Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who Didn't See This Coming?

Getting caught up in other kinds of stuff, I neglected to address the cancellation of Dollhouse. I wish I could say it was a shock to the system but it isn't. It's a shame though, because Season 2 was showing an increase in quality and there are plenty of other things that FOX could bin instead.

Now that the show is gone, what are Joss Whedon's options? I can think of a few.

- Try taking the series to another station. Albeit a smaller one than FOX and even they might not be interested. Dollhouse is pretty out there as series go. Though SyFy are a likely choice.
- Movie it? It worked for Firefly mainly but I can't see studios fighting over themselves to bring this series to the big screen.
- Concentrate on the Buffy comics. 2010 will finally see Season 8 end and I'm pretty sure we'll get spoilers about Season 9 as well.
- Do another TV series. Preferably not on FOX.

What are other people's opinions on the Dollhouse situation? Were FOX right to pull the plug or has Joss Whedon been shafted by the wretched station once again?

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