Oh look, another spoiler/analysis blog. Expect another on Tuesday as well.
Matt Smith made his first appearance on Jonathan Ross last night on BBC1 and while I wish that he had done the show with Karen Gillan, the interview was pretty good. Matt kept us mostly spoiler free (though he mentioned stuff about the TARDIS) and Jonathan certainly didn't hold his enthusiasm for the series back either.

The first few seconds of
The Eleventh Hour got a showing on the BBC Red Button today and it was just the Doctor hanging for dear life and narrowly avoiding crashes with both O2 and Big Ben. Nice little set up moment there.

An extended trailer for last Friday's one showed us some more clips from
The Beast Below with the Doctor and Amy both covered in goo, Amy defending herself against something rather nasty and a bunch of Smilers in booths. Now that was a creepy spectacle alright.

River Song (Alex Kingston) blowing a kiss before she's chucked out of a space ship. Blimey, the girl's a daredevil or she really is unable to kill. It'll interesting to see how she's get out of that one, that's for sure.

The Doctor finds himself surrounded by a group of slightly creepy girls who can't be seen in mirror and who don't like sunlight. We were shown an exclusive clip of
Vampires In Venice last night and it's certainly got me intrigued for the episode big time. It's also extremely funny when he pulls out his library card and finds that it's really late. Like William Hartnell late people.

A few more clips also showed the Silurians rather vaguely, extended parts of the Doctor's threatening speech, gave us brief bits on the finale and the Van Gogh episodes but nothing too new with the Daleks or Cybermen. All this stuff - the previews, extended trailer and Matt Smith's interview can be seen here ...
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