to the basement
to make an appointment about
Financial Doings.
I gave the Zombie Boss a choice.
Tuesday or Wednesday morning.
He chose Wednesday.

I wrote the Zombie Assistant.
I said,
"We made this date for Wednesday."
Tuesday morning, she wrote me back.
"I didn't know anything about it."
(And that's why I wrote.)
Tuesday evening the Zombie Boss wrote me.

"How about Friday?"
I wrote him back. "Friday means
"we lose momentum.
"But if it must be Friday,
then okay Friday."
Wednesday morning
The Zombie Boss wrote me again.

"I completely forgot.
"Can you come today?"
I move heaven and earth.
Unfortunately, I forgot
The Super Freeze Ray.
So on Wednesday,

Zombie Assistant says,
"I don't have anything."
I tell her what I need:
A complete record.
Today, she sends me exactly half.
They still live . . .
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