Friday, July 31, 2009

Stresa: Parte il concorso "La vetrina è musicale"

Per un mese sarà capitale della musica. Quest’anno, come mai prima d’ora, tutta la città respirerà il clima delle Settimane Musicali, il festival che da ormai 48 anni celebra nel mondo il nome di Stresa e del Lago Maggiore. Da oggi, infatti, in corrispondenza del primo concerto delle «Meditazioni in musica» (prologo del festival internazionale che inizierà il 21 agosto) si potrà passeggiare per le vie del centro ammirando le sorprendenti «Vetrine musicali». Ma non solo: gli spettatori del festival, i cittadini e i turisti potranno votare la propria preferita, premiando la creatività del negoziante che l’ha allestita.
E’ la nuova iniziativa dell’estate, lanciata grazie alla collaborazione tra le Settimane, la Pro loco di Stresa e «La Stampa». Fino a fine mese i commercianti potranno sbizzarrirsi ideando vetrine a tema musicale, l’importante è stupire e divertire. E da oggi su «La Stampa», nelle pagine dell’edizione del Verbano Cusio Ossola, si potrà ritagliare il tagliando per votare: basterà scrivere il numero della vetrina preferita, che sarà indicato da un cartello, e consegnarlo negli uffici del festival in via Carducci 39 a Stresa. Uno sforzo che sarà ricompensato a suon di grande musica. E non solo.
Al negoziante la cui vetrina raccoglierà più consensi andranno due posti nelle prime file del Palazzo dei Congressi per il concerto della Bbc Philarmonic Orchestra diretta da Gianandrea Noseda il 3 settembre, più due ingressi per visitare il Parco di Villa Pallavicino, compresa consumazione allo Chalet. Per i secondi classificati ci saranno due biglietti per il concerto di Trombone Attraction il 4 settembre al castello di Vogogna e due ingressi per rilassarsi alle Terme di Premia. Chi otterrà il terzo posto trascorrerà una giornata al Centro benessere dell’hotel Regina Palace, tra saune, bagno turco e massaggi, e potrà visitare il giardino dell’Isola Madre, mentre i quarti classificati faranno un giro sul lago a bordo di un battello della Navigazione Lago Maggiore per poi visitare il palazzo e il giardino dell’Isola Bella. Il quinto classificato, infine, riceverà due biglietti della funivia comprensivi di visita al Giardino Alpinia e due ingressi alla Rocca Borromeo di Angera. (Art. di Maria Elisa Gualandris pubblicato su La Stampa)

Stresa tra le dieci località italiane più elogiate all’estero

Oltre cento prestigiose testate giornalistiche di dodici Paesi (Australia, Austria, Cina, Francia, Germania, Gran Bretagna, India, Medio Oriente, Russia, Spagna, Svizzera, Usa) hanno eletto Stresa tra le dieci mete più desiderabili d’Italia: è il risultato del rapporto BitLab sui luoghi che coniugano al meglio eccellenza storico-artistica e culturale-paesaggistica.
Il rapporto Bitlab è frutto di un monitoraggio sui luoghi più elogiati dalla stampa estera prodotto tra il 1° gennaio e il 30 giugno 2009; si tratta del primo Osservatorio permanente sull'immagine del settore turistico italiano all'estero, commissionato da Expocts, società controllata da Milano Fiera, in vista della edizione 2010 della Bit - Borsa Internazionale del Turismo. Cultura, paesaggio, qualità della vita sono gli elementi che qualificano maggiormente le nuove frontiere del turismo e che suscitano i maggiori elogi della stampa estera: proprio in un simile contesto si spiegano le preferenze ed il gradimento espressi per Stresa. Soddisfazione per il riconoscimento ottenuto viene espressa dal sindaco Canio Di Milia: «Trovare Stresa ai vertici di una analisi sui siti considerati all'estero eccellenze italiane conferma il richiamo della nostra città a livello internazionale. È un risultato di cui dobbiamo fare tesoro, continuando sulla strada intrapresa e facendo sempre meglio per mantenere all'altezza delle tradizioni il nostro prestigio turistico». (articolo di R.V. pubblicato sulla Prealpina)

Maria Haukas Storeng chats at Stockholm Pride bout Melodifestivalen + New Album!

Magnus Carlsson's Mega Medley at Stockholm Pride

Thanks to G-Webb Tv & 3 minutes for PrideClips

Alexander Rybak LIVE at Stockholm Pride July 2009

The annual Schlager Pride, a Eurovision + Melodifestivalen music spectacle of the Stockholm Pride
held in Stockholm, saw a new concept with the show's host being non-other than Shirley Clamp. Shirley even performed in her original Blue 'Min Karlek' Frock! The full Artist Guest list of this event
are kept quiet until the Day of the event, also this year the Artists had a more extended set to perform.

Magnus Carlsson, Shirley Clamp, Sarah Dawn Finer, Anna Sahlene, Charlotte Perrelli, Alcazar,
Velvet and Lili & Susie Along with 3 international Artists Maria Haukaas Storeng,
Yohanna and off course Alexander Rybak all took to the Pride Park stage during
this fabulous Schalger Tastic Event for 2009.
Be sure to hear Alexander's change of Lyric in
Funny Little World'

EMD- Danny Erik & Matte- What they all got up to in the Hotel Room !

Perhapes one of the BIGGEST Names of Melodifestivalen 2009 - EMD
3 idol Boys, on this Vid-Blog we become a fly on the wall in their Hotel room.

Svenska translation anyone? (meanwhile just enjoy the slap!)

Stresa: Un dipinto di sei metri per la serata Jazz in piazza

Venerdì 31 luglio p.v. alle ore 21 l' Solomusica organizza una serata di musica jazz con tre complessi che suoneranno in contemporanea in Piazza Cadorna, Via Garibaldi e Piazza Matteotti.
A partire dalle ore 17, nel centro storico, il gruppo Neurosol Team realizzerà un dipinto raffigurante Stresa ed il tema della serata, utilizzando bombolette spray su un pannello in legno della lunghezza di sei metri.

Concerti Ciani: Recital del pianista Mattia Mistrangelo

Venerdì 31 luglio alle 21.30, con ingresso gratuito, per il XX anno dei Festival Internazionali dell'Associazione Musicale Dino Ciani al Grand Hotel Regina Palace di Stresa si esibisce il pianista Mattia Mistrangelo.


J. Brahms Sonata in Do Maggiore op.1
E. Granados El Amor y la Muerte
F. Liszt Fantasia quasi Sonata "Après une lecture de Dante"

Mattia MISTRANGELO, pianista, nato nel 1980 in Italia a Milano, ha iniziato precocemente ad avvicinarsi alla musica ed allo studio del pianoforte.
Sotto la guida del M° Ottavio Minola, si è diplomato presso il Conservatorio «Giuseppe Verdi» della sua città, con il massimo dei voti la lode e la menzione speciale.
Nel 2005, essendo il primo pianista in Italia ad ottenere, con massimo dei voti e lode, il Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello e raggiungendo anche il conseguimento del Diploma in Composizione Sperimentale, viene insignito da parte delle istituzioni accademiche del Conservatorio stesso dell'autorevole "Premio Cultura".
Ha studiato presso la prestigiosa Hocschule di Monaco di Baviera, nella classe del M° Gerhard Oppiz ed ha seguito corsi di perfezionamento presso la famosa École Normale «Alfred Cortot» di Parigi con il M° Jean-Marc Luisada.
Sin dagli anni dei suoi primi esordi ha vinto diversi concorsi nazionali ed internazionali riscuotendo successi che lo hanno portato ad esibirsi diverse volte come solista nelle più importanti sale di tutta Italia in città come Milano, Bergamo, Genova, Venezia, Trieste, Udine, Napoli, Stresa e Roma ed anche all'estero in Svizzera, Germania, Austria, Francia, Spagna e Stati Uniti.
È laureato con "pieni voti" in Storia Moderno-Contemporanea presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università Statale di Milano.
Fa parte del gruppo di artisti dell'Associazione Musicale "Dino Ciani" da ormai più di dieci anni.

Il prossimo appuntamento con la rassegna Dino Ciani sarà lunedì 03 agosto alle 21.30, ingresso libero, al Grand Hotel Regina Palace con la pianista Alexìa MUZA'.

Direzione artistica prof.ssa Maria Lilia Bertola

Per info Associazione Dino Ciani: 335 60 83 581 -
Concerti Ciani 2009:
Concerti Ciani 2009 a Stresa:

Rant #58: Pigeons Like My Car

This has become a daily routine.

I wake up, eat breakfast, take a shower, get dressed, and eventually go to my car, whether to drive to work or to drive on the weekend.

And what do I find on my car?

Bird crap!

This seems to happen each and every day. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes it's just a sprinkle, but seemingly each and every day birds leave their nastiness on my car.

The way our street is aligned, I have to park under a tree. I think that is the problem. Birds look at trees like humans look at water closets--one is in view, and you have to go.

Anyway, the good thing today is that it is raining, and without effort on my part, it should be gone by the time I get out of work.

However, I have noticed that sometimes, I get the industrial strength kind, and it doesn't come off so easily.

Well, less outlawing the rights of pigeons to fly near my car, what can I do? Is there pigeon repellant that you can spray on cars so that birds stay away? Should I bag my car, and thus the crap will be on the bag, not on the car?

I can't park anywhere else, as our street is full of cars.

I guess I am stuck with this crap, day in and day out.

At least my dog craps on the ground, and I can easily pick it up.

Birds should learn to do the same.

BWO "Right Here Right Now" Vid & Fantastic NEW Skyylab Mix

'Right Here Right Now'

A follow up to 'You're Not Alone' from Melodifestivalen 2009- BWO are Back..& have an excellent new album called 'Big Science'
out now and as always BWO are coming up with the goods with some terrific Songs +Dance mixes.
I like this 2nd single from the Album

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sicurezza balneazione: In riva ai laghi arrivano i bagnini

Più sicurezza per i bagnanti e per i fruitori delle acque dei laghi Maggiore, sponda piemontese, d’Orta e Mergozzo: è questo l’obiettivo dei quattro regolamenti attuativi della legge regionale del gennaio 2008, varati nei giorni scorsi dalla giunta del Piemonte su proposta dell’assessore ai Trasporti Daniele Borioli.
Le maggiori novità vengono dal regolamento sulla balneazione: il provvedimento della regione definisce come stagione balneare il periodo compreso tra il 15 giugno e il 15 settembre, lasciando ai comuni la possibilità di anticipare o posticipare le date tenendo conto delle condizioni meteorologiche.
Proprio ai Comuni toccherà delimitare gli specchi d’acqua destinati alla balneazione: in queste zone è previsto l’obbligo del servizio di soccorso con postazioni dotate di bagnino, barca a remi attrezzata, materiale di primo soccorso e bandiere di segnalazione. Analogo obbligo viene posto a carico dei gestori delle strutture turistico ricettive rivierasche, identificate dai comuni. Rimarranno fruibili, comunque, anche le aree non identificate dai comuni come riservate alla balneazione, ma in questi casi ai comuni sarà fatto obbligo di esporre cartelli multilingue, che avvisano del potenziale pericolo rappresentato dalla mancanza del servizio di salvamento.
«Per le strutture ricettive rivierasche l’obbligo del bagnino era già previsto da una precedente legge regionale» spiega Tranquillo Manoni, titolare di due campeggi e presidente della Faita Piemonte, l’associazione di categoria delle strutture ricettive all’aria aperta.
Gli altri tre regolamenti varati dalla Giunta regionale riguardano l’attività di locazione e noleggio delle barche, con l’istituzione di un Registro comunale delle unità di diporto adibite alla locazione, l’utilizzo del demanio idrico e infine l’istituzione di un ruolo provinciale per l’esercizio dei servizi di trasporto pubblico di navigazione non di linea. (Articolo di Luca Gemelli su La Stampa)

Verbania come Stresa: Scatta l’ordinanza sulle potature

Anche a Verbania, come a Stresa, il comune vigila sulla manutenzione del verde privato. Con un'ordinanza emessa dal sindaco Marco Zacchera infatti, si obbligano i cittadini a provvedere entro il 30 settembre alla potatura di rami, siepi ed essenze che debordano su strade vicinali, comunali, provinciali o statali. Se i proprietari non ottempereranno, il Comune provvederà d’ufficio, addebitando il costo dell’intervento al privato ed elevando sanzione amministrativa fra i 155 a i 624 euro.

1978..And then there was Figaro' Brotherhood of Man's -son of Angelo & Fernando

Brotherhood of Man found Eurovision glory in 1976 by winning for the UK
with No:1 "Save your kisses for me" two years after Abba's ESC win. They were in the 70's constantly compared to Abba, yet as you see in the last post- was it any wonder when 'Angleo'
was released in 1977 hot on the heals of the Abba '76 Classic 'Fernando'
But wait there was more ... just 6 months later in 1978 'Figaro' was born- another dose of latin lover pop-schlager from Brotherhood of Man. 'Figaro' was a bit more bouncy & became the third UK No:1 following this same latin lover theme. The follow-up to this was not so successful - only peaking at No:15 the title was 'Beautiful Lover' Hold on, its got that same theme in the lyrics only this latin guy "-she don't need to know his name.."
Brotherhood of Man's run of Golden Hits came to an end with a final flop single in 1978 "In the Middle of the Night" their whole career ended bit like a Brit 2-week package holiday in Belidorm or Cotsa Del Sol lol

Yet Brotherhood of Man still perform today as the orginal 2 girl, 2 boy line-up.
or more like 2 uncle, 2 auntie line- up! Still 'Figaro' was the best, struting around in his
trunks down at the beach.

"Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should"

Raygun are an exciting new band with the best name of the year and also the best video. Stunning. I want the silver jacket. The song that goes along with the visual is also pretty good. The guys mix radio rock with a bit of soul and a touch of glam. They actually remind me of a 2009 version of INXS. The other tracks on their myspace are also catchy and radio friendly. In fact, I'm surprised they haven't blown up bigger already. The single's not out quite yet, and it's been added to the Radio One playlist, so let's keep our fingers crossed. I have a feeling they could be potentially very interesting.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Rant #57: Michael Jackson Will Not Alter My Eating Habits

I just read that comedian/social activist Dick Gregory has said that he will fast until the truth comes out about the death of Michael Jackson. He will fast for 40 days, only drinking water, "until the truth is uncovered, not just another story, about the sudden death of Michael Jackson, one of the world's most brilliant and talented people."

On first glance, I would say this has to be a joke, but Gregory hasn't made anyone laugh in more than 40 years, so I know he will go ahead with this. He has fasted before; he will do it again.

Perhaps he can get Rev. Al to follow him on this crusade. And what is the crusade?

Does he want the authorities to say that Jackson was murdered? Would that put him on the road to his next soy burger?

Well, it got Gregory's name in the paper. You know what they say: "No press is bad press."

As for me, it's easy as A-B-C.

Give me a hamburger!

My Review of Dollhouse's 1x11: "Briar Rose"

Written by Jane Espenson
Directed by Dwight Little

Kepler/Alpha: “I was nursing a tender throbbing hope that you’d give up, yeah.”
Paul: “Well, I’m not.”

Determination. The root of all good. Paul wants so badly to make a difference, take down the Dollhouse and rescue the girl. Unfortunately, one of the many things that Paul seems to lack is common sense and this is deadly obvious, even after he finally decided to take some affirmative action to actually find the Dollhouse itself.

All season long, Paul has been in an obsessive mode to bring the Dollhouse down but instead of focusing on the fact that there’s so many victims, all he’s bloody yapped on about is Caroline. Yeah, Paul, we get it, she’s in dire straits but so are the other poor sods that are stuck in the Dollhouse too.

Such as Mellie for instance. Paul decided to outright cruel and break up with her. Okay, while it made sense that by doing that, she would lead him to the Dollhouse; it did actually make hate Paul for it as well. Something tells me that this isn’t the first time he’s dumped a girl harshly.

Anyways much sympathy goes to Mellie for the simple fact that she genuinely believes she’s done something wrong to make Paul want to ditch her so coldly. I know she’s a Doll but, I don’t know. I think this episode did more harm than good for Paul’s character in the long run. Especially given how cold he was later when opting not to save her from the Dollhouse as well.

His determination to save Caroline I think is one big drawback for Paul – why Caroline? What makes her any more deserving than Victor, Sierra or November or any of the other Dolls we have yet to be properly introduced to? It also doesn’t help that Paul’s physical attraction as well as a lack of connection to Caroline are also factors in this whole scenario.

Getting help from environmental consultant Stephen Kepler also seemed a touch suspect. Paul’s been hitting so many brick walls in his continued search that as soon as he managed to contact Kepler, there was something about that that seemed to be too good to be true. Let’s face it; Paul is pretty crap at his job.

Alan Tudyk deserves a medal for this whole episode. I absolutely bought into him as the nervous, jittery, extremely paranoid Kepler. Especially for the comment where he said he hated buddy cop movies. Yeah, I’m not too big on them too but the banter between Kepler and Paul certainly added some humour to proceedings.

As for the Alpha reveal. The timing of the season did make it extremely perfect for the psychotic Doll to come out and play. There are times when I wish I hadn’t read spoilers and given that I knew weeks in advance that Alan Tudyk was going to be playing Alpha, I loved that we got fooled with the Kepler persona for a while.

Tudyk can also turn very quickly. The way he went from Kepler to Alpha, almost in a flash was downright impressive. Even physically there was a noticeable difference and while we should’ve seen more of the Alpha persona in this episode, the stuff we got was of quality.

Slashing poor defenceless Victor’s face was certainly a nice way of showing us how chilling Alpha could be (not that we needed it, given the bloodbath he caused all those months) and his scenes with Claire were equally creepy. I’m gonna say that Claire was a Doll called Whiskey because basically this episode confirmed that all too well.

We had Dominic in Victor’s body immediately refer to her as Whiskey prior to her sedating him and Alpha immediately didn’t recognise her as a doctor. The way Alpha taunted the truth out of her not always wanting to be a doctor was pure chilling. Alpha certainly is one scary bloke.

However if there is a flaw with Alpha, it’s that he follows a growing trend of people acting like Caroline/Echo is the centre of the universe. Yes, we know Eliza Dushku is the leading lady but Victor, Sierra and November still usurp Echo in being overall interesting and that’s not something that’s going to change over night.

With Paul and Boyd slugging it out, Alpha didn’t exactly have the most difficult of tasks in retrieving Echo, though he imprinted her with something before they left. What was it – a former lover? Are we going for a Bonnie and Clyde type of dynamic with Echo and Alpha? That might not be the best of routes to go on with this character.

As for Boyd and Paul, I really should’ve felt conflicted during the big fight scene but I wasn’t. I wanted Boyd to knock Paul into the middle of next week and I absolutely loved that Echo chose to help Boyd rather than Paul (Kepler’s right, stairs without risers are bloody dangerous, I don’t like them too). What does that say about me, other than my dislike for Paul being cast as the valiant Prince, who’s not that charming when you think about it?

I even got a kick out the confrontation scene with Adelle. I don’t particularly see Paul meeting his maker and I think that the Attic can be ruled out for him too. Seeing Paul as a Doll would be a good way of giving Tahmoh Penikett something else to do but Adelle would have to pull some strings to get him to sign a contract for five years.

Other interesting thing, other than Alpha finally stepping out of the shadows was Echo’s assignment of the week. Using the Sleeping Beauty story to help the damaged young Susan might have been more than heavy handed but it was a good template for the episode and it made me look at the story differently.

Paul is the Prince and the Prince isn’t that altruistic about his motives about saving the girl. You could argue that Boyd’s are when it comes to Caroline and Echo. Susan’s anger about Briar Rose being unable to save herself could be a post feminist jab but there’s some truth behind. Sometimes the only person who can save us is ourselves. That may end up being very applicable in Echo/Caroline’s case during the series duration.

Also in “Briar Rose”

Briar Rose is the original title of Sleeping Beauty and yeah, the allusions in this episode did come at us from all sides.

Mellie: “Stop being so cruel. Can’t you see this is killing me?”
Paul: “You’ll get over it.”

Imprinting Echo with bits of Susan (they even had the same name) was clever. We need more altruistic missions next season.

Topher: “Everybody wants to be righteous when they can afford it.”
Ivy: “Even Topher Brink?”
Topher: “This feeling... It is not unlike pride.”

Echo: “Are you keeping that book?”
Susan: “I’m fixing it.”
Echo: “I see that. It’s called editing. You can make a living out of that.”

Was this the first time we’ve seen Mellie’s handler? Sierra also got to be a forensics expert in this episode. Very CSI of her.

Victor/Dominic: “Whiskey.”
Claire: “He wants a drink.”

Kepler: “We go in there, then we're in there. There's? There's more people in there. I'm not good with people.”
Paul: “They're not people.”
Kepler: “I'm not good with that sentence either.”

The real Stephen Kepler was killed by Alpha, which meant that he must have expected Paul to lead him to the Dollhouse. Couldn’t Alpha have gone there himself or was Paul needed as a distraction for Adelle?

Kepler: “They told me this was going to be a new Eden.”
Paul: “Eden wasn't a prison.”
Kepler: “What, are you kidding? The apples were monitored. Plus they didn't have a steam room that could recirculate human sweat and put it right back …”

Kepler: “All right, would you look at this place! I mean, first of all, feng shui up the ying yang. Also, I designed parts of it, but I did not design the stone-cold foxes in the small clothes, and the ample massage facilities. I mean, don't get me wrong, I heart my porn, but this is cool.”
Paul: “This is a bad place.”
Kepler: “Bad people, maybe. Good place.”

Alpha discussed quite freely about the scars that he puts on people. I think that he also said that Victor’s would be different from Claire’s as well.

Boyd: “Sorry Agent Ballard. You don't get the girl.”

Echo: “I remember something about you.”
Alpha: “I remember everything about you.”

Chronology: No idea. How many months has it been since Alpha’s last attack on the Dollhouse?

At first the episode didn’t complete reel me in, probably because with “Briar Rose” so much does seemingly happen all at once, you need to process it. Once doing that, though it becomes a stunning episode that will also hopefully lead to an equally stunning finale if we’re lucky.

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Luglio alla Verbanella: Live Jazz, Blues e Evergreen

Proseguono anche a Luglio gli appuntamenti presso il Cafè Bar La Verbanella, per le serate di musica jazz che ci accompagneranno tutti i giovedì sera. Si tratta di serate con artisti di ottimo livello che già lo scorso anno abbiamo avuto il piacere di ascoltare. Questa sera giovedì 30 luglio ci sarà “Rhythm & Blues", musica e temi da leggenda interpretata da grandi artisti e dalla tastiera di Stefano Caniato. Per vedere la locandina clicca QUI

Per maggiori info: Caffè Bar "La Verbanella" Willy's Cocktail Bar Corso Umberto 1°, 2 28838 STRESA Tel. 0323 30212

Rant #56: The Lucy Show Is Back!

This post is more a rave than a rant, but in keeping with the way I have been doing things, we will keep it as a rant.

If you fondly remember The Lucy Show--the series that Lucille Ball did after I Love Lucy and her marriage to Desi Arnaz ended--than you are in luck! MPI Video has just released the entire first season of the show on DVD.

No, this show was never, never up to the comedic standards--and trailblazing techniques--of the I Love Lucy show. The Lucy Show--and later, Here's Lucy, which is also being released in the season by season format by MPI at a later date--were basically off-shoots of the character Arnaz and Ball created for Lucy on I Love Lucy--the scatterbrained lady with ultimately, a heart of gold.

In The Lucy Show, Ball and during the first three seasons, her ultimate comic foil, Vivian Vance--Ethel from I Love Lucy--go it alone without steady males in their lives, and looking at this show nearly 50 years after the first season was produced, they carry it off very well.

They get into similar comedic scrapes like they did on their previous series, and yes, the ladies are a bit older here, but the show is corny, dated and very, very funny, all at the same time.

They certainly don't make sitcoms like this anymore!

The Lucy Show was a virtual family affair for Ball, as the show was not only executive produced by former husband Arnaz (she married comic Gary Morton during these years), but both Lucie Arnaz and Desi Jr. can be seen on the show from time to time if you look hard enough.

The one drawback is the kids on the show. They are cloying, annoying, and can't act at all, but I guess you get the good with the bad here. I will bet that Lucy realized this when The Lucy Show ended its run, because on Here's Lucy, her kids co-starred with her.

All in all, a fine package. For Lucy fans who have been stuck with third-rate DVD versions of these shows in the past, this release is a revelation.

By the way, there are many extras on the DVD, including a wide-ranging interview with Lucie Arnaz where she talks about everything from her participation in show to the uneasiness she felt with her mom, father and stepfather on the set at the same time. And Lucie looks terrific, by the way, as she talks candidly about many things, especially about here mom.

Also, you get to see an early Dick Martin, who played Lucy's next door neighbor--and quasi love interest--on the show.

If there is one DVD for you to get that's out right now, this is it!

So now that you are done reading this entry, scoot over to or and pick this DVD up. You will not regret it.

The only regret that I have is this: why did it take so long for this to come out?

Stresa: Domenica 2 Agosto inaugurazione di Piazza Possi

Con una festa che si terrà Domenica 2 Agosto alle ore 21.00 Piazza Possi sarà restituita ai cittadini di Stresa ed ai suoi turisti dopo i lavori durati qualche mese, nei quali è stato posizionato il porfido ed è stata realizzata una scalinata tra i due edifici che potrà servire da palco naturale per eventi o spettacoli.
Per l'occasione un gruppo di 30 giovani musicisti diretti da Gitta Schneider presenteranno un ampio repertorio di musica dal mondo. Un orchestra speciale, nata 20 anni fa, composta unicamente da amanti di un solo strumento musicale, la fisarmonica.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Commenti: Inserire l'email è obbligatorio

Si ricevono ancora molti commenti, firmati con il proprio nome o con un nickname, senza un indirizzo email al quale noi possiamo contattare l'autore in caso di necessità.
Ricordiamo a tutti i lettori che senza quell'indirizzo oppure un altro recapito NON è possibile pubblicare il commento stesso. La firma con email è il più semplice strumento che noi possiamo avere per essere sicuri che la firma di un commentatore non sia copiata o usata da altri in maniera impropria.
Ricordiamo inoltre che tutti i dati personali inseriti nel commento, come l'email o il numero di telefono, per rispetto alla privacy, NON verranno pubblicati.

Pallanza tuona i primi dati: Incassi ristoranti - 70%

Un calo nel giro di affari fino al 70% negli ultimi 5 anni. Ci sono rare eccezioni che riguardano locali “storici” della frazione verbanese, ma per il resto la situazione soprattutto all’ora di pranzo pare desolante per i ristoratori del lungolago di Pallanza. E alcuni non escludono di dover chiudere i battenti. Ci spiegano che la crisi c’è e si sente. Sempre piu’ spesso le famiglie a pranzo si accontentano di un panino e a cena optano per una pizza, piu’ economica della classica cena al ristorante. La sera in questi giorni c’è un po’ piu’ di affuenza, aggiungono, ma il mese di luglio è andato decisamente male. I ristoratori lamentano la cronica carenza di parcheggi ma anche di attività commerciali, che ad esempio sono uno dei punti forti di Intra. Tra le proposte quella della rivitalizzazione della retrostante via Tacchini proprio con l’insediamento di negozi, così da creare una passeggiata ad anello con il lungolago.

Nuovo Cda Ars.Uni decide il futuro dell'università VCO

Altri sette laureati per Ars.Uni.Vco. E potrebbero essere gli ultimi, se l’università del Piemonte orientale non rinnoverà i corsi decentrati sul territorio. Sul destino degli indirizzi però non si sa ancora niente: sarà il nuovo consiglio di amministrazione di Ars.Uni.Vco (l’associazione che gestisce l’attività universitaria in provincia), che verrà nominato domani, a decidere. In ogni caso si chiude un ciclo che negli ultimi anni ha visto crescere i corsi di laurea in ingegneria informatica ed elettronica, a Verbania e Domodossola, e di promozione e gestione del turismo a Stresa. Una crescita soprattutto qualitativa, visti i risultati ottenuti dagli studenti «al di sopra dei colleghi delle sedi centrali», come hanno detto più volte i docenti.
L’ultima sfornata di laureati è di questi giorni a Stresa, dove sono stati proclamati dottori in promozione e gestione del turismo sette studenti, tutti con voti alti. Per Daniele Bordoni di Bannio Anzino, Elisa Morettini di Premeno e Benedetta Rolandi di Pieve Vergonte è anche scattata la lode. Valutazioni elevate anche per Beatrice Bariletta di Pallanzeno, Sara Campagnini di Ghiffa, Irene Infantino di Villadossola e Marta Toncelli di Baveno. «E’ doveroso menzionarli tutti - spiega il presidente di Ars.Uni.Vco Tiziano Pera - perché hanno concluso nei tempi previsti e a pieni voti il piano di studi. Sono tutti studenti lavoratori e ciò inorgoglisce la nostra associazione, che tra gli obiettivi primari ha quello di consentire a chi lavora di riqualificare la propria professionalità con una laurea».
Pera, che difficilmente sarà rinominato, non si pronuncia sul futuro degli studi universitari nel Vco: «Sarà il nuovo consiglio di amministrazione a decidere. Penso comunque che si lavorerà sulla strada tracciata, con il contributo di tutte le componenti politiche». Anche l’assessore provinciale alle Politiche universitarie Claudio Cottini non si sbilancia: «Tenere i corsi qui - si limita a dire - significa far fronte ad una spesa di circa 200 mila euro».(Art. di Filippo Ruberta su La Stampa)

Some random thoughts

I won't be able to post a song today because my music is at my horribly (non)ventilated apartment and it is nearing triple digits in there today so I had to escape. We are not used to 100+ temps in the northwest! So instead I'm going to highlight some links that you probably already know about anyway :)

1. Although there seems to be a general dislike for him on the internet, I'm quite taken with Mika's choral-bombast of a comeback single We Are Golden. Ditto for the spastic-ADD video.

2. As I said on Monday, I'm pretty impressed with Disney's current crop of teen artists. This new track by Miley Cyrus is just another example of the simple, feel good pop the company is capable of churning out.

3. Not sure how I feel about the new Cinema Bizarre single. I really want to love these guys, and I think they're getting closer and closer to being awesome. I especially love the lead singer on this song, but Space Cowboy... shut the hell up! The verses are bizarrely horrible.

4. I am strangely addicted to Shakira's She-Wolf (and amazed that such an obvious disco track, called She-Wolf, no less, could end up being a US hit). My favorite part? The can't-be-bothered "wolf ow-woooo's" of the chorus.

Stresa: Alla palazzina liberty mostra personale di Mara Grubert

Si terrà presso la Palazzina Liberty Domenica 2 Agosto 2009 alle ore 18.00 l'inaugurazione della mostra di pittura “Fauna e umani” visti da Mara Grubert.
Dopo il vernissage di domenica la mostra rimarrà aperta al pubblico per tutta la settimana, dal 2 al 8 di Agosto 2009 con i seguenti orari:
mattino 10.30 – 13.00 pomeriggio 17.00 – 19.30

Per maggiori info:
Palazzina Liberty, Vía de Amicis, 33, Stresa
tel 340 9393532 032330902 (Claudio Ciacci)

Stresa: Continua l'Omaggio a Gino Buscaini

E' tuttora in corso presso la Palazzina Liberty la mostra di disegni, fotografie, libri, relazioni, cartografie "Omaggio a Gino Buscaini" sostenuta dal Comune di Stresa con la collaborazione della Sezione del CAI di Stresa e quello di Valmadrera.
Gino Buscaini é stato Alpinista puro, studioso, ricercatore ed estensore di guide delle Alpi commissionategli dal Club Alpino Italiano e dal Touring Club. Guide che descrivono dettagliatamente, quote, difficoltà, pericoli, tempi, rifugi, bivacchi, soste impreviste di itinerari Alpinistici ed escursionistici percorribili da chiunque si avventuri in montagna.
La sua vita l'ha dedicata a questo e contemporaneamente alle popolazioni povere del Cile e dell'Argentina che gravitano nei dintorni delle montagne della Patagonia in quella terra selvaggia, ostile ma per ognuno di noi fantastica perché unica, entrando in contatto con loro e dividendo con loro lunghi periodi di vita comune alternati ad ascensioni su quelle montagne che respirano l'aria dell'oceano poco lontano e così diverse dalle nostre.

Rant #55: I Now Need a New Watch

I have been pretty snakebitten lately when it comes to electronic stuff.

First, my son's computer went bye-bye, now my watch is on the fritz.

Heck, it is a cheap watch. I bought it at Wal-Mart for $18 about two years ago. It is waterproof and has a lighted dial, although I found out that in a dark movie theater when I want to see what time it is during a crappy movie, it doesn't help me, because the clock hands are not illuminated themselves.

Anyway, the darn thing was starting to give out last week, but once I put it on my wrist, I think my pulse (I do have one) sparked it and got it going again. Now, the pulse isn't working on the watch, and it stopped dead last night at about 10 p.m.

It may need a new battery, but I haven't had much luck with watch batteries in the past. Once they are put in, they last a few months and then the watch is useless again.

I think I will get myself a new watch. It is the only jewelry, so to speak, that I wear, and I have worn a watch since I was about seven years old. I feel naked without one.

So I will have to buy a new one. And hopefully this one will be totally illuminated, so I can see how many minutes are left in the next cruddy movie I see.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

L'autostrada costa meno con il car pooling

Muoversi in gruppo (Car pooling) costerà meno almeno sui tratti autostradali A8-A9 (Varese-Milano e Como-Milano).Il pedaggio per i virtuosi delle 4 ruote sarà di 0,50 euro al posto di 1,30 euro. Lo sconto varrà per le auto che viaggiano nelle fasce orarie di punta con a bordo minimo quattro persone e sarà applicato a partire dal 31 agosto.
Il progetto si chiama Car pooling ed è stato presentato durante l’inaugurazione del cantiere per la realizzazione della terza corsia tra Lainate e Como-Grandate sull’A9 Milano-Como. L’iniziativa prevede che fino alla fine dei lavori chi viaggerà con un’auto di classe A e B con quattro passeggeri a bordo dalle 6:30 alle 9:30 in direzione Milano e dalle 17:30 alle 20 verso Como, pagherà una tariffa di 0,50 euro invece di 1,30 euro.
L’ampliamento a tre corsie della A9 per 23,2 chilometri prevede un’investimento da parte di Autostrade per l’Italia di 355,8 milioni di euro. L’intervento prevede tra l’altro il rifacimento di 10 cavalcavia, l’installazione di 14 chilometri di barriere fonoassorbenti, l’adeguamento delle interconnessioni A8-A9 di Lainate e quello degli svincoli di Saronno, Turate, Lomazzo e Fino Mornasco. L’obiettivo è di completare i lavori con sei mesi di anticipo sul tempo contrattuale stabilito entro la fine del 2012.
Autostrade - ha spiegato l’Ad Giovanni Castellucci - auspica di chiudere in 36 mesi “a partire da oggi” i lavori per la terza corsia della A9 tra Lainate (Milano) e Como Sud, compresa la quinta corsia tra la confluenza tra la A8 e A9 e la barriera di Milano Nord.

Allarme Mobilità nel VCO: + 127,5%

In sei mesi – da gennaio a giugno – sono stati 298 i lavoratori della provincia iscritti alle liste di mobilità. 167 persone in più rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno scorso con un incremento del 127,5 %. Numeri impressionanti se rapportati alla popolazione del territorio. Un aumento esponenziale che tocca soprattutto i dipendenti delle aziende minori senza indennità di mobilità che passano dalle 82 unità del primo semestre 2008 agli attuali 216. Iscrizioni, conseguenza di una profonda e drammatica crisi, che sta investendo tutti i settori produttivi ma che si mostra particolarmente acuta nel settore metalmeccanico, in quello della carta stampata, nell’edilizia e nel commercio, comparti considerati tradizionalmente punti di forza dell’economia del Vco. Gli unici settori che mostrano una flessione rispetto all’anno precedente sono il tessile e l’abbigliamento. Una crisi che tocca dunque indistintamente tutta la produttività, non ne sono immuni neppure il commercio e il settore turistico alberghiero. L’incremento maggiore è ancora per gli uomini, 104 in più rispetto al 2008, 63 le donne. Numeri e percentuali diffusi dall’assessorato regionale al Lavoro. “Questi dati sulla mobilità – commenta l’assessore regionale al Welfare e Lavoro, Angela Migliasso – confermano la grave crisi che sta attanagliando la Provincia del Vco e che si era già evidenziata con i dati relativi all’utilizzo della cassa integrazione ordinaria”.

"Take me with you, I start to miss you"

To be honest, this song is here today because of the handclaps. I am a big fan of handclaps in music, and without them this would be another generic emopop single (though actually this is more like straight-up powerpop than emo). Marianas Trench are a Canadian band who have recently released a concept album called Masterpiece Theatre that at times can get pretty theatrical. Fans of Queen should definitely check out the opening title track, the band's take on a Bohemian Rhapsody structure (complete with choral vocals). Even with all that drama, Cross My Heart is my favorite track. It's just a simple, unbelievably catchy radio single. Plus, the hand claps... LORD, the handclaps!

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)

Rant #54: Angels, Devils and Meet the Mets (and Press)

If ever there was a time that professional sports collided with sports journalism, yesterday was the day.

In a truly New York moment that ended up making national news, Omar Minaya, the general manager of the New York Mets, fired Tony Bernazard, the Mets' vice president of development, after word had leaked out through a column written by New York Daily News beat columnist Adam Rubin that Bernazard, among other indiscretions, ripped off his shirt and challenged one of the Mets' minor league teams to a fight. He also had verbal sparrings with several Met players, and all of this behavior, added to the recent failings of the Mets, led to his firing.

That would have been all fine and good, but during a press conference, Minaya insinuated that the reason Rubin wrote these accounts was ... to get Bernazard's job for himself.

Evidently, Rubin very casually spoke to owner Fred Wilpon some time ago about the possibility of "how to get a front office job." The question was very off the cuff, was done away from the Mets and Rubin's focus of business--the team's new Citifield ballpark--and was asked very innocently.

Minaya claimed that Rubin's more direct line of fire was to "get" Bernazard in his column, and when that was accomplished, move in for the kill--get Bernazard's former job.

As you can expect, Rubin was taken aback by this accusation, as he was now the focus of the story, not Bernazard and not the Mets. Did he write his columns to "out" Bernazard?

Of course, anyone who knows the Mets' situation knows that this is bunk of the highest degree. In fact, Minaya later held another news conference, where he said he still backs his accusations but agreed with others that the way he presented them really wasn't professional.

To use Rubin as a scapegoat for the Mets' mess is deplorable. Obviously, Minaya, Mets Manager Jerry Manuel, and the coaching staff are on the hot seat, and if the Mets don't improve they will be gone by season's end.

That is the obvious. The less obvious facet of the entire episode is this: even if he asked the question innocently, why was Rubin asking the owner of the Mets about future job opportunities--and more importantly, why are Rubin's sportswriter brethren sticking up for him as if he were a martyr?

I read one columnist today who said that with the recent fate of many newspapers--some of which have gone under in recent months--it was a smart move for a sportswriter to be asking about future employment. Also, so many sportswriters have gone into the front office in the past--former commissioner Ford Frick is one--that it is a "natural" move.

I say that Rubin should have known better. Heck, I am a writer. If I went to a competing publication, or one of our advertisers or companies that we deal with, and asked a similar question on the side, and word got out to my boss, my rear end would be on the carpet immediately, and I would surely be at least reprimanded if not fired.

It is totally unethical to ask the owner of the team that you are reporting on about "job possibilities." In fact, Rubin initially hedged when asked about whether he had made such inquiries, but he later admitted to it.

The Mets are under a tremendous amount of pressure to be competitive this year. They have a new ballpark and they are the perennial second team in town, behind the Yankees--who also have a new ballpark and are currently making the most of it. The Mets have been killed by injuries to major players this year, and someone has to take the blame ...

And Omar Minaya has elected Adam Rubin as his blame representative.

How infantile. Minaya should be out on his tush soon too.

But Rubin--if I were the Daily News, I would call him on the carpet too. He is the proverbial cat who ate the canary, and the feathers are beginning to stick out of his mouth.

Stresa: Al Palaroby di Carciano va in scena "Il Mago di Oz"

La Città di Stresa, Assessorato alla Cultura ha organizzato per sabato 1 Agosto alle ore 21.15 presso il Palaroby di Carciano lo spettacolo teatrale "Il Mago di Oz" tratto dall'omonimo romanzo per ragazzi (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, 1900) di L. Frank Baum, illustrato da W.W. Denslow.
L'opera sarà messa in scena dalla Compagnia "Teatro dei Passi" nella versione di laboratorio teatrale con il coinvolgimento dei bambini e dei ragazzi presenti.

Per i Concerti Ciani recital del pianista Alberto Chines

Mercoledì 29 luglio alle 21.30, con ingresso gratuito, per il XX anno dei Festival Internazionali dell'Associazione Musicale Dino Ciani al Grand Hotel Regina Palace di Stresa si esibisce il pianista Alberto CHINES.
Nato a Palermo nel novembre del 1988, ha intrapreso lo studio del pianoforte all'età di sette anni, subito ottenendo i primi premi assoluti e riconoscimenti speciali per la migliore intrerpretazione ai concorsi nazionali ed internazionali cui ha partecipato.

J.P. Rameau da "Pieces de Clavecin"
Le Rappel des Oiseaux,

D. Scarlatti Sonata in sol minore (Erstausgabe)

D. Scarlatti Sonata in la magg. K.209

L. van Beethoven Sonata op.28

F. Chopin Variations Brillantes op.12

S. Prokofiev Sonata n.3 op.28

Alberto CHINES, pianista, nato a Palermo nel novembre del 1988, ha intrapreso lo studio del pianoforte all'età di sette anni, subito ottenendo i primi premi assoluti e riconoscimenti speciali per la migliore intrerpretazione ai concorsi nazionali ed internazionali cui ha partecipato.
Nel 2001, sotto la guida del M° Irene Inzerillo, ha frequentato corsi di specializzazione per ragazzi di particolare talento tenuti dal M° Franco Scala.
Dal 2005 è allievo effettivo dell'Accademia Pianistica Internazionale "Incontri col Maestro" di Imola, seguito dallo stesso Franco Scala.
E' stato più volte invitato a partecipare a Master Classess ed incontri con importanti docenti e personalità di rilievo del panorama concertistico internazionale tra i quali Andrea Lucchesini, Joaquim Soriano, Oleg Marshev, Bruno Canino, Dario De Rosa, Cedric Pescia, Gianluca Cascioli, Jin Ju, Riccardo Risaliti, Piero Rattalino.
Ha inoltre tenuto recital in molte importanti sale ed in diverse rassegne pianistiche, ed a soli quindici anni ha debuttato come solista presso il Teatro Massimo di Palermo.
Nel corso dei suoi studi ha maturato un grande interesse per il repertorio clavicembalistico e per la composizione.
Nel 2006, all'età di diciassette anni, ha conseguito il diploma di pianoforte con il massimo dei voti e la lode presso il Conservatorio "B. Maderna" di Cesena, dove frequenta l'ultimo anno di diploma di II livello di interpretazione strumentale solistica e d'insieme.
Attualmente affianca all'attività solistica diversi progetti di musica da camera.
Nell'ottobre del 2007 si è esibito presso la Sala Mozart dell'Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, all'interno di un ciclo di concerti dedicati all'integrale delle 32 Sonate di L. van Beethoven, riscuotendo ampi successi.
Ha inoltre preso parte all'importante manifestazione "Beethoven 32" organizzata dall'Accademia di Imola ed è stato chiamato a far parte, in qualità di giurato, della commissione del concorso pianistico "Città del Barocco" di Lecce.
Ha recentemente tenuto recitals presso l'auditorium della Rai di Palermo ed il Teatro del Sale di Firenze. Si esibisce nel XX anno dei Concerti dell'Associazione Musicale Dino Ciani al Grand Hotel Regina Palace di Stresa.

Il prossimo appuntamento con la rassegna Dino Ciani sarà venerdì 31 luglio alle 21.30, ingresso libero, al Grand Hotel Regina Palace con il pianista Mattia MISTRANGELO.

Direzione artistica prof.ssa Maria Lilia Bertola

Per info Associazione Dino Ciani: 335 60 83 581 -
Concerti Ciani 2009:
Concerti Ciani 2009 a Stresa:

Rant #53: It Isn't Even August Yet ...

For me, at least, we are in the dog days of summer.

This happens each and every year. It isn't even August yet, and the days are beginning to drag.

It has a lot to do with my place of business. We are in our busy season--we have a tremendous issue of our publication to get out--and I have been working real hard to make sure it gets out in a timely fashion.

There's lots of writing, lots of data entry, lots of statistics lots of fact checking, and lots of questions to be asked.

It is so huge that I feel like I am constantly running in place, even though I am sitting down.

Not only that, but my family's vacation this year, not even a month old, is just a distant memory right now. We watched some movies of what we did the other day, and boy, I wish I was down there in Florida now.

As I said in a previous post, the weather hasn't been that summer-like in this neck of the woods, although this week it looks like we will be in the 80s.

I think this issue that I am working on gets my goat every year. I think I am getting too old to be doing this ...

I guess I got the "Summertime Blues." (Thank you Eddie Cochran and later, Blue Cheer.)

But like clockwork, I will bounce back after this stuff is all done. I always do.

I guess everyone is allowed to feel down at times during the year, as long as you can pick yourself up. I am happy to say that I can do that, so my temporary depression won't last long.

And the Yankees won again. Of course, I was not there (they played the Rays in Florida), so that will always bring my spirits up! I should have known they were going to lose the game that I went to--I later found out it was Family Day for the players, where they can bring their families and play on the field with them after the game. Never go to a ballpark that has Family Day for the players--it means a lot of first-pitch swinging, and an attitude of "Let's get this over with so we can be with our family."

It's like many years ago, when I went to a local racetrack (one of the few times I ever did), I heard an old codger tell another oldster, "Never bet on a horse that takes a crap on the turf right before he is set to run," or something to that effect. It's the same thing--never go to Family Day unless you are prepared for a long afternoon of baseball on the down side.

Anyway, writing this has made me feel up! Now I can get back to work! Hooray!

Stresa: Aggiudicati i lavori per il nuovo porto


Si sono concluse ieri le operazioni di apertura delle buste dell'appalto integrato relativo al nuovo porto turistico della nostra città. Si è aggiudicata l'opera l'associazione temporanea d'impresa con capofila l'impresa Capogruppo Mandataria TEDDE SRL di OLBIA e Mandante l'impresa SI.CO.TEK. srl con sede legale a Roma e sede operativa a Gallarate. L'aggiudicazione provvisoria è avvenuta con un ribasso pari al 12,92% sul prezzo a base d'asta di euro 3.231.509,00. Seconda arrivata l'impresa Paolo Beltrami spa di Cremona con un ribasso del 10,65 %. A carico dell'aggiudicataria oltre all'esecuzione dei lavori anche la predisposizione del progetto esecutivo entro 90 giorni dall'aggiudicazione. L'inizio lavori è prevista dal cronoprogramma entro gennaio 2010.
In totale cinque le imprese partecipanti due delle quali sono state escluse in sede di ammissione alla gara ed una terza esclusa in sede di gara.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Venerdì incontro con gli "Amici della Croce Rossa ONLUS"

In occasione del ventennale di creazione del gruppo della Croce Rossa sez. Stresa è intenzione dei volontari organizzare una serie di eventi che portino alla ribalta l'associazione stessa. Si é incominciato con il coinvolgere gli studenti delle medie nella creazione del logo del ventennale di cui avete già dato notizia ed ora si è ideato l'incontro aperto al pubblico sul recente sisma che ha colpito l'Abruzzo. Tale iniziativa si svolgerà venerdì 31 luglio alle ore 21.00 presso la sala conferenze del Distretto Turistico dei Laghi sita in Italia a Stresa. Dopo una parte introduttiva sul terremoto, visto come elemento naturale e sulla organizzazione d'un campo d'accoglienza per sfollati vi sarà la parte esperienziale gestita dalle tre volontarie stresiane che hanno prestato la loro opera presso il campo di Centi Colella ( AQ ).

Fuochi d'artificio a Formazza: Applaudono in 10 mila

Diecimila nasi all’insù, domenica sera, alla Cascata del Toce, per ammirare lo spettacolo firmato dalla Parente Fireworks. Il salto di 145 metri delle acque del fiume è stato colorato da mille riflessi: l’effetto è stato quello di una gigantesca cascata di fuoco, almeno all’inizio dello show. Poi la bassa pressione, e l’insolita assenza di vento, ha causato un ristagno di fumo che ha coperto il paesaggio. I fuochi d’artificio (silenziosi per non spaventare gli animali selvatici) e i giochi di luce, hanno illuminato il cielo per circa 20 minuti. Sono stati preceduti da proiezioni di filmati dell’istituto Luce sulla costruzione delle dighe. Moltissimi i turisti che hanno raggiunto Sottofrua già nelle prime ore del pomeriggio, per la soddisfazione degli esercenti, che segnalavano posti letto esauriti e coperti aumentati del 75%: «Grazie all’ampio battage pubblicitario la Cascata del Toce si è fatta conoscere nell’area lombarda con un indotto che dovrebbe durare nel tempo - spiega il presidente del Distretto Turistico dei Laghi Antonio Longo Dorni -. Complimenti al comune di Formazza per le iniziative collaterali e a tutti coloro che hanno collaborato. E’ stata una serata magica». Dopo la cerimonia di apertura del Campionato mondiale di fuochi d’artificio a Fomazza, da questa settimana inizia la competizione vera a propria: appuntamento per sabato 1 agosto a Mergozzo con l’esibizione della Cina.(Art. di U.G. sulla Prealpina)

"Wasn't hard to read between the lines"

Totally new to the Demi Lovato fandom, but now I'm questioning why it took me so long. The reason Disney Channel music is so successful is because they've managed to pick a crop of artists that are, number one, pretty darn talented and, number two, actual songwriters. Lovato's second album may just be the most credible piece of music DisneyCorp has produced so far. What I love most about the cd is its total late 90's sound. There are shades of Tragic Kingdom, Jagged Little Pill, Pieces Of You and Left Of The Middle in there. That's not to say the record is as good as any of those landmarks, but it's still a marvel of "teen" pop. I almost posted the danceable and catchy-as-all-get-out Remember December (search for it, you won't be disappointed), but had to go with U Got Nothin' On Me. The chorus is great (including the inspired Def Leppard-esque chanting of the title), but it's the shimmery verses that send me over the edge. I love the way they're structured: build and release, build and release. They remind me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it. Whatever it is, this is (surprisingly) a record to check out.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)


Cine Fest Petrobras Brasil-NY
August 2-7, 2009
Brazilian Cinema’s Top Films
At the Tribeca Cinemas

If I Were You 2


Opening Day Kicks Off At Central Park’s SUMMERSTAGE
With A Spectacular Brazilian Party Including A Performance
From Sizzling Singer Sílvia Machete
And Screening Of The Most Successful Film
In The History of Brazilian Cinema…
If I Were You 2"

Silvia Machete
Headlines the Brazilian Film Fest Opening Party
Here in a performance clip from YouTube.
Link to
More Machete on YouTube.

Opening night kicks off on Sunday, August 2 at 7:00pm with an extravaganza at Central Park’s SummerStage featuring a concert by leading singer/entertainer/acrobat/pin-up Sílvia Machete, followed at 8:00pm by a screening of Daniel Filho’s comedy, “If I Were You 2,” the most successful film in the history of Brazilian Cinema.

Sílvia will perform songs from her latest release, “I’m Not a Saint,” in a show that mixes music, circus and theatre performances.

Silvia Machete

At last year’s kick off Opening Night event, over five thousand people partied through the day and night, and proved that Brazilian culture is undeniably contagious and wildly fun.

Then for the next six days and nights, the Tribeca Cinema will host five daily screenings showing the best of Brazilian filmmaking, all of them eligible for the 2009 Audience Award.

Among the highlighted films being screened during this annual festival:

The documentary “Simonal – Nobody Knows How Tough It Was,” directed by Cláudio Manoel, portrays the life of the famous 70’s singer.

Director José Alvarenga Jr’s, comedy “In Therapy,” deals with the pleasures and challenges of modern life.

Actress Letícia Sabatella makes her debut as a co-director with screenwriter Gringo Cardia in the documentary “Hotxuá”, a poetic view of the Indian tribe Krahô, a very smiley group that chooses a high priest of laugh.

Internationally famous cinematographer Walter Carvalho presents his latest film as a director, “Budapest”, based on the homonymous book by Brazilian singer Chico Buarque.

Many of the filmmakers and cast from the VII Cine Fest Petrobras Brasil-NY film presentations will be in New York to attend the festivities and participate in Q & A sessions following the films.



The Ballroom --- (Drama), directed by Laís Bodanzky, unfolds during an old-timers dance night in a ballroom in Sao Paulo and follows the dramas and joys of five couples attending the dance. The film mixes comedy and drama, while dealing with love, solitude, betrayal and lust in an environment full of music and dance. Note: The Ballroom, originally scheduled, has been replaced by THE CHILDREN'S ORCHESTRA (See below.)

Budapest (Drama), directed byWalter Carvalho, tells of José Costa, a Brazilian ghost writer. Returning from a ghost writer’s convention, his airplane is rerouted to Budapest, where his life is also rerouted when he meets Krista and with her help, learns "the only language in the world which, according to the tongue-wagers, the devil respects”.

Children's Orchestra

Children's Orchestra (Drama), directed Paulo Thiago, Mozart Viera, a 25-year old humanist and dreamer, creates a children’s woodwind orchestra in the poor dry Northeaster region of Brazil to play Mozart, Bach, Villa Lobos, etc. To help the orchestra, a governor creates the music and Life Foundation. Local leaders and the political mob ruling the region become envious of Mozart and try to manipulate him, but Mozart will not be controlled. Their hatred leads to the demoralization of the Foundation and finally its end. But with the strong reaction of the artist and the Church help end the judicial proceedings so that the Foundation can be reopened.

Favela On Blast (Documentary), directed by Leandro HBL and Wesley Pentz (DJ Diplo), is a documentary that shows the culture of funk carioca, a musical rhythm that merges the American electronic funk from the 1980s with several Brazilian sounds. Probably one of the most interesting musical movements in the world, the baile funk, has its roots in one of the most violent and poor places, the shanty towns in Rio de Janeiro.

The Herb Of The Rat (Drama), directed by Julio Bressane. He and She walk through a cemetery by the sea. Their names are just like the pronouns. They don’t know each other and they are the only living beings on site. At a certain moment She slips in a lose rock, tumbles and is saved by He. She is a teacher, her father died three days ago and now she is alone in this world. Since she is facing such a predicament, He offers to take care of her for as long as he lives. And this is the beginning of a strange relationship.

Hotxuá (Documentary), directed by Letícia Sabatella and Gringo Cardia, is a poetic record of the indigenous Krahô tribe, a smiling people which designate a high priest of laughter, called the Hotxuá, to strengthen and unite the group through joy.

If I Were You 2 (Comedy), directed by Daniel Filho, takes place after a first experience of exchanging bodies. Cláudio and Helena decide to divorce and, to make things worse, they find out that Bia, now a 18 year older, is about to get married – and that they will be grandparents. In the middle of the crisis, they exchange bodies once again.

In Therapy (Comedy), directed by José Alvarenga Jr.,tells the story of Mercedes, a forty-some year old woman that is dealing with the pleasures and challenges of modern life, decides, without being quite sure why, to start visiting a therapist.

Loki - Arnaldo Baptista

Loki - Arnaldo Baptista (Documentary), directed by Paulo Henrique Fontenelle, is a biopic of musician Arnaldo Baptista, ex-member of the Mutantes, told through the strokes of a painting done by the artist himself. The spectator is brought into his life through the painting and historical images that show the most important moments of his artistic career, showing how he became one of the most famous Brazilian rock stars.

Romance (Drama), directed by Guel Arraes. Is it possible to have a happy and reciprocal love? Theatre actor/director Pedro and actress Ana aren’t able to reach that conclusion before a new man enters her life and creates obstacles.

Saens Pena Square

Saens Peña Square (Drama), directed by Vinícius Reis, tells of high school teacher Paulo, his wife Teresa, a manager of a local foodstore, and their schoolage daughter Bel, that live in a rented flat in Sans Pena Square, the heart of Tijuca, an old and traditional suburb in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro. An unexpected and alluring job offer may have a profound effect on the routine of this family and even jeopardize a 20 year marriage.

Simonal – No One Knows How Tough It Was (Documentary), directed by Cláudio Manoel, Micael Langer and Calvito Leal, portrays the impressive trajectory of a former army private, that reigned sovereign in pop culture and ended up being ostracized for a crime he swore innocence. Was Simonal an informant during the Brazilian dictatorship? Was he friendly with the military? Or was his greatest crime being black, millionaire and a sex symbol in a country and time where racist was latent in the society?

Smoking I Wait (Documentary), directed by Adriana L. Dutra. In the attempt of quitting the addiction, a smoker decides to study the subject and produce a documentary where she will show her worries and the different aspects of what is considered the most lethal industry of the twentieth century.


Threshold (Drama), directed by Rafael Conde, narrates a story of love and mystery which takes place in an old house inhabited by the young Maria, whose fame as a saint extends well beyond the mountains of the interior of Brazil. The arrival of two new characters has a disturbing affect on Maria: a traveler, for whom “Holy Maria” develops an intense passion, and Aunt Emiliana, an elderly lady determined to prepare for the great miracle.

Veronica (Drama), directed by Mauricio Farias, is a public school teacher going through difficult times – childless, with an ailing mother and an ex-husband seeking reconcilliation that she’ll have none of. Everything changes when one of her students is left at school beyond hours and catch both up in a web of action.

Wandering Heart (Documentary), directed by Fernando Grostein Andrade, intimately follows acclaimed singer Caetano Veloso from São Paulo to New York and Japan, during the release of his first album recorded solely in English. It takes considerably more than a week-long series of shows at Carnegie Hall, accolades in the New York Times, or the admiration of friends like Pedro Almodóvar, David Byrne and Michelangelo Antonioni to make Caetano feel comfortable outside of Brazil.

Tickets are on sale at and are $10 for each film. The VII Cine Fest Petrobras Brasil-NY full program, schedule, film descriptions and ticket information can be found on or by calling 646-827-9333.