangas)
18. Von Hernandez (Executive Director of Greenpeace, Southeast Asia)
19. Archbishop Angel Lagdameo (President of Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines)
20. Michael V. (Comedian and TV host)
21. Chin Chin Guiterrez (Actress and Environmental activist)
22. Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz (Priest)
23. Arnel Pineda (Lead singer of Journey)
24. Mar Roxaz (Senator)
25. Henry Sy (Founder and Chairman of SM)
26. Sharon Cuneta (Entertainer)
27. Conrado de Quiros (Newspaper columnist and Author)
28. Kidlat Tahimik (Documentary filmmaker, Writer)
29. Antonio A. Oposa Junior (Environmental lawyer)
30. Bishop Efraim Tendero (National Director, The Philippine Council for Evangelical Churches)
31. Charice Pempengco (Singer)
32. Dr. Rey Melchor F. Santos (President of Philippine Medical Association)
33. Monique Lhuillier (Fashion designer)
34. Gloria Diaz (Actress and Former Miss Universe)
35. Dr. Lilia H. Pagtakhan-Luna (Obstetrician and Gynecologist)
36. Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao (Boxer)
37. Dr Eusebio Z. Dizon (Archeologist)
38. Dr. Ramon Santos (Musical composer)
39. Chris Tiu (Basketballer and TV co-host Pinoy Records)
40. Reynato S. Puno (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines)
41. Alfredo S. Lim (Manila Mayor)
42. Kris Aquino (TV personality and Actress)
43. Lorenzo "Lory" Tan (Vice-Chairman WWF)
44. KC Concepcion (Actress)
45. Jaime T. "Jimmy" Licauco (Parapsychologist, Author and Founder of the Inner Mind Development Institute)
46. Brillante Mendoza (Filmmaker)
47. Rodrigo Duterte (Davao City Mayor)
48. Senator Richard "Dick" Gordan (Politician and Chairman of The Philippine National Red Cross)
49. Roberto del Rosario (businessman and inventor of the Karaoke Sing Along System)
50. Francis G. Escudero (Senator)
51. Romeo Gacad (Photo journalist)
52. Joker Arroyo (Politician and Lawyer)
53. Dr. Esperanza I. Cabral (Secretary of Department of Social Welfare and Development)
54. Napoleon L. Nazareno (President and CEO of PLDT and SMART)
55. Ernest L. Cu (Director and CEO of Globe Telecom)
56. Korina Sanchez (TV personality)
57. Jon Santos (comedian, gay marriage activist)
58. Billy Crawford (Musician and Actor)
59. Alfonso T. Yuchengco (head of Yuchengco Group)
60. Manuel "Manny" Villar (Senator)
61. Hon. Jesil A. Lapus (Department of Education)
62. Fidel V. Ramos (Former President of the Philippines)
63. Noli de Castro (Vice President of the Philippines)
64. Lucio Tan (businessman)
65. Gilberto Teodoro (Secretary of National Defence)
66. Lieutenant General Victor S Ibrado (Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines)
67. Marian Rivera (Actress and Model)
68. Eduardo V. Manalo (deputy Executive Minister of Iglesia Ni Cristo)
69. Carlos J. Caparas (cartoonist and filmmaker)
70. Asi Taulava (Philippines National Basketball team captain)
71. General Jesus A. Verzosa (Chief of Philippine National Police)
72. Cristine Reyes (Actress and FHM's Sexiest Woman 2009)
73. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos, Jr. (Politician)
74. Imee Marcos (Politician)
75. Willie Revillame (TV host (Wowowee))
76. Katrina Halili (Actress and Model)
77. Imelda Marcos (former First Lady of the Philippines)
78. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (President of the Philippines)
79. Joseph "Erap" Estrada (Former President of the Philippines)
80. Hayden Kho, Jr. (Doctor, Actor and Model)
1. Pilot
2. Teacher
3. Surgeon
4. Farmer
5. Doctor
6. Paramedic
7. Scientist
8. Nurse
9. Chef
10. Dentist
11. Firefighter
12. Veterinarian
13. Pharmacist
14. Engineer
15. Architect
16. Musician
17. Flight Steward/Stewardess
18. Electrician
19. Software Engineer
20. Tour Guide
21. Mechanic
22. Religious Leader
23. Plumber
24. CEO
25. Domestic Helper
26. Accountant
27. Economist
28. Journalist
29. Banker
30. Financial Planner
31. Hairdresser
32. Bus/Train Driver
33. Judge
34. Member Of Armed Forces
35. Taxi Driver
36. Real Estate Agent
37. Lawyer
38. Police Officer
39. Hawker
40. Politician
For the first time ever, Reader's Digest have conducted a nationwide survey asking people to rate 80 influential Filipino personalities on their trustworthiness. The list was presented in random order and ratings were given as a score out of ten where one equated to "Don’t trust at all" and ten being "Trust completely".
Here’s the complete list of Philippines' Most Trusted 2010:
1. Rosa Rosal (actress and philanthropist)
2. Lea Salonga (Singer and Actress)
3. Jessica Soho (Journalist and Vice President of GMA News)
4. Tony Meloto (Philanthropist, Founder of Gawad Kalinga)
5. Beningo “Noynoy” Aquino III (senator)
6. Rafael “Paeng” Nepumuceno (bowling champion)
7. Howie G. Severino (documentary filmmaker)
8. Randy David (Newspaper columnist)
9. Mel Tiangco (TV host and Newscaster)
10. Efren "Bata" Reyes (Pool and Billiard champion)
11. Jaime August Zobel de Ayala (Businessman and CEO of the Ayala Corporation)
12. Cristeta Comerford (White House Executive Chef)
13. Miguel Castro "Mike" Enriquez (TV and Radio newscaster, Senior Vice-President of GMA news)
14. Boots Anson-Roa (Former actress, Director of Mowelfound)
15. Angel Alcala (Marine scientist)
16. Julius Babao (News anchor)
17. Vilma Santos-Recto (ctress and Governor of Batangas)
18. Von Hernandez (Executive Director of Greenpeace, Southeast Asia)
19. Archbishop Angel Lagdameo (President of Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines)
20. Michael V. (Comedian and TV host)
21. Chin Chin Guiterrez (Actress and Environmental activist)
22. Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz (Priest)
23. Arnel Pineda (Lead singer of Journey)
24. Mar Roxaz (Senator)
25. Henry Sy (Founder and Chairman of SM)
26. Sharon Cuneta (Entertainer)
27. Conrado de Quiros (Newspaper columnist and Author)
28. Kidlat Tahimik (Documentary filmmaker, Writer)
29. Antonio A. Oposa Junior (Environmental lawyer)
30. Bishop Efraim Tendero (National Director, The Philippine Council for Evangelical Churches)
31. Charice Pempengco (Singer)
32. Dr. Rey Melchor F. Santos (President of Philippine Medical Association)
33. Monique Lhuillier (Fashion designer)
34. Gloria Diaz (Actress and Former Miss Universe)
35. Dr. Lilia H. Pagtakhan-Luna (Obstetrician and Gynecologist)
36. Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao (Boxer)
37. Dr Eusebio Z. Dizon (Archeologist)
38. Dr. Ramon Santos (Musical composer)
39. Chris Tiu (Basketballer and TV co-host Pinoy Records)
40. Reynato S. Puno (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines)
41. Alfredo S. Lim (Manila Mayor)
42. Kris Aquino (TV personality and Actress)
43. Lorenzo "Lory" Tan (Vice-Chairman WWF)
44. KC Concepcion (Actress)
45. Jaime T. "Jimmy" Licauco (Parapsychologist, Author and Founder of the Inner Mind Development Institute)
46. Brillante Mendoza (Filmmaker)
47. Rodrigo Duterte (Davao City Mayor)
48. Senator Richard "Dick" Gordan (Politician and Chairman of The Philippine National Red Cross)
49. Roberto del Rosario (businessman and inventor of the Karaoke Sing Along System)
50. Francis G. Escudero (Senator)
51. Romeo Gacad (Photo journalist)
52. Joker Arroyo (Politician and Lawyer)
53. Dr. Esperanza I. Cabral (Secretary of Department of Social Welfare and Development)
54. Napoleon L. Nazareno (President and CEO of PLDT and SMART)
55. Ernest L. Cu (Director and CEO of Globe Telecom)
56. Korina Sanchez (TV personality)
57. Jon Santos (comedian, gay marriage activist)
58. Billy Crawford (Musician and Actor)
59. Alfonso T. Yuchengco (head of Yuchengco Group)
60. Manuel "Manny" Villar (Senator)
61. Hon. Jesil A. Lapus (Department of Education)
62. Fidel V. Ramos (Former President of the Philippines)
63. Noli de Castro (Vice President of the Philippines)
64. Lucio Tan (businessman)
65. Gilberto Teodoro (Secretary of National Defence)
66. Lieutenant General Victor S Ibrado (Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines)
67. Marian Rivera (Actress and Model)
68. Eduardo V. Manalo (deputy Executive Minister of Iglesia Ni Cristo)
69. Carlos J. Caparas (cartoonist and filmmaker)
70. Asi Taulava (Philippines National Basketball team captain)
71. General Jesus A. Verzosa (Chief of Philippine National Police)
72. Cristine Reyes (Actress and FHM's Sexiest Woman 2009)
73. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos, Jr. (Politician)
74. Imee Marcos (Politician)
75. Willie Revillame (TV host (Wowowee))
76. Katrina Halili (Actress and Model)
77. Imelda Marcos (former First Lady of the Philippines)
78. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (President of the Philippines)
79. Joseph "Erap" Estrada (Former President of the Philippines)
80. Hayden Kho, Jr. (Doctor, Actor and Model)
1. Pilot
2. Teacher
3. Surgeon
4. Farmer
5. Doctor
6. Paramedic
7. Scientist
8. Nurse
9. Chef
10. Dentist
11. Firefighter
12. Veterinarian
13. Pharmacist
14. Engineer
15. Architect
16. Musician
17. Flight Steward/Stewardess
18. Electrician
19. Software Engineer
20. Tour Guide
21. Mechanic
22. Religious Leader
23. Plumber
24. CEO
25. Domestic Helper
26. Accountant
27. Economist
28. Journalist
29. Banker
30. Financial Planner
31. Hairdresser
32. Bus/Train Driver
33. Judge
34. Member Of Armed Forces
35. Taxi Driver
36. Real Estate Agent
37. Lawyer
38. Police Officer
39. Hawker
40. Politician
Windows Mobile Share Drops Despite Smartphone Growth

Apple, Google, Nokia and Research In Motion were the biggest gainers, according to the report. Only devices based on Windows Mobile and those based on Linux mobile operating systems saw declines.
For 2010, Gartner is forecasting low double-digit growth and a competitive market specifically around mobile operating systems.
Carolina Milanesi, Gartner's research director for mobile devices, predicts Microsoft will face an uphill battle in the smartphone market, despite announcing its new Windows Phone platform last week.
"I believe that Windows Phone is a competitive platform but not a platform that stands out among what is already in the market today," Milanesi said in an e-mail. "Hence, Microsoft will have to work on advertising around its brand as well as around enriching the ecosystem offering starting with [Windows] Marketplace. By the end of the year, the OS market will be very competitive."
Apple sold nearly 25 million iPhones last year, more than double the amount it sold in 2008, and captured a 14 percent share of the global market, up from an 8.2 percent. RIM, the No. 2 provider of smartphones behind Nokia, sold 47 million BlackBerrys, a 47 percent increase. There are now 6.8 million units based on Google's Android platform, which used to be a non-factor in 2008 when it just entered the smartphone market.
Android had a late-year effect on the market with the release of the Motorola Droid. During the fourth quarter, both Apple and RIM saw fourth-quarter share declines, seemingly a result of Google's gains, according to Milanesi.
One platform that hasn't made a huge dent in the market is Palm's new webOS. Only 1.2 million new Palm devices were sold since the release of the Pre in June. That accounted for less than 1 percent of the market. Only 1.1 million devices based on "other" platforms were sold, down from 4 million in 2008.
Rihanna - Sexuality

"You want me, then make a move"
Today's post is a little different than most because I usually write about indie or unknown artists, but that doesn't mean that I'm not 100% obsessed with mainstream pop music. It's been several months since Rihanna released her latest album and I've gotta say I haven't listened to it since 2009. This despite the fact that I gave it a very high grade in my review and even featured it in my top ten albums of the year. I don't take any of that back, but (as if it hasn't been said by everybody else already), it doesn't mean that it's a fun album. Doesn't make it bad or good, but it does make it something that I'm usually not in the mood to hear. Now, this brings me to Sexuality, an unreleased track that's light years away from the stuff on Rated R, yet could have easily been an example of the sound of a never-completed project. I'm not sure it's any better, but it's definitely more fun. The obvious inspiration here is Prince. In fact, it's nearly a carbon copy of his 80's work, even down to the title. I love the spare, funky synths and drum beat. Rihanna doesn't quite get away with the dippy lyrics (she needs a bit more funk), but this could've been a fantastic single in another world.
Rihanna - Sexuality by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy Rated R here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
On Two Feet, in Paradise
At the bottom of this post, there's an appeal. It will cost you two minutes and some thumb-clicks, but not one penny. If you can see your way clear, please consider doing this read-and-click for Densey and Mary Cole.
Last year, Officer Densey Cole of the Chicago Police Department was engaged in a police pursuit when someone pulled out into the intersection he was traversing. Officer Cole swerved to avoid impact, but there was a three-car pileup that smashed his car into a streetlamp post. Officer Cole was immediately paralyzed from the chest down.
While helpless in the car, another man entered it, and stole Officer Cole's gun, badge, and money. He threatened to kill Cole, but ran off instead--( ).
Since then, Officer Cole has undertaken intensive rehab. His fiance Mary married him from the hospital bed. He was transferred to a notable rehab center in Denver, where the Denver PD looked after him as their own. He completed that rehab program and moved back to Chicago. Police officers from many areas made contributions for a van, so he can go to his doctor appointments and get going on a daily life.
Here he is, on the news in Denver, telling you himself: unfortunately, the video won't embed here.
Recently, the Coles registered for a dream wedding contest at Crate and Barrel. In the entry Mrs. Cole wrote, she says her husband can stand up now for brief periods of time with some mechanical assistance. It's my understanding if they win, they're going to renew their vows, in some warm tropical place that's not about sickness, and have a honeymoon this time. He'll be on his feet this time. But they can't afford it alone.
To win, the Coles need more votes. Please register at Crate and Barrel, give them your e-mail address, then click the confimation on the e-mail you then receive. With such a large prize at stake, C & B is looking for fraud, so just vote once and pass the word. You will probably get a few ads in your mailbox thereafter, which you can either enjoy or cancel. And the Coles might get a good memory to balance out some hard ones.
H/T Second City Cop
Last year, Officer Densey Cole of the Chicago Police Department was engaged in a police pursuit when someone pulled out into the intersection he was traversing. Officer Cole swerved to avoid impact, but there was a three-car pileup that smashed his car into a streetlamp post. Officer Cole was immediately paralyzed from the chest down.
While helpless in the car, another man entered it, and stole Officer Cole's gun, badge, and money. He threatened to kill Cole, but ran off instead--( ).
Since then, Officer Cole has undertaken intensive rehab. His fiance Mary married him from the hospital bed. He was transferred to a notable rehab center in Denver, where the Denver PD looked after him as their own. He completed that rehab program and moved back to Chicago. Police officers from many areas made contributions for a van, so he can go to his doctor appointments and get going on a daily life.
Here he is, on the news in Denver, telling you himself: unfortunately, the video won't embed here.
Recently, the Coles registered for a dream wedding contest at Crate and Barrel. In the entry Mrs. Cole wrote, she says her husband can stand up now for brief periods of time with some mechanical assistance. It's my understanding if they win, they're going to renew their vows, in some warm tropical place that's not about sickness, and have a honeymoon this time. He'll be on his feet this time. But they can't afford it alone.
for Densey and Mary Cole's Ultimate Dream Wedding.
To win, the Coles need more votes. Please register at Crate and Barrel, give them your e-mail address, then click the confimation on the e-mail you then receive. With such a large prize at stake, C & B is looking for fraud, so just vote once and pass the word. You will probably get a few ads in your mailbox thereafter, which you can either enjoy or cancel. And the Coles might get a good memory to balance out some hard ones.
H/T Second City Cop
Bessie Smith
The video picture doesn't change. You can get up and get your next cup of coffee while you listen. Or read through the next post, or whatever you desire.
Because I love the blues, and Ms. Smith, and the blues love me . . . .
Because I love the blues, and Ms. Smith, and the blues love me . . . .
Cristine Reyes Covers MEGA Magazine March 2010 Issue
Kapamilya actress Cristine Reyes looks alluring in the cover of Mega Magazine March 2010 issue.

Aside from its special Summer Fashion tips, MEGA also features "Over 60 of the Best Swimwear for Every Body Type," "Bold and Bright Accessories to Match," "Look Better Naked – Sunscreens, Tanners, Slimming Treatment for a Beach Ready Body," "Shape Up – 6 Fitness Routines So You Can Be Little and Lean," "Maximize Your Credit Without Maxing Out," "Graphic Black and White, Body Electric 80s Style," "City Chic Resort Wear," and "This Season’s Most Desirable Shoes, Bags, Jewelry"
MEGA Magazine March 2010 issue is now available at all magazine stands nationwide.
Shakira - "Gypsy" Music Video and Lyrics
Check out Shakira’s hot new video "Gypsy" featuring tennis champ Rafael Nadal.
Here's what Shakira has to say about Rafael Nadal:
"Shooting this video with Rafa was a great experience, he is very sweet and made it easy and fun. He and I have so much in common — starting out so young in our respective careers and traveling the world — I felt this would translate the spirit of the lyrics in the song and I was thrilled he wanted to be a part of it."
Rafael Nadal's response:
"It has been a great experience and I had a lot of fun doing it. I had some time in between tournaments and preparation and could not miss this opportunity. Shakira, as always, was spectacular. Working with a woman as charming as her, well, it makes it a lot easier to tell the truth. It was great, very easy, she’s really sweet and that always makes the hours go by faster."
See "Gypsy" music video below from Shakira’s latest album "She Wolf":
Here's what Shakira has to say about Rafael Nadal:
"Shooting this video with Rafa was a great experience, he is very sweet and made it easy and fun. He and I have so much in common — starting out so young in our respective careers and traveling the world — I felt this would translate the spirit of the lyrics in the song and I was thrilled he wanted to be a part of it."
Rafael Nadal's response:
"It has been a great experience and I had a lot of fun doing it. I had some time in between tournaments and preparation and could not miss this opportunity. Shakira, as always, was spectacular. Working with a woman as charming as her, well, it makes it a lot easier to tell the truth. It was great, very easy, she’s really sweet and that always makes the hours go by faster."
See "Gypsy" music video below from Shakira’s latest album "She Wolf":
Broke my heart
On the road
Spent the weekend
Sewing the pieces back on
Friends and thoughts pass me by
Walking gets too boring
When you learn how to fly
Not the homecoming kind
Take the top off
And who knows what you might find
Won't confess all my sins
You can bet I'll try it
But I can't always win
'Cause I'm a gypsy
Are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes
And wear them if they fit me
I never made agreements
Just like a gypsy
And I won't back down
'Cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry
I'm too young to die
If you're gonna quit me
'Cause I'm a gypsy
('Cause I'm a gypsy)
I can't hide
what I've done
Scars remind me
Of just how far that I've come
To whom it may concern
Only run with scissors
When you want to get hurt
I said hey you
You're no fool
If you say 'NO'
Ain't it just the way life goes?
People fear what they don't know
Come along for the ride, Oh yeah
Come along for the ride, whoo-hoo.
AGB Mega Manila TV Ratings (February 23-25): "Kapamilya Shows Lead the Daytime and Primetime Race"

February 23, Tuesday
1. Wowowee (ABS-CBN) - 20.6%
2. Showtime (ABS-CBN) - 19.6%
3. Eat Bulaga! (GMA-7) - 19%
4. Ina, Kasusuklaman Ba Kita? (GMA-7) - 15.8%
5. Magkano ang Iyong Dangal? (ABS-CBN) - 14%
6. Daisy Siete: Bebe & Me (GMA-7) - 13.7%
7. Gumapang Ka Sa Lusak (GMA-7) - 12.7%
8. Family Feud (GMA-7) / The Substitute Bride (ABS-CBN) - 12.4%
9. Maria de Jesus: Anghel Sa Lansangan (ABS-CBN) - 11%
10. Pilipinas Got More Talent (ABS-CBN) - 9.1%
1. Agua Bendita (ABS-CBN) - 33.4%
2. Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo (ABS-CBN) - 32.2%
3. Panday Kids (GMA-7) - 31.6%
4. Habang May Buhay (ABS-CBN) - 29.9%
5. The Last Prince (GMA-7) - 29.7%
6. 24 Oras (GMA-7) - 28.6%
7. Full House (GMA-7) - 28.1%
8. TV Patrol World (ABS-CBN) - 25.9%
9. Rubi (ABS-CBN) - 23.8%
10. First Time (GMA-7) - 21.4%
February 24, Wednesday (No available data)
February 25, Thursday
1. Showtime (ABS-CBN) - 21.9%
2. Wowowee (ABS-CBN) - 20.6%
3. Eat Bulaga! (GMA-7) - 19.3%
4. Ina, Kasusuklaman Ba Kita? (GMA-7) - 14.6%
5. Magkano ang Iyong Dangal? (ABS-CBN) - 12.7%
6. Daisy Siete: Bebe & Me (GMA-7) - 12.2%
7. Gumapang Ka Sa Lusak (GMA-7) - 12%
8. The Substitute Bride (ABS-CBN) - 11.5%
9. Family Feud (GMA-7) - 9.8%
10. OC to the Max (GMA-7) / Pilipinas Got More Talent (ABS-CBN) - 8.1%
1. Agua Bendita (ABS-CBN) - 34.3%
2. Panday Kids (GMA-7) - 33.2%
3. The Last Prince (GMA-7) - 32.2%
4. Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo (ABS-CBN) - 30.3%
5. Full House (GMA-7) - 29.3%
6. 24 Oras (GMA-7) - 28.9%
7. Habang May Buhay (ABS-CBN) - 27.5%
8. TV Patrol World (ABS-CBN) - 25.9%
9. Rubi (ABS-CBN) - 23.5%
10. Queen Seon Deok (GMA-7) - 21.9%
Source: AGB Nielsen Philippines
Diva - Cast and Characters
Asia's Songbird Regine Velasquez stars in her fifth primetime series on GMA-7, Diva. Here, she plays Sampaguita a.k.a. Sam, a hideous-looking woman who dreams of becoming a famous singer someday. Sam's singing prowess and good-natured personality will lead her to find a spot in the entertainment industry despite her unpleasant looks.
Regine was able to sympathize with her character "Sam" because of the discrimination that they go through. Even though Regine's character has an extraordinary talent in singing, she had to cover her face with clothes or even mascot costumes so as not to "scare away" the people.
Diva will also reunite the sweet comic tandem of Regine and Mark Anthony Fernandez. They first worked together in the romantic-comedy series Ako Si Kim Samsoon. In Diva, Mark plays Gary, Sam's cool and loyal childhood friend. A good lyricist and a good writer, Gary's goal is to find the woman who deserves his love.
TJ Trinidad. In her first TV project with the Asia's Songbird, TJ plays Martin, a rich, charming, boy-next-door kind of guy. He is a good composer and very passionate about his music. His parents want him to focus on classical music but he prefers pop and alternative music.
Rufa Mae Quinto. This sexy comedienne portrays the role of Lady, a model who becomes a singer despite her lack of talent. Sam will be her ghost singer and eventually her rival. Lady will make Sam's life miserable.
Glaiza de Castro. Young actress Glaiza follows up her kontrabida role as Eunice in Stairway To Heaven with another kontrabida role here in Diva. She plays Tiffany, Lady's personal assistant who will eventually become a singer also.
Jaya. The Queen of Soul finally gets to realize her dream of acting in a soap opera via Diva. Here, she plays Barbra, the know-it-all best friend of Sam.
Randy Santiago. This '90s matinee idol plays George, an executive producer of a recording company who will give Sam the opportunity to become a diva.
Buboy Garovillo. APO Hiking Society's Buboy Garovillo is Elvis, the loving father of Sam. A former musician turned taxi driver, Elvis will push his daughter to reach for her dream. He is even Sam's avid fan and will support his daughter in every step she makes to reach her dream.
Gloria Diaz. Former Miss Universe Gloria Diaz plays Paula, the mother of Sam. She is a former beauty queen and a frustrated singer/actress who blames her ugly daughter for losing opportunity in showbiz.
Mark Herras. This Starstruck alumna plays Smith, Sam's half-brother. This is the second soap of Mark with Regine. They first worked together in Forever in My Heart.
Ynna Asistio. She will portray the role of Vanessa, the neighbor of Sam who has a big crush on Smith.
This primetime series, which will premiere on March 1, is being directed by Dominic Zapata.
Asia's Songbird Regine Velasquez stars in her fifth primetime series on GMA-7, Diva. Here, she plays Sampaguita a.k.a. Sam, a hideous-looking woman who dreams of becoming a famous singer someday. Sam's singing prowess and good-natured personality will lead her to find a spot in the entertainment industry despite her unpleasant looks.
Regine was able to sympathize with her character "Sam" because of the discrimination that they go through. Even though Regine's character has an extraordinary talent in singing, she had to cover her face with clothes or even mascot costumes so as not to "scare away" the people.
Diva will also reunite the sweet comic tandem of Regine and Mark Anthony Fernandez. They first worked together in the romantic-comedy series Ako Si Kim Samsoon. In Diva, Mark plays Gary, Sam's cool and loyal childhood friend. A good lyricist and a good writer, Gary's goal is to find the woman who deserves his love.

This primetime series, which will premiere on March 1, is being directed by Dominic Zapata.
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