1. Yesterday, they arrested someone for (allegedly) throwing a Molotov cocktail four blocks from my condominium. He was protesting, but he didn't stick around long enough for anyone to read his placard. He was apprehended, but now they won't say what his issue was. (Maybe ambivalence.)

The article at the Washpost looks like it was longer, and then butchered to fit. It therefore makes no logical sense. While my guess is that this house was bombed over drug distribution, or perhaps consolidation of leadership, the article does not say.
3. But, apparently the spirit of interstate cooperation is alive-n-well for the gangs, too, since the new improved Maryland chapter of the Latin Kings recently visited LK headquarters in Chicago and New York.
Marylanders, felicidades! We're all hooked up. The state flag is even the right colors: Yellow, black, and red. I wouldn't be surprised if it started showing up on the street in decorative apparel.
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