For me, at least, we are in the dog days of summer.
This happens each and every year. It isn't even August yet, and the days are beginning to drag.
It has a lot to do with my place of business. We are in our busy season--we have a tremendous issue of our publication to get out--and I have been working real hard to make sure it gets out in a timely fashion.
There's lots of writing, lots of data entry, lots of statistics lots of fact checking, and lots of questions to be asked.
It is so huge that I feel like I am constantly running in place, even though I am sitting down.
Not only that, but my family's vacation this year, not even a month old, is just a distant memory right now. We watched some movies of what we did the other day, and boy, I wish I was down there in Florida now.
As I said in a previous post, the weather hasn't been that summer-like in this neck of the woods, although this week it looks like we will be in the 80s.
I think this issue that I am working on gets my goat every year. I think I am getting too old to be doing this ...
I guess I got the "Summertime Blues." (Thank you Eddie Cochran and later, Blue Cheer.)
But like clockwork, I will bounce back after this stuff is all done. I always do.
I guess everyone is allowed to feel down at times during the year, as long as you can pick yourself up. I am happy to say that I can do that, so my temporary depression won't last long.
And the Yankees won again. Of course, I was not there (they played the Rays in Florida), so that will always bring my spirits up! I should have known they were going to lose the game that I went to--I later found out it was Family Day for the players, where they can bring their families and play on the field with them after the game. Never go to a ballpark that has Family Day for the players--it means a lot of first-pitch swinging, and an attitude of "Let's get this over with so we can be with our family."
It's like many years ago, when I went to a local racetrack (one of the few times I ever did), I heard an old codger tell another oldster, "Never bet on a horse that takes a crap on the turf right before he is set to run," or something to that effect. It's the same thing--never go to Family Day unless you are prepared for a long afternoon of baseball on the down side.
Anyway, writing this has made me feel up! Now I can get back to work! Hooray!
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