For over thirteen months (number of months May be significant, but I doubt it) I have tried to be a humanistic treasurer. My goals have been accuracy, transparency, and consistency. And to be nice but firm about my expectations of the managerial staff.
I have undertaken, taught, given color charts, shown what I wanted, lived it, modelled it by example, listed it, met over it, called on it, visited it, encouraged it, ordered it, persuaded, cajoled, empathized, sympathized, pleaded, begged, nagged, chirped, demonstrated, supervised, edited . . . are there any other verbal verbs left?
Then I flat ran out of nice ways to talk. I could feel my throat tighten and my voice get hard. I didn't like where that tone was going. So . . .before I started cursing, kicking, or whupping donkey . . .
They always thought I was interfering. Yeah, I was.
I went away for a couple months. Still didn't get done.

Today's Meeting of the Past-alive
So we had our Condo Bored Meeting. I came, I saw, I demonstrated, reported, displayed, contradicted excuses, blah blah and you know what?
The manager and I are supposed to have a meeting. I think I already did that, times past count.
But once more I will ride my broom down to the den of the zombies . . . . hello, my pretties . . . . wake up . . . it's time to clean house. . . . probably get the old umyeah-umyeah-um.
Pix from megomuseum.com and amazon.com--
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