You might have noticed that I did not put up a Rant on Friday, November 20. Let me apologize right from the get go for not doing this.
No, I was not mourning the passage of the "Oprah Winfrey Show";
No, I was not even mourning the end of the "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" opus;
No, I was not bemoaning the fact that Sarah Palin has become a ubiquitous creature at the moment.
The real reason was that I had another one of those infernal eye exams that I must have ever since I had my vision problems several months ago.
What happens is that I go to the eye doctor for these regularly scheduled exams, and my eyes get dilated; dilated to the point where for several hours, I can't see very much. The dilation allows the doctor to more thoroughly check my eyes to see if there is a reoccurence of that vein popping up in my eye.
I have a lot to be grateful for. The doctor once again gave me a clean bill of health, and my eyesight in the bad eye has improved quite a bit.
But I absolutely hate these exams. So much time is wasted, and I can't see correctly for about six or seven hours.
Yes, I did make it to work for a shortened day, at least, but I really couldn't see correctly until about 4 p.m. in the afternoon--and yes, I drove without my normal vision. I mean, how would I get to work if I couldn't drive? By the time I drove, my vision was at about 75 percent, which, based on what I see people do when they drive, is pretty good.
Anyway, now that that is over (for three months) I can resume my normal activities, and that means more ranting for at least the next two days.
Thanksgiving might prevent me from posting a rant, but I will be ranting for a long time after that ...
Eye can guarantee it!
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