Monday, November 30, 2009

Stresa: Lega Nord non trova l'accordo, PdL "blinda" Di Milia

E’ iniziato in anticipo il conto alla rovescia in vista delle elezioni di marzo per il sindaco e il consiglio comunale, a Stresa. Contatti pre elettorali, caccia alle alleanze e ai candidati hanno preso il via da alcune settimane. I più attivi, finora, sembrerebbero Pdl e Lega Nord, in cerca di una strategia comune. Ma sulla strada dell’alleanza, ora, si profila un ostacolo: il sindaco uscente Canio Di Milia, che ha guidato per cinque anni la lista civica «Stresa e frazioni», al cui interno hanno trovato posto persone di vario orientamento politico.
Secondo Valerio Cattaneo, coordinatore provinciale del Pdl, «Di Milia è un sindaco del Pdl e con il suo vice Giuseppe Bottini ha amministrato molto bene. Ribadisco l’importanza di un accordo con la Lega e la totale disponibilità del Pdl a discutere, incominciando dai programmi». La sensazione, comunque, è che il nome di Di Milia da parte del Pdl sia blindato. E la Lega non ci sta: «Di Milia non sarà mai il nostro candidato sindaco. Siamo un partito serio: il suo modo di fare politica e il nostro sono agli opposti» dice il senatore Enrico Montani, segretario provinciale del Carroccio. E aggiunge: «Sul vicesindaco Giuseppe Bottini invece abbiamo già dato la nostra disponibilità, ma non abbiamo più saputo nulla dal Pdl».
Gianbattista Vecchi, capogruppo della lista «Stresa ci unisce», non si sbilancia: «Ho detto per tempo che non mi sarei ricandidato, ma mi è stato chiesto di essere di nuovo della partita. Non ne sarei entusiasta, ma se servisse a ribaltare un risultato scontato mi metterei a disposizione. E poi mi piacerebbe raccontare la verità sui risultati dell’amministrazione Di Milia». Il sindaco uscente, dalla sua, punta a proseguire l’esperienza: «Penso che la lista civica aperta a esperienze politiche diverse - dice Di Milia - abbia dato ottimi risultati, in una città dove le tensioni partitiche hanno sempre condizionato lo sviluppo. Vorrei quindi proseguire su questa strada, continuando a puntare sulle persone».
(Di Luca Gemelli su La Stampa;foto La Stampa)

Stresa: Al Regina Palace la cena dei cuochi novaresi e del vco

Gli chef delle due province si ritroveranno infatti questa sera a Stresa, martedì 01 dicembre, come di consueto presso l’hotel Regina Palace, per la tradizionale “cena annuale” promossa dall’Associazione Cuochi Alto e Basso Novarese e Vco. “Un momento per ritrovarci e confrontarci - sottolinea il presidente del sodalizio interprovinciale Vittorio Claudio Stellini, chef di Meina – ed anche per trarre tutti insieme il bilancio di un anno impegnativo, che ci ha visto impegnati su più fronti. Sarà anche un momento di formazione ed informazione dedicata alle intolleranze alimentari, grazie alla relazione di esperti che, per questa importante serata, saranno nostri ospiti”. Si chiude così un anno in cui gli chef di Novara e Vco hanno operato quotidianamente sul territorio, nei loro locali, svolgendo in modo egregio la “mission” di fare buona cucina valorizzando innanzitutto gli ingredienti tipici e di prima qualità, come il pesce d’acqua dolce che, fra l’altro, è stato protagonista a settembre di “Sapori di Lago”, importante kermesse gastronomica promossa dall’associazione che a Stresa ha raccolto un grande successo di pubblico per tutti e tre i giorni della sua durata.
(VcoAzzurraTv, foto Ass.Cuochi Novarese e Vco)

Anche la “Fondazione Intra” solidale con la CRI di Stresa

Continua la generosità da parte di Enti e singoli cittadini nei confronti dell’Associazione Amici della Croce Rossa ONLUS sezione di Stresa. Nei giorni scorsi la Fondazione Banca popolare di Intra ha dichiarato di voler destinare € 10.000 per la nuova sede CRI. La notizia è stata accolta con grande gioia da soci e simpatizzanti dell’Associazione Amici CRI Stresa e dal Comitato Locale di Stresa che, anche in occasione delle imminenti festività natalizie, si stanno prodigando per la raccolta di ulteriori fondi per poter concludere il progetto. Manca ancora il 20% dell’importo totale ( € 230.000) e proprio per questo l’ Associazione si sente di dire ancora una volta:


ringraziando calorosamente quanti fin’ora hanno collaborato e finanziato il progetto.

Eventuali contributi si possono effettuare:

IT 62 C 0554 8456 8007 0570 273671

IT 80 W 0560 8456 8000 0000 020714

Diether Ocampo Covers Reader’s Digest December 2009 Issue

After Michael V. and Manny Pacquiao, another Philippine showbiz celebrity made it to the cover of Reader’s Digest Asia. Yes, Diether "Diet" Ocampo - the founder of KIDS Foundation is on the cover of Reader's Digest Asia December 2009 issue.

Identified in the story as "the Filipino actor and activist," Diet is prolific in his work as the founding president of the K.I.D.S. foundation to help children and puts his philanthropic nature down to the principle of "paying it forward."

"I haven’t forgotten that I come from a poor family," he said in the interview. "This keeps me grounded and grateful for what I have today."

The Reader’s Digest Asia recognizes his efforts and makes him (and others) the cover story of the December issue.

The article My Wish for the New Year explores what celebrities and children want to see for 2010.

Aside from Diet, the magazine also features such other inspirational Asians as Malaysia’s Datin Paduka Sharifah Mazlina, the first Asian woman to trek the Arctic and Antarctic; and Marina Mahathir, columnist, women’s rights activist and blogger; and Singapore’s Dr. William Tan, paraplegic and world record holder for fastest person to complete seven marathons in seven countries. These people share their wishes for the new year.

For the full story, get your copy of the Reader's Digest Asia December 2009 issue available now in magazine stands all over Asia.

Glad To Be Here, Part Two

Part II: Spiking the Guns  (part I is here)

Drug deal, less than twenty feet away, after ten at night, one way street:

--I either have to back into Zoo traffic or drive past them. That’s if I can find the anti-theft device key and then the ignition key on my key ring before they see me.
--I can cower in the seat. But they can also walk by and see me, hunched on the floorboard or lying down on the seat, acting like a cornered witness. Blam.
--I can run, but then they know I’ve seen them doing the wrong. I also have to find the key to the front door (metal) and front door (wood) before I’m safely inside. Not enough time. Possible shot in the back. There is no other place to run, no other refuge.
--I don’t have a cell phone. This was before everybody had a cell phone. Anyway, there’s no time to explain: it’s happening Now.
--I can sit and watch: no, no, I don’t want to do that. They haven’t exchanged yet--

The flowers.

I pick up my purse, my bookbag, the vase of gladiolas. I unlock the car door and I get out. I slam my car door, hard.

“Guess what happened to me?” I call out to them, loudly. I walk right up to them. They’re surprised by this. “I got these flowers at my work, absolutely free, but there’s way too many. I want you to have some.”

Oh, my god, this is my stupidest trick yet.

They stare at me. Years of neighborhood interaction are possibly in my favor, but they don’t necessarily count this minute. I grab a bunch of gladiolas. “Here,” I say. I hold them out, and one of the guys’ hands reaches out to accept. Then he puts his hand back down.

“No, baby,” he says. “My girlfriend’s in the shelter, and it’s closed right now.”

“No, please,” I insisted. “They were free to me, and they’re free to you. If you can’t give them to your girl, then give them to a different stranger. Just—spread the happiness.”

He takes them. We look at them in the glow of a far-off street light, although, I’m really looking past the blooms and at his face. The park’s trees hide most of the light, but the flowers glow with goodwill or perhaps divine intervention. If this doesn’t work—

“I know,” he bursts out. “I’ll take them to my Mama’s house.”

“Yeah, she’ll love them.” I hand them over. “Have a great night!”

The other guy is not part of the deal at all. He doesn’t want any flowers, waves them away.
All I know is that one hand out of a possible four is not aiming a firearm at me, and I believe they are both distracted. I turn my back on them because I have to, in order to go to my front door. I walk as naturally as possible.

I unlock the metal door, the wood door. I step inside and lock the metal door, the wooden door. I run down the hall, unlock the door to my apartment and slam it shut. I run upstairs. My husband is asleep.

If I had failed, I would have been in the RiverTown newspaper. People all over the city would say what a dumb cluck I was. Fortunately for me, I was the only one who had to know it.

You know, I would say that the Club on either my truck's or the Caliente's steering wheel have nearly been the death of me at least twice--
or you could say an entire spectrum of substance abuse ruined my day--
or, you could say, ah, that was my stupidest trick yet.

Image: Watercolor by Cecilia Price.

My Review of Doctor Who's: "The War Games"

Written by Terrance Dicks And Malcolm Hulke
Directed by David Maloney

The Doctor (to the Time Lords): “All these evils that I have fought while you have done nothing but observe. True, I am guilty of interference, just as you are guilty of failing to use your powers to help those in need.”

Given that we’re virtually a month away from the regeneration of a certain Time Lord during the Christmas period, I thought it was high to get up and review a certain story I should’ve done months ago that also exits a certain much loved Doctor.

In the old series, anything over eight episodes was extraordinary and had to be made of the right stuff to justify such length. For the most part, I think the ten episodes that make up this story certainly justify their length even if the sceptic in me wonders if perhaps less should’ve been assigned to the Second Doctor’s departure tale.

For the first nine episode it seems to be one long continuous story with the final episode almost serving as a rather biting epilogue. How thematic that time interference would be the heart of this story and a major thing that would end up signing the Second Doctor’s warrant?

When The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe landed in 1917, it was an interesting time. Given that this episode aired in 1969, it would’ve still been very recent history and perhaps uncomfortable viewing for the general public at the time. It’s also in this time period that things immediately don’t appear to be what they seem.

We’re not through the first episode where the nasty General Smythe seems to have convinced everyone that The Doctor is worthy of execution and that Jamie and Zoe are traitors/deserters. The only people who actually side with The Doctor and company are Carstairs and Lady Jennifer and both of them are brilliant.

For me, they’re the sort of guest characters who I wish had appeared in later stories but sadly they never did. Thankfully they are both in the majority of the episodes together, though they’re usually in two different groups. Lady Jennifer found herself mostly being captured with Jamie during the American Civil War and Carstairs was largely with The Doctor and Zoe when he wasn’t being programmed all the time.

The main plot of this story was certainly interesting – a malicious unknown alien race trapping various people in Time Zones and making them believe that they’re fighting their own wars. 1917, US Civil War, 30 Years War, Crimean War, Romans all seem to get featured and bring with them a series of different characters.

Unfortunately in all of these wars, we’re seemingly lumbered with Smythe type of characters who keep duping their unaware soldiers into fighting all the time. This is usually when they’re not trying to kill The Doctor and company. The scenes are usually good but there are times too many of them and they become a bit predictable and annoying in places.

As for the aliens, we never learn their identity but their motives seemed fairly obvious anyways – power. Using humans as a means to an end and ultimately trying to find the right kinds of people to process. It’s not particularly original but it’s appalling enough to get The Doctor’s back up and rightly it does.

While that doesn’t really sound all that inspirational, the more enjoyable elements of this story come in the War Chief. At least two years before The Master ever became a regular fixture in The Doctor’s life, the War Chief had the potential to make for a charismatic shadow self rival to The Doctor.

He’s certainly a lot more enjoyable and engaging than the irritating Security Chief (talk about suffering from little man syndrome) and his interplay with several characters in this story is one of the reasons why I’d consider it a favourite of mine.

After all, he went out of his way to ensure that The Doctor didn’t come to any harm and he even offered him a part in ruling the universe. Plus every argument between him and the Security Chief that we had to listen to (and there was many of them), I was on his side. Why was that?

Of course there are some characters so good that they don’t make it. The Security Chief waited for the right opportunity to try and get the War Chief out of the picture and a certain recording helped with that. On the plus side, while we lost the War Chief, at least the Security Chief died before him. Now there was a character I really was glad to see the back off.

With both Chiefs essentially dead, the only bad guy actually standing in the end was the War Lord. He was certainly a vicious piece of work, wasn’t he? Even the Time Lords had to torture him to speak up and in the end, the dematerialisation was much deserved. As for sending everyone back to their own times, there was a price to pay.

The first six seasons of this series always made allusions to The Doctor being a deserter in his own way. He wanted to explore while his people were happy to stand back. He made a few decent attempts to escape with Jamie and Zoe in the last episode and the Time Lords stopped him without hesitation.

The last ten minutes of this story are the best. Jamie and Zoe being sent to their own times and only remembering their first encounter with The Doctor was sad and on the same level as Donna Noble’s exit. The Doctor’s forced regeneration however was harrowing to watch. For that alone, it’s no wonder he ran away from his own people. Now he’s exiled to Earth for the time being. I hope UNIT have a vacancy for him.

Also in “The War Games”

All the episodes, except maybe the seventh opened with a set of explosions to emphasis the war backdrop into the story.

Lady Jennifer: “Funny about those people. They don’t look like spies.”
Carstairs: “Spies never do. Don’t envy them if they are. General Smythe can be ruthless.”

We saw brief glimpses of Daleks, Cybermen, Ice Warriors, Quarks and Yeti when The Doctor was attempting to defend himself.

Jamie: “Hey, you haven’t even asked me anything.”
General Smythe: “There’s nothing to ask you, you’re a deserter.”

Zoe: “Who else would have space time machines like the TARDIS?”
The Doctor: “Well there is an answer to that but I hope, I just hope -”
Zoe: “What?”

Not once in this entire episode is either the War Lord’s species named or The Doctor and War Chief’s home planet. We’d have to wait another five years for that one.

Jamie (to US soldier): “You realise that we’ve saved your life?”
Lady Jennifer: “I don’t think he’s gonna be grateful. We’re lucky they didn’t kill all three of us.”

War Chief (to Security Chief): “When I came to your people I was promised efficiency and co-operation. Without the knowledge I have, this complete venture would be impossible.”

This was the last story for the Second Doctor, 1960s and for the series to be mainly in black and white.

Security Chief: “I have the situation under control, War Lord. It’s only a matter of time before they are recaptured.”
War Lord: “Then I hope that time is on your side.”

War Chief: “Stealing a TARDIS. Oh, I’m not criticising you. We are two of a kind.”
The Doctor: “We most certainly aren’t.”

The Doctor’s face appearing at all sides was interesting as he started the regeneration process certainly made it look traumatic. One day, Doctor you will look very young.

Jamie: “I won’t forget you, you know.”
The Doctor: “I won’t forget you. Now don’t go blundering into too much trouble.”
Jamie: “You’re a fine one to talk.”
The Doctor: “Goodbye Zoe.”
Zoe: “Goodbye Doctor. Will we ever see you again?”
The Doctor: “Again? Zoe, you and I know time is relative, isn’t it?”

The Doctor (as he regenerates): “Is this some sort of joke? I refuse to be treated – what are you doing? You’re making me giddy. No, you can’t do this to me. No, no, no, no, no.”

This came out on DVD in July 2009 with a commentary from Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Philip Madoc, Jane Sherwin, Graham Weston, Terrance Dicks and Derrick Sherwin. The Regeneration feature is wonderful.

As regeneration stories go, “The War Games” does set up a high standard that at least one other really usurps. It’s a wonderful parting story for Patrick Troughton, brimmed with excellent characterisation and sublime moments.

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Allison Iraheta - Beat Me Up

"I know this isn't just a phase"

Allison Iraheta came in fourth place on this year's Idol, and her debut marks the last Idol album released from this season worth caring about. It's pretty good (look for a full review soon), and pretty eclectic too. Her single, Friday I'll Be Over U, is certainly a standout, as is Beat Me Up. I do have an issue with the lyrics of this song, since it really seems strange for a 17-year-old to sing about wanting to be abused. Not sure I quite get what she's going for there. But, the music more than makes up for it. Melodically, it's in-your-face and striking--a punchy 80's pop/rock masterpiece, bringing back the days of Joan Jett and Pat Benatar. On an album where she sounds more like Pink and Kelly Clarkson, this is a very promising direction.

Allison Iraheta - Beat Me Up

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Lea Salonga is Grizzabella in the Musical "Cats"

Andrew Lloyd Webber was absolutely delighted when told that Filipino international singer/actress Lea Salonga would play Grizzabella in the musical Cats. This is according to Tim McFarlane, producer of The Really Useful Company Asia Pacific Pty Ltd. McFarlane was in town for the launching of Cats in Manila.

Lea, who will get to sing Memory, once again captivated the audience when she sang the song during the media launch. "This is my first time to sing Memory in public. I have not done it, not even in previous concerts," Lea declared.

"We have long wanted to bring Cats to Manila," McFarlane said. The musical which first opened in London in May 11, 1981 to rave reviews, went on to win record-breaking number of awards worldwide including two Olivier Awards for Musical of the Year and Outstanding Achievement of the Year in Musicals and seven Tony Awards. It will be staged at the Cultural Center of the Philippines Main Theater in July 2010.

James Cundall, CEO of Lunchbox Productions and who also served as moderator of the launch said that Lea’s appearance is a triple treat as the actress/singer would be acting, singing and dancing.

Fiz Shapur, the musical supervisor of Cats, played on the piano some excerpts from the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber including Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, Phantom of the Opera and Jesus Christ Superstar.

Cats tells the imaginative tale of a tribe of Jellicle Cats as they gather together for the annual Jellicle Ball. Each cat tells his story for the entertainment of Old Deuteronomy who must choose one of the Cats to journey to the Heavyside layer to be reborn into a new life.

It is based on T.S. Elliot’s book of poems, Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats which was first published in 1939. Andrew Lloyd Webber used Elliot’s poems as lyrics and set them to music to create a musical. Some elements from Elliot’s other unpublished writings brought to life the glamour Cat Grizabella who provides the pivotal storyline for the musical.

Cats held the record for the longest-running musical in the history of West End Theater, a position it held until October 2006 when it was surpassed by Le Miserables. It closed in London in May 11, 2002 with 8,950 performances. Cats opened on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theater in Oct. 7, 1982 and continued to play until Sept. 10, 2000 after 7,485 performances. It was one of the longest-running musicals on Broadway surpassed only by Phantom of the Opera.

Memory, the most popular song in the musical has been recorded by over 150 artists including Barbra Streisand, Johnny Mathis and Liberace. Barry Manilow’s rendition became a Top 40 hit in the US, while I consider Barbra’s version to be the most heart-wrenching.

Undoubtedly one of the most popular musicals in history, Cats has played in 26 countries and over a hundred cities and has been translated into 10 languages including German, Spanish, Japanese, French, and Swedish, among others.

But why is Cats so popular? McFarlane explained, "It is because of its music, the highlight of which is the song Memory. Second, the show is great and appeals to people of all ages and all cultures."

Cats Now and Forever in Manila is produced by Lunch Box Theatrical Productions, David Atkins Enterprises, Concertus and All Youth Channels in association with The Really Useful Company Asia Pacific.

Lea rose to international fame via Miss Saigon where she won the Tony Award for Outstanding Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical, the Outer Critics Circle Award, the Drama Desk Award and the Laurence Olivier Award. She played Eponine as well as Fantine in Les Miserables, Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, the Witch in Into The Woods, Cinderella, among others. She has several recordings to her name and is the singing voice behind Princess Jasmine in the blockbuster Disney hit Aladdin, and in Mulan and Mulan 2.

I am certainly not going to miss this musical even if it plays at midnight, when there is no sound at the pavement. How can you miss the great Lea Salonga singing this song, not in a thousand midnights.

Nikki Gil is Elle Woods in "Legally Blonde: The Musical"

Elle Woods is Barbie incarnate. The doll and the vixen sport blonde hair and love anything pink. Stepping into Elle’s uber feminine world is Nikki Gil who leads the cast of Legally Blonde The Musical’s local staging. Atlantis Productions will present the movie-turned-musical in June 2010 at the Meralco Theater. Chari Arespacochaga directs.

"I like pink," replies Nikki when asked how she feels playing the Reese Witherspoon big screen role. "If you watch MYX, it’s their favorite character for me. I would play someone who is maarte and mouths, ‘Oh my God… what’s that?’ It is something I can do for a full-length play."

Although the singer-actress can relate to Elle with all her heart, Nikki has started preparing for the role this early.

"I got the material and I started reading the script and memorizing the songs," Nikki shares.

This shows how Nikki is serious with this new challenge in her career. Nikki has done one formal production with Atlantis and relies a lot on her singing experience on TV and in concert tours for the past years. Nikki is aware of the responsibility and the pressure of playing the Broadway character. Unlike actors who are trained for years, Nikki will put all her acting and singing know-how in seven months to act, think and sound like Elle come next year.

"I’m excited," shares Nikki. "It’s a fun gig. It speaks of something true. It also speaks of a sentiment like. I think I can be so much better than what I really am right now. I think it’s very timely." That’s the same scenario Elle has gone through in the movie. The sorority star proves that there’s much more to her than good looks.

"I’m more worried with singing than in acting," says Nikki. "Back in high school, I used to compete in dramatic monologues and one-act plays for inter-school competitions.

"Pop singing is different from theater singing. Theater actors have a different lifestyle compared to showbiz actors. TV work requires one to stay till the wee hours of the morning. I have to take a break from what I usually do because my voice might not stand the demands of musical theater."

It’s a wise decision for Nikki because there’s so much dancing and singing in Legally Blonde. It means she has to work on her physical stamina and vocal strength. Nikki will play the part for 20 shows and she has no understudy.

Legally Blonde The Musical begins when Elle’s boyfriend breaks up with her and falls for another girl who is more “serious.” To win back her man, she leaves her fabulous life to study law in Harvard. The intellectual community welcomes an unexpected visitor.

Elle’s journey to Harvard helps her find who she is and what she can do. As Atlantis puts it, being true to one’s self never goes out of style.

Legally Blonde won Best New Touring Musical, Best Design and Best Music. It will tour the US for the next two years.

Asked what she will do if a good soap opera comes her way, Nikki answers, "I have to finish first what I have started. And I have to avoid (doing) things that will ask me to stay long on the set."

For more details about Legally Blonde The Musical in Manila call 892-7078 or 840-1187.

MMFF 2009: "I Love You Goodbye" Movie Trailer

I Love You Goodbye is Star Cinema's official entry in the 2009 Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF).

The movie stars real-life sweetheart Angelica Panganiban and Derek Ramsay. It also marks the silverscreen comeback of Gabby Concepcion and the first kontrabida role of young actress Kim Chiu.

Directed by Laurice Guillen, I Love You Goodbye is showing on December 25, 2009.

I Love You Goodbye - Full movie trailer:

MMFF 2009: "Ang Darling Kong Aswang" Movie Trailer

Vic Sotto and Cristine Reyes team up in the fantasy horror comedy entitled "Ang Darling Kong Aswang".

"Ang Darling Kong Aswang" also stars Richie d'Horsie, Wally Bayola and a guest appearances of Joey de Leon, Rafael Rosell, Allan K, Agot Isidro, Jean Garcia, Alfred Vargas and many more.

Ang Darling Kong Aswang opens nationwide on Christmas Day.

Ang Darling Kong Aswang - Full movie trailer:

LJ Reyes Covers FHM Philippines December 2009 Issue

Starstruck Season 2's First Princess LJ Reyes is a sexy angel on the cover of FHM Philippines December 2009 issue.

FHM Philippines December 2009 issue is now available in all magazine stands nationwide.

Starstruck 5: Final 14 Hopefuls

From thousands who auditioned, only 7 girls and 7 boys remain vying to become the ultimate Male and Female survivor of Starstruck V. Here they are:

Ian Batherson is the self-proclaimed funny guy from Germany who dreams to become an artista in the Philippines.

Sef Cadayona is the boy from Manila who dreams to entertain people with his talent and passion.

Rocco Nacino is Baguio-born but considers himself a Laguna-native who wants to fulfill his dreams of becoming an artista.

Enzo Pineda is a Makati-based aspiring actor who dreams of becoming a superhero.

Steven Silva is the Davaoeño who wants to make his parents proud through his love for singing.

Piero Vergara is the happy-go-lucky guy from Davao who also wants to be known as a journalist, a songwriter and an author.

Fianca Cruz is the impassioned dancer from Pasig who has dreamed to be an artista since she was a kid.

Sarah Lahbati is the girl who hails from Switzerland, who has left everything behind to try her luck in StarStruck.

Diva Montelaba is the Cebuaña whose wants to make her grandmother’s dreams come true.

Rox Montealegre is the Dean’s lister from Makati who wants the fast-paced (and never dull) life that only showbiz can provide.

Princess Snell is the cutie from Laguna whose showbiz-oriented dreams is rooted in the desire to give her family a good future.

Rye Burgos is a US-grown aspirant who wants to inspire through laughter.

Nina Kodaka is the contender from Japan who has always known that she wants to be an artista.

Zeryl Lim has come all the way from Bahrain to enhance her talents in entertaining people.

E' arrivata la neve: Mottarone 50 cm, Domobianca 1 metro

Non possiamo ancora godere dello spettacolo da Stresa perché tutto è ancora coperto, ma dagli ultimi rilievi effettuati e diffusi da Elisa della DTL Comunity ecco il primo bollettino neve della stagione.
Domobianca: 1 metro caduto al Moncucco e 25 cm. a valle
San Domenico: 60 cm di neve alla partenza degli impianti
Alpe Devero: 110 cm.
Piana di Vigezzo: 80 cm.
Mottarone: 50 cm.

Rant #141: Getting the Tiger By the Tale

Now that we are all back to work after the Thanksgiving holiday, we can move beyond the mundane topics of the world to discuss something of such pressing concern that I am getting a massive migraine thinking about it ...

So what was Tiger Woods doing running around at 2:30 a.m. in the morning?

Heck, I don't know, and neither do the authorities in the Florida town where all this craziness happened.

Evidently, he doesn't want to talk about it, and doesn't want to talk to authorities about it. He has issued some innocuous statement, but he really didn't say too much, did he?

Gossip mavens claim it had to do with a physical altercation with this wife that erupted over allegations that Tiger was fooling around with a Hamptons party planner. It reportedly got so heated that Mrs. Tiger scratched her husband in the face with her long nails. He ran out of the house, went into his car, pulled out of his driveway, and got into an accident. His wife, ever true to her husband even with negative thoughts about him running through her body, rushed out of the house and pulled him out of the damaged car by breaking its back window.

The golfer's injuries were minor, but his and the Mrs.'s reaction to the police were kind of weird. They refused to talk to the cops, and still do, I believe, but some police action, in the name of charges, is pending.

The more this story goes on without an explanation, the more over-par the whole thing seems. I mean, if you or I have marriage difficulties, we don't broadcast it to the world.

Well, he is a public figure, and with all the riches go the errant shots. His whole life has been seemingly unfolding before us since he made his first national TV appearance--on The Mike Douglas Show, I believe it was--when he was all of three years old and a budding golf phenom, even at that age. He makes big bucks, is as ubiquitous as Oprah, and even people who couldn't give a hoot about golf know his name--like me.

Does he and the wife owe it to the public to divulge what happened that night? I don't think so, but if charges are filed, they will probably have to fess up to some degree.

Now, if he just hadn't run over that fire hydrant ...

2009 PMPC Star Awards For Television – Winners

The 23rd PMPC Star Awards for Television was held on Sunday night, November 29, at the Pagcor Grand Theater, in Paranaque City with ABS-CBN taking home the Best TV Station award.

Here is the complete list of winners for the 23rd PMPC Star Awards for Television:

Best TV Station:

Best Primetime TV Series:
May Bukas Pa (ABS-CBN)

Best Drama Actor:
Coco Martin (Tayong Dalawa, ABS-CBN)

Best Drama Actress:
Gina Pareño (Tayong Dalawa, ABS-CBN)

Best Single Performance By An Actor:
Joross Gamboa (Maalaala Mo Kaya: "Bisikleta" episode, ABS-CBN)

Best Single Performance By An Actress:
Gretchen Barretto (Maalaala Mo Kaya: "Salamin" episode, ABS-CBN)
Sunshine Dizon (Obra Presents: Sunshine Dizon, "Butch" episode, GMA-7)

Best Children Show:
Art Angel (GMA-7)

Best Children Show Host:
Pia Arcangel, Tonipet Gaba, and Krystal Reyes (Art Angel, GMA-7)

Best Educational Program:
Matanglawin (ABS-CBN)

Best Educational Program Host:
Ramon "Bong" Revilla, Jr. (Kap’s Amazing Stories, GMA-7)

Best Travel Show:
Balik-Bayan (QTV 11)

Best Travel Show Host:
Drew Arellano (Balik-Bayan, QTV 11)

Best Reality Program:
Dare Duo (QTV 11)

Best Reality Program Host:
Paolo Bediones (Survivor Philippines, GMA-7)

Best Lifestyle Show:
Events Incorporated (QTV 11)

Best Lifestyle Show Host:
Tim Yap and Sam Oh (Events Incorporated, QTV 11)

Best Morning Show:
Umagang Kay Ganda (ABS-CBN)

Best Morning Show Host/s:
Edu Manzano, Pinky Webb, Bernadette Sembrano, Rica Peralejo, Donita Rose, Kim Atienza, Alex Santos, Anthony Taberna, Winnie Cordero, and Ginger Conejero (Umagang Kay Ganda, ABS-CBN)

Best Public Affairs Program:
Probe Profiles (ABS-CBN)

Best Public Affairs Program Host:
Cheche Lazaro (Probe Profiles, ABS-CBN)

Best Magazine Show:
Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho (GMA-7)

Best Magazine Show Host:
Jessica Soho (Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho, GMA-7)

Best Public Service Program:
Imbestigador (

Best Public Service Program Host:
Ben Tulfo (Bitag Live, UNTV 37)

Best News Program:
TV Patrol World (

Best Male Newscaster:
Julius Babao (TV Patrol World,

Best Female Newscaster:
Vicky Morales (Saksi,

Best Youth-Oriented Program:
Ka-Blog (

Best Talent Search Program:
Talentadong Pinoy (TV 5)

Best Talent Search Program Host:
Ryan Agoncillo (Talentadong Pinoy, TV 5)

Best New Male TV Personality:
Zaijian Jaranilla (May Bukas Pa,

Best New Female TV Personality:
Maricar Reyes (Precious Hearts Romance Presents Presents: Bud Brothers,

Best Celebrity Talk Show:
Sis (

Best Celebrity Talk Show Host:
Janice de Belen (Spoon, Net 25)

Best Variety/Game Show:
Wowowee (

Best Game Show Host:
Richard Gomez (Family Feud,

Best Gag Show:
Banana Split (
Bubble Gang (

Best Showbiz-Oriented Show:
SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon (

Best Male Showbiz-Oriented Show Host:
Boy Abunda (SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon,

Best Female Showbiz-Oriented Show Host:
Toni Gonzaga (Entertainment Live,

Best Comedy Show:
Ful Haus (

Best Comedy Actor:
Pooh (Banana Split,

Best Comedy Actress:
Rufa Mae Quinto (Bubble Gang,

Best Daytime Drama Series:
Pieta (

Best Drama Mini-Series:
Your Song Presents: My Only Hope (

Best Drama Anthology:
Maalaala Mo Kaya (

Best Musical Variety Show:
ASAP ‘08 (

Best Male TV Host:
Luis Manzano (ASAP ‘08,

Best Female TV Host:
Valerie Concepcion (Wowowee,

Faces of the Night:
Male – John Lloyd Cruz
Female – Sunshine Dizon

Stars of the Night:
Male – Piolo Pascual
Female – Anne Curtis

Ading Fernando Lifetime Achievement Award:
Mr. Johnny Manahan

Excellence in Broadcasting Lifetime Achievement Award:
Vice President Noli de Castro

Hall Of Fame
Eat Bulaga

Sunday, November 29, 2009

VCO: Neve in tutte le stazioni sciistiche

L’abbassamento delle temperature e l’arrivo di un fronte nevoso ha riacceso la speranza di aprire i principali comprensori dello sci piemontese nel Ponte dell’Immacolata. Come ci mostrano le WebCam del Distretto dei Laghi (Clicca per l'elenco) continua a nevicare sopra gli 800 metri quasi ovunque. La colonnina di mercurio in discesa e questa prima nevicata daranno anche la possibilità poter mettere in funzione gli impianti di innevamento artificiale, rimasti fino a pochi giorni fa all’asciutto a causa di un caldo fuori stagione. Dita ancora incrociate quindi, ma un po più ottimisti per una partenza "coi fiocchi" per la nuova stagione invernale in tutto il VCO.

Comunità Montane: No a taglio di consiglieri provinciali e comunali

"L'inserimento nella Finanziaria di parti integrali del ddl Calderoli sul Codice delle Autonomie sotto forma di emendamento governativo è un blitz inaccettabile, rispetto al quale facciamo formale appello al presidente della Camera Gianfranco Fini affinché intervenga per evitare lo smembramento che è in atto della democrazia locale italiana". E' quanto afferma Enrico Borghi, presidente dell'Unione delle Comunità montane (Uncem), relativamente a un emendamento che introdurrebbe il taglio di consiglieri provinciali e comunali e la soppressione di difensori civici, consorzi tra enti locali, circoscrizioni e comunità montane. "Abbiamo condiviso con il governo - rileva Borghi - un percorso in Conferenza Unificata nel quale ci sono stati gli impegni formali dei ministri Fitto e Calderoli per un dibattito approfondito in sede parlamentare ed ora leggiamo sui giornali di incursioni clamorose su temi ordinamentali, al di fuori di una revisione complessiva del sistema dei poteri pubblici, effettuate senza neppure discutere o confrontarsi con la scusa di effettuare risparmi inesistenti". "Stiamo discutendo - prosegue il presidente dell'Uncem - di materie complesse e delicate, perché attengono alla natura della democrazia locale italiana, che richiedono un sereno e approfondito confronto parlamentare che dia modo a tutti di esprimersi al fine di raggiungere un obiettivo che non può essere strozzato o forzato a logiche di parte perché stiamo parlando di istituzioni".

Four Officers Killed in Washington State

This is not right: there are no truly good words. So just a minute.

May the investigation be swift and accurate. May justice be done. For the grieving spouses and children, I pray that people near and dear to you refrain from saying stupid things. That they serve you well at this difficult time.

I offer my condolences to the surviving families and colleagues of these four officers.

Glad To Be Here, Part One

Scene I: The Gettysburg Address, or, why I ended up where I was--

My bookstore hosted a Southern Writer’s night. Each author’s table had a vase of white gladiolas, one or more stacks of books. Any of twenty Southern Writers will gladly autograph a book. They take turns reading aloud from their works on the balcony into the store. The audience is appreciative, social, friendly.

Really they’re all waiting for the Twenty-First Author.

A Southern Gentleman of the Old School sits in the office. He is known as a very intelligent, compassionate historian. He has huge charisma. I’ve been at other events where this man sat on a panel. People were too awed to address him directly.

But he lives in a charcoal-filtered, aged-to-perfection world. He won’t autograph books unless you know him already and he finds you worthy. He will not “mingle”. Tonight he will read from one of his novels, but not into a microphone. The office door stays closed for Old Granddad.

When it is his turn to read, he stands on the balcony, completely incomprehensible. We are standing below. He’s probably coherent, but we can’t hear a word he says.

The friendly crowd turns angry in two minutes. A fantastic event goes South.

Afterwards, we stack rented tables, cloths, and chairs. Twenty glass vases of white gladiolas have nowhere to go. The Events Manager gives me one to take home. She shoves extra stems into it. She’s grateful for my support, my fourteen-hour shift, my crowd control.

After nine p.m., I’m out the door. I make good time until I hit the end of the annual Zoo family event. Now RiverTown Road is the zoo. It takes me an hour to get home. Four to five miles: forty-five minutes for one mile of it.

Once home, I put the anti-theft device on my car, twisting the lock shut. Then I drop my keys. As I pick them up, I look out my windshield. Two guys have walked up; they’re starting a drug deal right in front of me on the street. Not twenty feet away oh shit.

Just one world to the next. But it’s all the same world.

Part II of II, tomorrow--

New Investigations

I've been thinking a lot about the way that our words don't cover the need. I get this from my “Difficult Jobs” blogroll (and I read their blogroll after that). I see this vast disconnect between international knowledge and local knowledge when it comes to application. Two of a hundred examples:

Example A: How does the knowledge of international anti-terrorism translate to law enforcement on the curbs of a beleaguered neighborhood? We know crime and terror are related, but what kind of tools or training apply from the international to the local? What discourse helps?

Example B: Public schools know that they’re on the front lines for preparing a work force. When a teacher faces thirty students, half or more that don’t know how to read, and tries to teach Shakespeare or mathematics, how does international competition for jobs come in?
I don’t mean the teacher should talk about offshore labor; I mean, when these kids fail, they’re in a bad position to capture a prosperous adulthood in a healthy community.

Or put it another way: How can the long view be inserted into the particulars?

It seems to me, that for first responders, this disconnect from the international to the local feels like a two-tier system. The locals have the drudge end, working with not enough tools. And I read this in some blogs or accounts:

1. sometimes the venting of accumulated frustrations,
2. sometimes a report of how a policy isn’t working (immigration, for instance)
3. sometimes an attempt at self-education in political science or international issues,
4. most often national/international programs that dribble down according to one priority or another, change every four or eight years, become paper-wasters.

So, instead of despairing over the general, I thought: study something. Figure it out. Try to connect them. I picked gangs, because by and large, they are a significant inner-city employer, a dangerous feature of the schools and neighborhoods.

And I am right back where I started. Gangs are international, but they are also relentlessly local. So I have to think about it some more. I have to do more research.

Image: An Art Print, "Frustration" by Brooke Sajer, at the Minerva Union. Ms. Sajer, this is gorgeous.

VCO: Il bollettino Arpa annuncia forti pioggie in arrivo

Preannunciata dai meteorologi da giorni, sta per arrivare nell’Italia nord-occidentale una perturbazione che, tra oggi e lunedì, s’accompagnerà con ogni probabilità a piogge intense. Di questo fenomeno dà conto l’Arpa, che ha diffuso oggi – emesso alle 13 – il bollettino di allerta meteoidrologica contenente le previsioni per le prossime 36 ore. Secondo l’agenzia torinese, le parti più esposte del Piemonte alla perturbazione sono la zona dello Scrivia (Alessandria), il Verbano-Cusio-Ossola e il Novarese. In queste ultime due aree il bollettino prevede «piogge forti» e «precipitazioni diffuse», con livello di criticità 1, vale a dire «ordinaria». Se in pianura si attende la pioggia, in montagna dovrebbe arrivare la neve, la cui soglia dovrebbe essere tra i 1.200 e 1.300 metri di altitudine.

Assicurazione obbligatoria sugli sci: Ecco alcuni chiarimenti

Pubblichiamo una lettera inviata a Miria della DTL Community da Mauro Mirandoli, un professionista del settore assicurativo, che ci aiuterà a capire meglio i meccanismi delle nuove assicurazioni obbligatoria sulle piste da sci.

"Ed ecco la bella novità di quest’anno. Chi scia in Piemonte dovrà essere assicurato personalmente contro i danni che involontariamente potrà causare a terzi. Ogni sciatore, snowboarder o slittinista che calcherà le piste piemontesi può stare sicuro che se dovesse disgraziatamente essere investito da un suo collega sciatore, senza averne colpa, anche solo a causa di una strettoia della pista o di un incrocio maldestro, sarà completamente risarcito dei danni da lui subiti, in conseguenza dell’evento.
La Regione Piemonte, con legge regionale, istituisce l’obbligo per chi scia nelle piste piemontesi di essere coperto con un massimale assicurativo privato e personale affinchè i danni causati a terzi da un suo inconsapevole ma dannoso comportamento siano pienamente risarciti.
Quindi ognuno di noi praticanti di questo splendido sport deve essere assicurato. Finalmente, dico io. E dovrebbero estenderla a tutt’Italia, aggiungo. Ognuno di noi dovrà avere la cosiddetta Responsabilità Civile verso Terzi per i fatti della vita Privata, con un massimale di copertura a piacere, ma congruo (se pensate che adesso per le autovetture ci dotiamo di un massimale che spesso rasenta i due milioni e mezzo per sinistro e per persona danneggiate, penso che dai 500.000,00 € al 1.000.000,00 di Euro per questi casi sia più che sufficiente).
Chi ha una polizza di quelle cosiddette Multirischi per l’Abitazione deve solo controllare che comprenda la Responsabilità suddetta per tutta la famiglia (quindi per tutto il nucleo famigliare) e sarà sufficiente quindi fare una fotocopia della stessa e portarla nel portafoglio o metterla in tasca ai famigliari quando vanno sugli sci; chi non ne dispone dovrà dotarsi di una polizza di questo tipo, il cui costo sui aggira sugli 80-100 Euro, ma il Vostro Assicuratore saprà sicuramente consigliarVi in merito.
Naturalmente questo costo non viene sopportato singolarmente, ma vale per tutta la famiglia e soprattutto copre Tutti i rischi riguardanti la Responsabilità Civile della Famiglia 24 ore su 24 e per tutto l’anno. Quindi anche i fatti relativi a tutta la vita privata del contraente e della sua famiglia per 365 gg al’anno; ( pensate al vostro cane che addenta inconsapevolmente il polpaccio di qualcuno e di cui voi dovrete rispondere in quanto suoi padroni, oppure la perdita di acqua dalla lavatrice inceppata in casa, che danneggia l’appartamento sottostante…).
Perciò da quest’anno, finalmente questo stupendo sport, che (qui parlo da sciatore) è diventato, dai tempi dell’”effetto Tomba”, uno sport molto praticato e quindi con un ipotetico ma purtroppo possibile rischio di essere investiti da un altro sciatore o simile, perlomeno garantisce a tutti nella malaugurata situazione di non aggiungere danni a danni, nel caso in cui succeda qualcosa che può provocare impossibilità di lavorare e soprattutto spese aggiuntive da sopportare per questi già economicamente difficili tempi".

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Differenziata: I vigili nelle case saranno i bambini


Sono stati un successo gli ultimi incontri nelle scuole sulla raccolta differenziata. Grande interesse e numerose domande hanno sollevato i nostri ragazzi, nei quali vi è una seria consapevolezza della necessità di riciclare i rifiuti soprattutto per poter contribuire, ciascuno nel proprio piccolo, a ridurre gli effetti dell'inquinamento del nostro pianeta. Divertenti alcuni impegni presi dai bimbi delle scuole elementari, come la promessa fattami che saranno per qualche settimana i "vigili" di casa in quanto controlleranno che i genitori facciano correttamente la raccolta differenziata multandoli (virtualmente) in caso di necessità.

Stresa: Spazio ai "Writers" al Lido di Carciano

Oggi Domenica 29 Novembre 2009 al Lido di Carciano (nello spazio antistante Loco Beach Club) dalle ore 10.00 si potranno ammirare realizzazione da parte di "writers" di pannelli con motivi natalizi raffiguranti scene del presepe che verranno esposti alle isole Bella e Pescatori.
Il writing, anche detto (secondo alcuni impropriamente) graffitismo, è una manifestazione sociale, culturale e artistica diffusa in tutto il pianeta, basata sull'espressione della propria creatività tramite interventi sul tessuto urbano. Correlata ad essa sono gli atti dello scrivere il proprio nome d'arte (tag) diffondendolo come fosse un logo. Il fenomeno, ricordando la pittura murale (murales - disegni su muro), è da alcuni ad essa accostato, e viene spesso associato ad atti di vandalismo, poiché numerosi adepti utilizzano come supporti espressivi mezzi pubblici o edifici di interesse storico e artistico.

Generalmente, i writer più vicini ad un lavoro di ricerca artistica tendono a esprimersi in campi più protetti, come nelle "hall of fame", spazi a disposizione dei writer in cui dipingere più o meno legalmente (siano questi muri esplicitamente dedicati dalle amministrazioni comunali all'espressione della "spray-can art" - un modo, questo, per cercare di arginare il dilagare del fenomeno nel contesto dei centri storici o di quartieri residenziali - o siano luoghi siti in periferie degradate o di poco interesse o difficilmente raggiungibili in cui, per un tacito accordo con gli organi deputati al controllo dell'ordine pubblico, si lascia ai writer "carta bianca" e una relativa tranquillità per dipingere ). I writer che scelgono di esprimersi per lo più in contesti del genere, attraverso la scelta consapevole e responsabile del supporto per la pittura, si distinguono da quelli che intervengono anche su edifici di interesse storico e artistico.

Ogni writer, qualsiasi sia la sua inclinazione e provenienza, ricerca e studia un'evoluzione personale, per arrivare ad uno stile proprio in modo tale da distinguersi dagli altri ed essere notato maggiormente.

Mosaics Collage Art

PBB Double UP Update: Rob Stumvoll is Evicted

Fil-Austrian soldier Rob Stumvoll is the latest housemate to be evicted from Bahay Ni Kuya.

Here are the percentage of votes in the PBB Double Up 4th eviction night:

Rica Paras – 38.55%
Jason Francisco – 35.81%
Carol Batay – 15.11%
Patrick Villanueva – 6.21%
Rob Stumvol – 4.32%

My Review of Doctor Who's: "Dreamland"

Written by Phil Ford
Directed by Gary Russell

Stark: “You just helped me save the world.”
The Doctor: “For the first time in 900 years, why does that feel like bad news?”

You wait seven months just to get one Doctor Who special and then another one shoots out almost from nowhere. I know this has been talked about for ages now but it’s been so long coming, I almost can’t believe it’s here.

Compared to “The Waters Of Mars”, this is thankfully something of a light affair and the second time the new series has tackled a story in animation. Is it better than “The Infinity Quest”? Yes, for the most it is.

Companion wise, we’ve got both Cassie Rice, a 1950’s waitress and Native American Jimmy Stalkingwolf and they’re both good help to The Doctor and for this story in general. Cassie’s a sceptic when it comes to aliens. The Doctor’s with her and Jimmy for less than two minutes and the scepticism is definitely knocked right out of her.

Because of the format, the pacing is certainly faster here. Mr Dread the robot wants the ionic fusion bar and when The Doctor and company refuse to hand it over, he’s not best pleased. Then we got our first introduction to a Viperox. Cassie also did some initial screaming that harkens to certain companions of old.

It doesn’t take much to realise that along with the Viperox, you’d get the US government involved. In the 1950s there was Area 51 or Dreamland as this episode is called and The Doctor is excited enough to go in there.

I’m not sure I would be. The Doctor’s had enough experience to know that government types have the immediate reaction to either kill, imprison or in this case, attempt to erase his memories. In those circumstances the last thing you’d want is to be escorted into Dreamland by Stark and his men.

What can you say about Stark that probably hasn’t been said before? Nothing! He’s a typical hot headed Colonel who wants to arm himself against Russia and because of that he’s in alliance with Viperox. Of course the Viperox themselves, mostly vocalised through Lord Azlok have their own agenda too.

When Jimmy got captured by a group of Viperox, Azlok revealed that he wasn’t interested in the Earth. If anything there was a common enemy that him and Stark had together. This could’ve been an interesting angle but as soon as The Doctor, Cassie and Jimmy saw the Queen giving birth to so many eggs that was another thing to debunk.

As for the enemy, there is where some of the substance for this story lay. We had poor Seruba Velax locked away in Dreamland and her husband, Rivesh Mantilax being protected by the wonderful (but all too briefly seen) Night Eagle and his people. It was also Night Eagle’s skills with arrows that put Mr Dread briefly out of commission as well.

A husband and wife desperate to reunite each other, believing the other was dead certainly helped giving “Dreamland” a bit of emotional substance. It was also the pursuit of Rivesh that revealed Azlok’s plan to use a weapon capable of killing an entire species. Now The Doctor is never going to take to that, would he?

Playing on a fixed point in time standard, The Doctor might have been determined to have stopped Azlok from destroying the Earth with newly hatched Viperox but he had to fight everyone in a way to ensure that the Viperox weren’t killed. Mainly because in the future they’re supposed to be a peace loving race. Interesting idea.

Using the weapon that wasn’t really an ionic fusion bar to try and drive them out instead was innovative, I’ll give you that. It’s a pity that The Doctor wasn’t so considerate of laws in his previous on screen adventure.

It also came as no real shock to the system when Stark actually helped The Doctor towards the last third of the story, nor was it shocking to see that Cassie and Jimmy have seemingly become an item as well. If you wanted a feel good ending to a story, this had one.

Also in “Dreamland”

This was broken down into six episodes that could be seen on the Red Button service. It also airs on BBC2 from December 5th at 10am.

The Doctor: “The smell of fast food in the desert air. The perfume of America.”
Cassie: “Hey are you British or something?”
The Doctor: “Something, that’s definitely me.”

The credits read for David Tennant and Georgia Moffett, who voiced Cassie Rice. Her American accent was fine with me.

Stark (to Cassie): “You don’t have to worry ma’am.”
The Doctor: “Oh, why’s that?”
Stark: “Because you’re gonna forget everything you’ve seen. You’re gonna forget everything.”

Azlok (to Jimmy): “Who is this man you call The Doctor?”
The Doctor: “Oh now that would be me.”

Lisa Bowerman who voiced Seruba Velax is best known for her role as Seventh Doctor companion Bernice Summerfield as well as Karra from “Survival”.

The Doctor (to Cassie/Jimmy, re Viperox Queen): “I don’t think she’s amused. I have this effect royalty. Run!”

Stark: “The Reds are sitting on a thousand nukes and everyone of them has Uncle Sam’s name on them.”
Night Eagle: “The Russians will never fire them. They know as well as anyone that would be the end of the world.”

There was a deliberate homage to Indiana Jones with the mine cart chase halfway through this story as well as mentions to Aliens and Die Hard.

The Doctor (to Stark): “Two problems with the Viperox, Colonel – you can’t trust them and they have very good hearing.”

The Doctor: “No-one has the right to destroy an entire species.”
Cassie: “Doctor, they destroy my town.”

Seruba and Rivesh were the most clichéd looking of aliens we’ve seen. I guess for the story backdrop though it sort of worked.

Azlok: “Your day will come, Doctor.”
The Doctor: “Yeah, so they say.”

Chronology: Is this based before or after “The Waters Of Mars”?

In the last couple of weeks, I was mixed about this animated special but now after having seen it as a whole, “Dreamland” was an enjoyable enough story. A lot lighter but that’s probably a good thing, given the darkness of “The End Of Time” two part story that has yet to air.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

Stresa: Due giornate di avvicinamento alla lettura per bambini

L’ Istituzione Centro di Cultura di Stresa che gestisce la Biblioteca Civica “A. Zapelloni” ha organizzato nel periodo prenatalizio due iniziative che si terranno nei giorni di sabato 12 (locandina QUI) e sabato 19 dicembre (locandina QUI) al fine di avvicinare i bambini ed i ragazzi al mondo del libro e della lettura. Le iniziative costituiscono la conclusione di una serie di attività tenute nel corso del corrente anno presso le scuole e gli asili di Stresa, tra cui tornei di lettura e laboratori, che hanno contribuito sensibilmente ad accrescere il numero dei giovani iscritti alla Biblioteca. Al fine di incrementare il numero dei soci (attualmente pari a circa 750) prossimamente sarà promossa nei confronti dell’ intera cittadinanza una campagna di promozione, con l’ invio di una lettera in cui sono esplicitate tutte le varie attività e servizi disponibili presso la Biblioteca.